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  1. tiger15

    Perennial dead center question

    It makes sense that some plants and animal commit natural suicide as individual for the survival of the species. Cephalopods and annual are classic example. Technically, developing dead center is not suicide, just partial death, as the plant appears to move out in ring. Eventually, the dead...
  2. tam

    Perennial dead center question

    Irises are one that benefit from splitting and repotting - the most active growing tips are using working their way outwards. Grasses/reeds often benefit from splitting too. Perenial is basically anything that lives for more than a year though which is a very wide group and they grow in...
  3. hypnogogia

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Also plant lots of insect attracting plants such as lavender, digitalis etc.
  4. Onoma1

    Lack of insects in gardens

    On a slightly more positive note does anyone know of any ways in which we can help? My though was to build a small pond. import rotting logs, build insect 'hotels' provide areas of 'rough ground', no mow May & June. I do some of these but clealy need to do more...
  5. Onoma1

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Thank you for all the responses. It's dispiriting to realise that this isn't an anomaly. On a slightly tangential note I have opposed a planning application by a developer who prior to the planning application removed waggon loads of contaminated soil (heavy metals from mining and asbestos)...
  6. J

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hello hello. Today I came here to share some news on my aquarium I think I have fixed the UGF. I had a old power head laying around, so I fixed it (cleaned and painted it to be black again, it was a really old one) it was labelled as 950L/h. It runs like there is nothing to hinder it. Looks...

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Well climate change is having a massive effect global warming, caused by clearing the rainforests , fossil fuels and loss of natural habitats not for only the natural world but mankind , well @Onoma1 mentioned lack of Bees well we know in the UK they suffer with relentless rain , well we had...
  8. J

    Things you don't see everyday.

    Ish. 😀
  9. J

    I wasn't going to post....

    Thank you 😊
  10. Geoffrey Rea

    I wasn't going to post....

    Of course you are allowed John. Feel your care for him, rightly so. My hope is that this extends to anyone and everyone involved, we’re all just people. No one was operating from a place other than care for this forum. What has happened may have been divisive, but a forum members wellbeing and...
  11. Aquarium Gardens

    Feedback Fantastic & Honest

    Thanks Iain 😊 hope all is well your way.
  12. Aquarium Gardens

    Feedback Fantastic & Honest

    It was lovely to meet you, and a pleasure to help with your new scape 😊
  13. J

    I wasn't going to post....

    Don't doubt that for a second @Geoffrey Rea How's @Tim Harrison are we allowed to at least ask this question, or am I being sentimental?
  14. seedoubleyou

    Things you don't see everyday.

    England won a game.
  15. seedoubleyou

    I wasn't going to post....

    My view, Tim has voiced concerns to the forum (very much warranted) which has forced a few hands. The team are now working through it and I trust them all to resolve it. I’m personally happy to take their word for it that all is well, once they’ve ironed out any issues privately. In the interim...
  16. Geoffrey Rea

    I wasn't going to post....

    Understand the want for answers @castle and the sentiment @John q but, no news actually means we are all working our asses off on this one. Can only ask that everyone remains patient so the community is served with a maximal level of intelligence, foresight and care.
  17. J

    I wasn't going to post....

    We've all seen that Iain, unfortunately in this case no news is bad news. Without being disrespectful, the older members are asking a question, are we not deserving of an honest reply?
  18. J

    Things you don't see everyday.

    Well you don't see a Mustang Gt 350 every day do you 😉
  19. D

    Starting a Betta tank

    What would you say an ideal substrate depth is? I'm using inert sand and there's I've read that it should be anyway from 2-3", up to 10cm! My tanks only about 32cm tall.
  20. richardcunliffe

    First Aquascape

    Nice layout! Keep us posted!
  21. L

    First Aquascape

    Completed my first attempt at aquascaping. Looking forward to seeing it grow in! CO2 and Chihiros light What do you think?
  22. S

    Shallow emersed tank and aquaponics light

    Thanks! It's all quite new to me and my previous experience is only with some $20 nicrew lights.
  23. oreo57

