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All That Remains - Take II

I've gone for a Tidal 110. Don't think k I've had one of seachem filters before. And I can mess about with planting up the compartment with creepers/climbers etc.
Think I'll just fill it with bio balls and rings for surface area colonisation.

Also for the heat we're 🔥 having atm have added a venturi to the internal to add more oxygenation to the water for a while.
And I'm ordering the Nano this weekend for my desk.
I didn't get on with the APS one very well.
So going back to the tried and tested nano I've used in the past.
Will catch some shrimp from the main tank and add to it once ready. I left the hatdscape from the badis tank in here. So that I could let the plants etc grow on nicely undisturbed.
Think I'll just fill it with bio balls and rings for surface area colonisation.
Just a suggestion, but instead of bioballs and ceramic rings, why not fill it up with K1 media?

The surface area on the K1 is significantly more. I know you have a lot of plants and other filters anyway - but if you are going to fill it up with something try 3 litres of that.
Just a suggestion, but instead of bioballs and ceramic rings, why not fill it up with K1 media?

The surface area on the K1 is significantly more. I know you have a lot of plants and other filters anyway - but if you are going to fill it up with something try 3 litres of that.

I'm a fan of K1 style plastic media too, but they won't work as well in a Tidal filter as its a bottom-up flow design, so the media would end up getting pushed over the weir if loose unless you add some sort of DIY grill. You could put it in a bag, but you risk a lot of bypass unless it's wedged in.
I'm a fan of K1 style plastic media too, but they won't work as well in a Tidal filter as its a bottom-up flow design, so the media would end up getting pushed over the weir if loose unless you add some sort of DIY grill. You could put it in a bag, but you risk a lot of bypass unless it's wedged in.
Ahhhh - got it. Should have checked that. Yes, good point indeed. I recant my last suggestion! :D
Tidal arrived. This is the biggest hob I've ever owned. The thing is a beast of a HOB.
Really like the design:
Built in skimmer
Self priming
Massive filter area - just filled with sponge atm.
Maintenance level indicator, a little tube pops up when it needs cleaning.
Whole filter basket locks in place and can be detached and lifted without turning off the filter.
Kicks out alot of flow.
Flow dial very easy to adjust
Even has a clip to attach a heater to the side of the intake area.

I'll plant it up with some hydrocytle when I can get some.


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Rainbow 🌈 photos,
These are still so Skittish, and spend most of their time at the back of the tank amongst the swords & Vallis. Only way I can get pix is to tempt them out with crushed cichlid and carnivore pellets ( a salt grinder works great for crushing these up for everything to eat). The Dom male is looking good. Hoping the rainbow colours show them soon.

Also I find it interesting that the flow dictates where fish gather as a group in the tank.
When I had linear flow going along the back to the left edge. The minnows would all gather above the guppy grass.
Now that I've added the tidal and the flow is crossed linear along the back and middle of the tank back to front. They have now gathered amongst the lilly stems, just to the side of the flow from the tidal.and the scissor tails have changed to higher up and to the right of the tidal flow instead of deeper towards the sand.

Now that the yellow Convicts are getting bigger they are actively helping with the snail population, I can see them investigating anywhere there may be clutches of eggs. And devouring them like rams do. Not that there is ever going to be a shortage of snails for the murder beans.

And have platties always been so big, the blue females are HUGE, they are looking more like limias than platties with the body shape and depth to them. I suppose cause I been been coral reds for so long normally and they stay small.

I'm going to make a start on planting up the back rim of the tank aswell soon. Will take a trip to Morries after work and have a look what's in the plant tables etc. And going to use garden ties to attach to the back and hook over.


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Nice pictures Gill.
Also I find it interesting that the flow dictates where fish gather as a group in the tank.
When I had linear flow going along the back to the left edge. The minnows would all gather above the guppy grass.
Now that I've added the tidal and the flow is crossed linear along the back and middle of the tank back to front. They have now gathered amongst the lilly stems, just to the side of the flow from the tidal.and the scissor tails have changed to higher up and to the right of the tidal flow instead of deeper towards the sand.
Agreed, I also have 'fun with flow'. I adjusted the flow on Friday and the fish have now all taken residence in different places - in fact, it has bought the cardinal tetras out a little more. It is interesting, isn't it?!