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New Aquascape 90p


New Member
9 Jun 2024
London uk
I have two fish thanks 90/50cm so going to attempt to do proper aquascapes.
I have had fish tanks for a long time with a lot of different fish and some plants to go with it. I always had good success with fish, plants not so much with demanding plants. But could grow some of the plants very well, so now I want to try to do dutch style and nature style. To do this I think I’ll need some help and guidance if possible, I know most of the basics, but one thing I’m lacking is knowledge of plants and placement of them to compliment each other and for nature style hard scape I may need help and of course placement of plants.
This is what I have so far:
Nature style,
Some old Tropica soil and seachem black sand mixed together, that I’m thinking to put as base substrate with some API root tabs.
On top of that I was going to put mano base black. I have some wood and stone to go with all of that. Also form aquarium gardens this selection of plants,

Classic Nature Style Collection for up to 36" Tank​

I have oase biomaster 600 to go on that tank if that will be inadequate if not I have eheim pro 3 2075 to go with it.
Dutch style,
Tropica aquasoil API root tabs, biomaster 850 if that is enough if not I have Fluval 307 to go with it.
Lights for both are going to be chihiros wrgb 2 pro, still waiting for delivery from riverwood hopefully it will be soon.
If you have any advice on this please feel free to share.
Once everything is ready for set ups, I’ll post some pictures and maybe I can get further advice.
By the way, oase very noisy😊
Hey Okla. Did you go ahead with this plan? Did you get the classic nature style collection from aquarium gardens? What did you think of it? I'm thinking about getting the same...