    Shallow emersed tank and aquaponics light

    Considering you aren't "raising crops" of any kind yea mostly aesthetics.
  24. ElleDee

    Perennial dead center question

    Dead centers are, like you notes, associated with overcrowding. This is much easier to achieve in our gardens where the plants are pampered and are spared many of the growth suppressing factors they might have to contend with in the wild (drought, herbivory, poor soil, competition from other...
  25. S

    Shallow emersed tank and aquaponics light

    4.7" is with the base, the tank itself is around 3.5 deep. The overhang of the lights is indeed something to consider. Does the warms have much impact other than the aesthetics? I suspect "yes but it's complicated"
  26. S

    Shallow emersed tank and aquaponics light

    [woops, double comment]
  27. foxfish

    Lack of insects in gardens

    This shocking subject might well be discussed amongst certain groups of people but not often in my circle! It just seems such a dramatic and obviously critical situation but, the masses are turning a blind eye? There is a small island close to Guernsey called Sark, the island is largely...
  28. Z

    Biding Time (22 gal, no CO2)

    Don't envy you with those temps! The colours are looking beautiful
  29. tiger15

    Perennial dead center question

    Most aquatic plants are bog perennials, yet I've never heard that aquatic plants ever develop dead center, even grown semi emerged in ponds. Garden perennials are different and many will develop dead center after a few years. A common practice for gardeners is to dig out the dead center to...
  30. Z

    All That Remains - Take II

    Gorgeous fish!
  31. tigertim

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with chemicals, pesticides etc, its being one steady decline over the last 60 years thanks to the agrochemical industry, the over use by farmers, councils and gardners, add on to this a similiar 30% decline in earthworms and at some stage...
  32. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    New filter came a few days earlier than expected! So got that set up and added in the anubias nana bonsai: I put one bit on the back face of the rock too!
  33. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Thank you for the very detailed reply, bazz! I am intending to get some snails so I will be sure to get those first and leave the shrimp to last once I am sure it has all settled in
  34. oreo57

    Shallow emersed tank and aquaponics light

    There are 5 sizes from 8 to 30cm deep Your tank is 30x18x12 and the light is 40cm long. A bit off dimensionally. Max height 17" Tank height is 4.7". Does that include the base? The higher up the light the less light in the tank. The " usual" light used. As to aesthetics your light is much...
  35. J

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    A bit more detailed information that's not on the website @fablau Not sure if this is still the current breakdown of fert percentages, but it should be a good marker. APT1 APT3
  36. Iain Sutherland

    Feedback Fantastic & Honest

    Great to hear, Dave and his team always do an amazing job. The display tanks are inspirational and worth a visit alone!
  37. Iain Sutherland

    I wasn't going to post....

    UKAPS See Geoff's thread above, further info will come, but long term forum planning takes time and it cant be rushed 👍
  38. Vardo

    Hi everyone

    Funnily enough, I actually prefer the wild looking neocaridina 😄
  39. Bradders

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    They are indeed very compact—only 37 centimetres tall—but between the two, they hold around 8 litres of biomedia filter capacity. If you had no plants to help you, these two dinky little units would support 8 x 5-inch fish without blinking an eye. Considering I get them in a small space and...
  40. castle

    I wasn't going to post....

    Hi, I am wondering what the conclusion is to this? What’s the next steps for ukaps? What happened to the donations? Is financial transparency coming? Thanks @Dan Crawford @Geoffrey Rea @Stu Worrall @Zeus @LondonDragon
  41. Aqua sobriquet

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Gosh, those 250’s do look dinky. I’m wondering if I should get a 250 housing and the other shorter bits for my 350? I really don’t need all the media that’s in it and a shorter filter should make maintenance easier for me.
  42. bazz

    Hi everyone

    I agree with you 100%, and the money you would spend on fish could be put towards a nice strain of shrimp and maybe a couple of clithon snails or similar.
  43. Bradders

    All That Remains - Take II

    Nice pictures Gill. Agreed, I also have 'fun with flow'. I adjusted the flow on Friday and the fish have now all taken residence in different places - in fact, it has bought the cardinal tetras out a little more. It is interesting, isn't it?!
  44. Bradders

