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Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

Let me know how it goes!
Just a small update since trimming the plants that were close’ish to the inlet strainer of my glass skimmer, l’m talking the lower inlet section ( which is fully open ) not the floating skimmer section,

It’s probably too early to jump from the roof tops but since Thursday when l did the trim the whole set up has been faultless and silent, l’m amazed. Could just a few lower nicely growing Amazon Sword stems/leaves that were “in the area” of the intake grid have affected the flow to it so much as to create the daft bobbing, air sucking and eventual sinking of the surface skimmer? All l’ve done is trim any vegetation in the line of flow and it’s back to normal.

Time will tell…….
Time will tell…….
That sounds like a promising start! Keep me in touch with findings @Superpuma1 !

My 2 x Oase 250's are quiet and stable - and I am still trying to find out why some units are not for others. Even those with 250's sometimes report high noise compared to other filters.

When I place my iPhone 'dB Meter' app very close to both running units (using dB-A), it measures only 42 dB on average and is very quiet to the ear. Also, after the initial settling-in period post-maintenance, almost no air escapes.

Gosh, those 250’s do look dinky. I’m wondering if I should get a 250 housing and the other shorter bits for my 350?
I really don’t need all the media that’s in it and a shorter filter should make maintenance easier for me.
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Gosh, those 250’s do look dinky. I’m wondering if I should a 250 housing and the other shorter bits for my 350?
They are indeed very compact—only 37 centimetres tall—but between the two, they hold around 8 litres of biomedia filter capacity. If you had no plants to help you, these two dinky little units would support 8 x 5-inch fish without blinking an eye.

Considering I get them in a small space and they provide redundancy, I really like them - even with their little quirks!
@Superpuma1 - are we still tickled pink? Or has the filter reverted to old practises?
@Superpuma1 - are we still tickled pink? Or has the filter reverted to old practises?
Still tickled pink👍.
Don’t know about others but l’m finding that when using the Biomaster 600 in combination with a glass surface skimmer it’s paramount to keep the strainer section ( not the skimmer, the standard return part ) clear of debris and algae build up and keep any vegetation in close proximity to the same strainer trimmed. For me failing to do so results in bobbing of the skimmer, sucking in air, all manner of racket from the filter.
Well, another few months and another issue with the inlet/outlet head. I'm starting to think this might be me, but I really cannot understand with the caution I place over the removal/replacement of this how I might be doing it.

Would anyone with an engineering mind be able to offer any insights? I can't even work to how its getting sheered off in that fashion....

I think part of the problem is that it’s not easy to release that part by lifting it perfectly vertically. At least not for me.
I have to jiggle it a little to get it out. Another issue is that the O rings may be a bit dry? One thing I try to remember with any filter is to lubricate the O rings whether I think they need it or not.
Looking at your picture, there isn’t a lot of material near the break. It might possibly reduce the flow very slightly but perhaps it’s another part that needs a redesign by making the plastic a bit thicker in that area?
Maybe worth contacting Oase about the issue?
I could sleeve the pipe to affect a repair if needed (I have a lathe and some plastic rod) I’m worried enough that I bought a spare, just in case.
@Bradders, how annoying. Looks odd that it’s sheered off given that it’s a straighforward insertion. Do you make sure make sure it’s always fully inserted before you lock it in place? Just wondering if there’s excessive force used when locking if it’s not properly inserted.
Thanks, @Aqua sobriquet - very kind, but I have invoked my spare! Am now ordering another! It must be something to do with the recess where the ring sits - some weakness that does not take a lot to send it over the edge.

@hypnogogia - it is annoying, and I wish I could understand it! In fact, I wish it was something I was doing so I could stop doing it. I dont think I am forcing it - especially as I know this is a weakness. I need to really pay extra focus when doing this to see if I can understand what it is.
You mean the bit that got shaved off @Aqua sobriquet ? Sadly, I can no longer locate that bit!
A bit of an update since my upgrade.

I need to lubricate the o-rings and seals throughout the filter, and keep them lubricated (in particular the pre-filter) to ensure the filter is not slowly sucking in air.

I now find with the new concave upgade (inc prefilter pipe) the following:
  • The filter still needs to be gently rocked after for example cleaning the prefilter to release all the trapped air.
  • Releasing the air via rocking, is a quicker task 🙂
  • The filter overall is quieter in operation 🙂
  • The filter appears to be more consistent in power, therefore I get less of the intake skimmer 'bobbing'
So overall there are benefits, but I still have to do some 'rocking' to release air in the first instance.

For what it's worth, I have virtually no purging from my early (2019-ish) 600. I used to get a fair amount of it, not continuous but noticeable amounts each day. The only change I've made is to remove the layer or filter floss prior to the top layer of biomedia that I used to run. I also run a course sponge in the pre-filter but have done that since day one. In my case it appears to have been perhaps a restriction in flow causing air to be drawn in somewhere?

To be really scientific, I'll try to remember to stick some floss back in next time I've got it apart and see if the purging returns.

However, I'm very much interested in the upgrades discussed in this thread as I hate being able to hear the hum of the filter so anything that may help reduce that is worth a try.