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For some strange reason I've been keeping my eye on the dam rupturing and flooding in Minnesota, you OK @MichaelJ or anyone else from there for that matter?

Yes, we got some catastrophic flooding going on here across the state - not just dams - so far two people have died from driving in a flooded area otherwise it’s “only” property damage ... two Dams failed or partially failed so far and more are seriously strained. One is Rapidan Dam on the Blue Earth River - the one that got the most media coverage - the other is the Sullivan Dam on the Sullivan Lake, a 100 year old logging dam in northern Minnesota - almost the whole damn lake drained into the Sullivan creek ... 😱

I live on a lake myself near the saint Croix river. The river is almost at an all time high and many houses are flooded or partially flooded. The water level on the lake I’m living on is very high as well but no risk of flooding anyones property as the lake sits at least 20-30 ft below the surrounding properties.

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