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90x30x30 low maintenance

Thank you - hmm, sounds like a particularly sensitive species...? It's a shame as I really love the look of it. I'm glad you've got some that is working for your tank. I'll probably give it a try and see what happens.
It might be that the ones I bought were infected with something at the farm? For the ones I tried propagating, perhaps I cut them with scissors that weren't sharp enough. Their rhizomes can get quite thick.

Sharing couple of pictures! So weird that these aren't Corydoras anymore

Brochis sp CW155
20240617_224024 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr

Hoplisoma caudimaculatum and one Hoplisoma sp CW027
20240617_224239 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr
I took a day off work today so I did a big water change this morning.

Was looking at the tank and realised that one of my ember tetras seems to have sustained a bit of damage on his dorsal fin. The tip of his dorsal looks pretty much gone. I do recall having one with a dodgy dorsal fin but that was years ago so I don't think it's this same individual. Doesn't look like it's rotting or fuzzy so I'm hoping it heals over soon. When I picked up my CW027s they all had torn up dorsals which healed up in a matter of days so I think he will be fine.

Anyway, here's a picture of more fish:

CW027 and CW051
20240619_215113 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr
Not sure what happened but I saw a little rotting on the Anubias 'jade, where I last made a cut. I suspect that I didn't cut cleanly enough that time. I really should get a new pair of scissors. Had to remove a chunk of rhizome but thankfully it wasn't a lot.

Here's what's left of it which is still a good amount plus the one I propagated is growing.
20240621_213800 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr

Happy to see some new growth on the Anubias coffeefolia
20240621_212850 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr
I'm supposed to do maintenance for my tanks this weekend but I am a little sick at the moment. My head hurts so much. I might skip the maintenance this week if I'm not better tomorrow.

A friend of mine went for a short trip to Malaysia and came back to 13 dead Corydoras with red blotches on their body. I am thankful that I've never encountered such an issue but it does make me wonder what causes it. I thought it might be a bacterial issue caused by high temperatures as Corydoras don't like overly warm water but I have two CW51s in an unchilled quarantine tank and they appear to be fine.

I might do a water change later in the evening if I'm feeling up to it. Otherwise i'll just rest.
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A friend of mine went for a short trip to Malaysia and came back to 13 dead Corydoras with red blotches on their body.
That could be septicemia, which is caused by a bacterial infection. If it were, it would have a high mortality rate, which would explain a lot of deaths in a short space.

Definitely, it is time to ensure the aquarium has lots of filtration and increased maintenance. Even with antibiotics, the recovery rate is hardgoing.
That could be septicemia, which is caused by a bacterial infection. If it were, it would have a high mortality rate, which would explain a lot of deaths in a short space.

Definitely, it is time to ensure the aquarium has lots of filtration and increased maintenance. Even with antibiotics, the recovery rate is hardgoing.
The fish in his breeding set ups are all doing fine though and they are in smaller tanks than the one in which the fish died. Not sure what happened.

I was going to rest but after hearing about his tank I decided to do a big water change. Glad I did because I actually feel a little better after doing it!
Gave the fish a cube of bloodworms earlier. They finished it quite quickly so I might have to give them 2 cubes sometimes.

Noticed that one of my CW155 seems to have lost a barbel. All of his other barbels are intact and all the other fish have all their barbels. The substrate is fine sand so I'm not sure how he lost it and it stresses me out a little because I don't want to have to isolate him when they are so difficult to net.

My two CW51s grew their barbels back from almost nothing, so I hope this guy will grow his back without incident.