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Nutrient Dosing Calculator

I think when Rotala targets the EI dose it focuses on the [Fe] only @fablau may be able to confirm this.
Yes, correct ;)

We are hoping to have a new fert calculator out for Xmas, which should make DIY fert much easier, but with a 60L tank is it worth the effort? all depends if you wish to dose at FULL EI levels or at TSN levels - If going for full EI levels- Yes, if TSN levels then no IMO

Great! And sorry if I am late here!
We are hoping to have a new fert calculator out for Xmas, which should make DIY fert much easier, but with a 60L tank is it worth the effort? all depends if you wish to dose at FULL EI levels or at TSN levels - If going for full EI levels- Yes, if TSN levels then no IMO
Ready to roll: IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator
Not sure if it's my crappy Chromebook laptop but I cannot open any of the calculators. Are they down or is it my computer?
Hello @fablau - thanks for this. I would be interested in this as well!

They have three core products for their range. I am not sure if this helps (I am a newbie to plant growing!), but I have included the links which contain the ingredients of each.
Do you have the specifics of that fertilizer?
A bit more detailed information that's not on the website @fablau
Not sure if this is still the current breakdown of fert percentages, but it should be a good marker.