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    Hello @fablau - thanks for this. I would be interested in this as well! They have three core products for their range. I am not sure if this helps (I am a newbie to plant growing!), but I have included the links which contain the ingredients of each. APT ZERO - 2Hr Aquarist APT 1 APT COMPLETE...
  45. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Rainbow 🌈 photos, These are still so Skittish, and spend most of their time at the back of the tank amongst the swords & Vallis. Only way I can get pix is to tempt them out with crushed cichlid and carnivore pellets ( a salt grinder works great for crushing these up for everything to eat). The...
  46. bazz

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Shrimp really prefer a mature tank so ideally I would wait six weeks or so, but if/when after a couple of weeks you get a diatom outbreak I can see no problem adding 5 approx as long as the ammonia and nitrite levels have reduced to zero. If you are intending to keep a/some snails then it would...
  47. S

    Shallow emersed tank and aquaponics light

    Thank you! Somehow stupidly missed it... Any thoughts on the suitability of the light for the job?
  48. fablau

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    Yes, I think so. Do you have the specifics of that fertilizer?
  49. Bradders

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    That sounds like a promising start! Keep me in touch with findings @Superpuma1 ! My 2 x Oase 250's are quiet and stable - and I am still trying to find out why some units are not for others. Even those with 250's sometimes report high noise compared to other filters. When I place my iPhone...
  50. Superpuma1

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Just a small update since trimming the plants that were close’ish to the inlet strainer of my glass skimmer, l’m talking the lower inlet section ( which is fully open ) not the floating skimmer section, It’s probably too early to jump from the roof tops but since Thursday when l did the trim...
  51. oreo57

    Shallow emersed tank and aquaponics light

    You missed it in the manual: https://www.ikea.com/se/en/manuals/nysaettra-growing-set-white__AA-2351042-4-1.pdf
  52. ElleDee

    Biding Time (22 gal, no CO2)

    Y'all, it's been so hot and dry here. Of course, it's still humid, but no rain. Luckily we had a wet spring before this or it would be a lot worse, but the ground is crunchy, I'm working my butt off watering, and the coldest water I can get out of the tap is about 77F (25C), which is hotter than...
  53. S

    Shallow emersed tank and aquaponics light

    Hi! I scored one of those dooa shallow tanks and would want to try building one of those indoor swampy-looking things. I'd love to keep things budget and the current issue are the lights. In the ideal world, I'd get something resembling the ONF Flat Nano but stumbled upon this IKEA NYSÄTTRA...
  54. mrmikemaynard

    New Aquascape 90p

    Hey Okla. Did you go ahead with this plan? Did you get the classic nature style collection from aquarium gardens? What did you think of it? I'm thinking about getting the same...
  55. Andy Pierce

    DIY CO2

    Well that made me smile. Hate it when that happens! :p
  56. Vardo

    DIY CO2

  57. Vardo

    DIY CO2

    I've found that (200g citric acid + 600ml water) and (200g bicarbonate of soda+ 200ml water) running 24/7 at 1 bubble every 3 seconds lasts around 6-7 weeks and runs consistently until every last drop of acid has transferred into the bicarb. Just keep an eye on the pressure gauge towards the...
  58. Vardo

    DIY CO2

    Jun 2024 Just after a heavy pruning. Everything has been growing at an astounding rate. Since introducing the co2 I've been doing heavy pruning every 3-4 weeks. Lots of pearling from all the plants too.
  59. Vardo

    DIY CO2

    May 2024
  60. Vardo

    Hi everyone

    4+ months on. Having a battle with Blackbeard algae but it's starting to subside now. Also had a cyanobacteria flare up but after adjusting the fertilizer/co2 it's gone. The "DIY" co2 kit couldn't be better. It's very cheap to run and it's extremely efficient and consistent. I'll probably be...
  61. Vardo

    Hi everyone

  62. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Finally got the bubble rate sorted, it's about 2 bubbles per minute (tropica recommends 1 per minute for easy plants in a 10l but that was impossible!) I picked up an anubias bonsai today, I will be attaching it to the rock in several spots. I also ordered an Oase Filtosmart 60, the filter that...
  63. L

    Feedback Fantastic & Honest

    Visited this afternoon and left with a complete scape and CO2 system. Very helpful and will definitely be my go to shop for everything planted from now on.
  64. hypnogogia

    Songs from the Man Cave!

