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  1. oreo57

    Shallow emersed tank and aquaponics light

    You missed it in the manual: https://www.ikea.com/se/en/manuals/nysaettra-growing-set-white__AA-2351042-4-1.pdf
  2. ElleDee

    Biding Time (22 gal, no CO2)

    Y'all, it's been so hot and dry here. Of course, it's still humid, but no rain. Luckily we had a wet spring before this or it would be a lot worse, but the ground is crunchy, I'm working my butt off watering, and the coldest water I can get out of the tap is about 77F (25C), which is hotter than...
  3. S

    Shallow emersed tank and aquaponics light

    Hi! I scored one of those dooa shallow tanks and would want to try building one of those indoor swampy-looking things. I'd love to keep things budget and the current issue are the lights. In the ideal world, I'd get something resembling the ONF Flat Nano but stumbled upon this IKEA NYSÄTTRA...
  4. M

    New Aquascape 90p

    Hey Okla. Did you go ahead with this plan? Did you get the classic nature style collection from aquarium gardens? What did you think of it? I'm thinking about getting the same...
  5. Andy Pierce

    DIY CO2

    Well that made me smile. Hate it when that happens! :p
  6. Vardo

    DIY CO2

  7. Vardo

    DIY CO2

    I've found that (200g citric acid + 600ml water) and (200g bicarbonate of soda+ 200ml water) running 24/7 at 1 bubble every 3 seconds lasts around 6-7 weeks and runs consistently until every last drop of acid has transferred into the bicarb. Just keep an eye on the pressure gauge towards the...
  8. Vardo

    DIY CO2

    Jun 2024 Just after a heavy pruning. Everything has been growing at an astounding rate. Since introducing the co2 I've been doing heavy pruning every 3-4 weeks. Lots of pearling from all the plants too.
  9. Vardo

    DIY CO2

    May 2024
  10. Vardo

    Hi everyone

    4+ months on. Having a battle with Blackbeard algae but it's starting to subside now. Also had a cyanobacteria flare up but after adjusting the fertilizer/co2 it's gone. The "DIY" co2 kit couldn't be better. It's very cheap to run and it's extremely efficient and consistent. I'll probably be...
  11. Vardo

    Hi everyone

  12. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Finally got the bubble rate sorted, it's about 2 bubbles per minute (tropica recommends 1 per minute for easy plants in a 10l but that was impossible!) I picked up an anubias bonsai today, I will be attaching it to the rock in several spots. I also ordered an Oase Filtosmart 60, the filter that...
  13. L

    Feedback Fantastic & Honest

    Visited this afternoon and left with a complete scape and CO2 system. Very helpful and will definitely be my go to shop for everything planted from now on.
  14. hypnogogia

    Songs from the Man Cave!

  15. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Tidal arrived. This is the biggest hob I've ever owned. The thing is a beast of a HOB. Really like the design: Built in skimmer Self priming Massive filter area - just filled with sponge atm. Maintenance level indicator, a little tube pops up when it needs cleaning. Whole filter basket locks in...
  16. A

    Fert advice

    Hi all, Thank you for your help and responds. Well I prefer always ask or look for an advice just to make sure if my way of thinking is correct. I will try to adjust TNC Complete in 3x or 4x dosing a week. I will maybe start 4x 3mls. . . So in total would then 12ml a week. Though...
  17. bazz

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Looks nice whatever it is.
  18. C

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    Hi, can 2hr aquarist's ferts be added to the list? thank youuu:)
  19. Scaperinc

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Can anyone help identify what this is ? Most likely a moss similar to fissidens fontana but slightly different. I never introduced it to my aquarium
  20. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Gave the fish a cube of bloodworms earlier. They finished it quite quickly so I might have to give them 2 cubes sometimes. Noticed that one of my CW155 seems to have lost a barbel. All of his other barbels are intact and all the other fish have all their barbels. The substrate is fine sand so...
  21. Maf 2500


    The Idles set last night was good entertainment, they were the only band I managed to sit through the whole way (and I am not what would be considered a fan, I only vaguely know a few tracks from the radio). Plenty of guitars and attitude. Hopefully the BBC don't censor the iplayer footage...
  22. SamTheMan


    Haven't tried it myself but I've heard from multiple sources that as long as its fully dry its good
  23. SamTheMan

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    Even in my heavily planted 200L when a fish dies (very rarely) they go unnoticed and eaten by the plants and plecos in there. i recently lost a small choprae danio from old age I'm assuming, and its body came into the foreground and was gone in 12 hours from the army of snails and other critters
  24. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    I was recently gifted some Anubias pinto and Anubias jade. Also traded my Bacopa salzmannii for some Bucephalandra 20240629_183247 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr 20240629_183259 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr 20240629_183422 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr
  25. Cazza


    Not really aware of the lineup this year, but my niece is playing two slots- one on her own and one as part of Jordan Rakai's band. So chuffed for her!
  26. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    The fish in his breeding set ups are all doing fine though and they are in smaller tanks than the one in which the fish died. Not sure what happened. I was going to rest but after hearing about his tank I decided to do a big water change. Glad I did because I actually feel a little better after...