  65. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Tidal arrived. This is the biggest hob I've ever owned. The thing is a beast of a HOB. Really like the design: Built in skimmer Self priming Massive filter area - just filled with sponge atm. Maintenance level indicator, a little tube pops up when it needs cleaning. Whole filter basket locks in...
  66. A

    Fert advice

    Hi all, Thank you for your help and responds. Well I prefer always ask or look for an advice just to make sure if my way of thinking is correct. I will try to adjust TNC Complete in 3x or 4x dosing a week. I will maybe start 4x 3mls. . . So in total would then 12ml a week. Though...
  67. bazz

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Looks nice whatever it is.
  68. C

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    Hi, can 2hr aquarist's ferts be added to the list? thank youuu:)
  69. Scaperinc

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Can anyone help identify what this is ? Most likely a moss similar to fissidens fontana but slightly different. I never introduced it to my aquarium
  70. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Gave the fish a cube of bloodworms earlier. They finished it quite quickly so I might have to give them 2 cubes sometimes. Noticed that one of my CW155 seems to have lost a barbel. All of his other barbels are intact and all the other fish have all their barbels. The substrate is fine sand so...
  71. Maf 2500


    The Idles set last night was good entertainment, they were the only band I managed to sit through the whole way (and I am not what would be considered a fan, I only vaguely know a few tracks from the radio). Plenty of guitars and attitude. Hopefully the BBC don't censor the iplayer footage...
  72. SamTheMan


    Haven't tried it myself but I've heard from multiple sources that as long as its fully dry its good
  73. SamTheMan

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    Even in my heavily planted 200L when a fish dies (very rarely) they go unnoticed and eaten by the plants and plecos in there. i recently lost a small choprae danio from old age I'm assuming, and its body came into the foreground and was gone in 12 hours from the army of snails and other critters
  74. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    I was recently gifted some Anubias pinto and Anubias jade. Also traded my Bacopa salzmannii for some Bucephalandra 20240629_183247 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr 20240629_183259 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr 20240629_183422 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr
  75. Cazza


    Not really aware of the lineup this year, but my niece is playing two slots- one on her own and one as part of Jordan Rakai's band. So chuffed for her!
  76. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    The fish in his breeding set ups are all doing fine though and they are in smaller tanks than the one in which the fish died. Not sure what happened. I was going to rest but after hearing about his tank I decided to do a big water change. Glad I did because I actually feel a little better after...


    It's Glastonbury but things are not what they were, Where are all the Bands, guitarists . Perhaps there are some there?

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Probably a combination of things climate change, and human disregard
  79. Bradders

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    That could be septicemia, which is caused by a bacterial infection. If it were, it would have a high mortality rate, which would explain a lot of deaths in a short space. Definitely, it is time to ensure the aquarium has lots of filtration and increased maintenance. Even with antibiotics, the...
  80. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    I'm supposed to do maintenance for my tanks this weekend but I am a little sick at the moment. My head hurts so much. I might skip the maintenance this week if I'm not better tomorrow. A friend of mine went for a short trip to Malaysia and came back to 13 dead Corydoras with red blotches on...
  81. Bradders


    That is a VERY young Johnny Cash!
  82. bazz

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    @Aquarium Gardens @Horizon Aquatics :thumbup: or Aquarium Plants from Aquarium Gardens UK | Live Aquatic Tropical Tank Plants Horizon Aquatics
  83. bazz


    That's a lovely looking tank!
  84. Andy Pierce

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    Well, just for funzies I picked up one of these Dennerle checkers and I really like it! Gives a nice accurate reading under regular lighting. Pricey and a bit of a faff to fill, but I'm happy. One weird thing though... the suction cup holding it to the tank wall is made of black...
  85. L

    Co2 Advice for 340l Tank

    That would mean putting back pressure on the filter with dropping it down to 16mm pipework. I can rig a bypass up but it’s messy. Thinking more an Eheim or something.
  86. MichaelJ

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    .... More relevant than ever... And this... Cheers, Michael
  87. Tanksy

    Artificial oyster rocks can replace reef rocks used for biological filtration in marine aquariums

    Let me say that I'm not an expert. I'm just trying to think logically. Now, it's funny you mentioned Dr Tim, because I followed his advice when I cycled my tank. I watched "Dr Hovanec: How to harness bacteria to cycle your saltwater tank quickly" on You tube and he said that nitrifiers grow...
  88. C

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Hi thanks for in put the light is the fluval 2.0 and it's set at about 70% and it can be increased I've had it at this level because of the plants I currently have, I've recently added some crypt and I cut them down to the white part just above the roots so I don't get any melting as it...
  89. MichaelJ


  90. MichaelJ


    Yes, we got some catastrophic flooding going on here across the state - not just dams - so far two people have died from driving in a flooded area otherwise it’s “only” property damage ... two Dams failed or partially failed so far and more are seriously strained. One is Rapidan Dam on the Blue...
  91. Bradders

    Co2 Advice for 340l Tank

    I would also suggest, with a tank that size @Lincs Planter, that the 2nd filter is a must for redundancy. Another FX4 or FX6 wont hurt!
  92. dw1305

    S. Repens suddenly turning yellow and holey

    Hi all, Yes. Yes, ideally really need one where the nitrogen source is mainly nitrate (NO3-), or urea (CO(NH2)2), rather <"than ammonia / ammonium (NH3 / NH4+)">. cheers Darrel
  93. dw1305

    Artificial oyster rocks can replace reef rocks used for biological filtration in marine aquariums

    Hi all, That is an <"unknown unknown">, but I'm willing to bet (probably not appropriate at the moment) that some will. There is research from Marine Aquaculture looking at the effect of temperature on the microbial assemblage in biofilters <"Abundance and Diversity of Nitrifying...
  94. V

    S. Repens suddenly turning yellow and holey

    Ah, I've actually got a bottle of Tropica Specialised Nutrion at home that I've not found a use for so far. So maybe I should start dosing that? Regarding hydropnic fertiliser, are you saying I could in the future replace aquarium fertilisers with basically any hydroponic fertiliser, or is...
  95. dw1305

    S. Repens suddenly turning yellow and holey

    Hi all, <"TNC complete"> or <"Tropica Specialised Nutrition">? There is <"nothing wrong with these">, but I'm not going to take part in the <"World's most Expensive water"> contest, so I use <"a hydroponic fertiliser">. I'm not sure what is available to you in Sweden. cheers Darrel
  96. L

    Co2 Advice for 340l Tank

    You don’t even need a filter to run it; you could hook your reactor up to a DC pump and use that to push water through it. In the US, 5lb tanks are very common. I have a 500L tank and the 5lb tank lasts 4+ months, with a pH drop of 1.1 or so. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  97. R

    New aquarium required.

    Went with the Waterbox Eden 40, has just been delivered today. Been contemplating putting a Fluval 407 on it. Is that way too much of a filter for this tank?
  98. Tanksy

    Artificial oyster rocks can replace reef rocks used for biological filtration in marine aquariums

    I guess you could. However, I don't know if the bacteria species from the UK sea, which is colder than the tropics, could survive the temperature of a reef tank. Bacteria diversity increases in the mid latitude of both hemispheres (20–40 °N for N. Atlantic, 30-40°S for S. Atlantic), where the...
  99. D

    Aquatic plants of India

    @castle heres a photo of rotala serpyllifolia from its wild habitat to my tank but i was not able to save or grow it with me and i lost it completely even trued growing emmersed but no luck there as well
  100. D


    Have shifted my focus more towards the epiphyte side of the aquatic plants hve more then 30-40 varieties including some of the rarest as well like bg-11 and wild caught pink martini/varegated pink buce