    It's Glastonbury but things are not what they were, Where are all the Bands, guitarists . Perhaps there are some there?

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Probably a combination of things climate change, and human disregard
  29. Bradders

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    That could be septicemia, which is caused by a bacterial infection. If it were, it would have a high mortality rate, which would explain a lot of deaths in a short space. Definitely, it is time to ensure the aquarium has lots of filtration and increased maintenance. Even with antibiotics, the...
  30. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    I'm supposed to do maintenance for my tanks this weekend but I am a little sick at the moment. My head hurts so much. I might skip the maintenance this week if I'm not better tomorrow. A friend of mine went for a short trip to Malaysia and came back to 13 dead Corydoras with red blotches on...
  31. Bradders


    That is a VERY young Johnny Cash!
  32. bazz

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    @Aquarium Gardens @Horizon Aquatics :thumbup: or Aquarium Plants from Aquarium Gardens UK | Live Aquatic Tropical Tank Plants Horizon Aquatics
  33. bazz


    That's a lovely looking tank!
  34. Andy Pierce

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    Well, just for funzies I picked up one of these Dennerle checkers and I really like it! Gives a nice accurate reading under regular lighting. Pricey and a bit of a faff to fill, but I'm happy. One weird thing though... the suction cup holding it to the tank wall is made of black...
  35. L

    Co2 Advice for 340l Tank

    That would mean putting back pressure on the filter with dropping it down to 16mm pipework. I can rig a bypass up but it’s messy. Thinking more an Eheim or something.
  36. MichaelJ

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    .... More relevant than ever... And this... Cheers, Michael
  37. Tanksy

    Artificial oyster rocks can replace reef rocks used for biological filtration in marine aquariums

    Let me say that I'm not an expert. I'm just trying to think logically. Now, it's funny you mentioned Dr Tim, because I followed his advice when I cycled my tank. I watched "Dr Hovanec: How to harness bacteria to cycle your saltwater tank quickly" on You tube and he said that nitrifiers grow...
  38. C

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Hi thanks for in put the light is the fluval 2.0 and it's set at about 70% and it can be increased I've had it at this level because of the plants I currently have, I've recently added some crypt and I cut them down to the white part just above the roots so I don't get any melting as it...
  39. MichaelJ


  40. MichaelJ


    Yes, we got some catastrophic flooding going on here across the state - not just dams - so far two people have died from driving in a flooded area otherwise it’s “only” property damage ... two Dams failed or partially failed so far and more are seriously strained. One is Rapidan Dam on the Blue...
  41. Bradders

    Co2 Advice for 340l Tank

    I would also suggest, with a tank that size @Lincs Planter, that the 2nd filter is a must for redundancy. Another FX4 or FX6 wont hurt!
  42. dw1305

    S. Repens suddenly turning yellow and holey

    Hi all, Yes. Yes, ideally really need one where the nitrogen source is mainly nitrate (NO3-), or urea (CO(NH2)2), rather <"than ammonia / ammonium (NH3 / NH4+)">. cheers Darrel
  43. dw1305

    Artificial oyster rocks can replace reef rocks used for biological filtration in marine aquariums

    Hi all, That is an <"unknown unknown">, but I'm willing to bet (probably not appropriate at the moment) that some will. There is research from Marine Aquaculture looking at the effect of temperature on the microbial assemblage in biofilters <"Abundance and Diversity of Nitrifying...
  44. V

    S. Repens suddenly turning yellow and holey

    Ah, I've actually got a bottle of Tropica Specialised Nutrion at home that I've not found a use for so far. So maybe I should start dosing that? Regarding hydropnic fertiliser, are you saying I could in the future replace aquarium fertilisers with basically any hydroponic fertiliser, or is...
  45. dw1305

    S. Repens suddenly turning yellow and holey

    Hi all, <"TNC complete"> or <"Tropica Specialised Nutrition">? There is <"nothing wrong with these">, but I'm not going to take part in the <"World's most Expensive water"> contest, so I use <"a hydroponic fertiliser">. I'm not sure what is available to you in Sweden. cheers Darrel
  46. L

    Co2 Advice for 340l Tank

    You don’t even need a filter to run it; you could hook your reactor up to a DC pump and use that to push water through it. In the US, 5lb tanks are very common. I have a 500L tank and the 5lb tank lasts 4+ months, with a pH drop of 1.1 or so. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  47. R

    New aquarium required.

    Went with the Waterbox Eden 40, has just been delivered today. Been contemplating putting a Fluval 407 on it. Is that way too much of a filter for this tank?
  48. Tanksy

    Artificial oyster rocks can replace reef rocks used for biological filtration in marine aquariums

    I guess you could. However, I don't know if the bacteria species from the UK sea, which is colder than the tropics, could survive the temperature of a reef tank. Bacteria diversity increases in the mid latitude of both hemispheres (20–40 °N for N. Atlantic, 30-40°S for S. Atlantic), where the...
  49. D

    Aquatic plants of India

    @castle heres a photo of rotala serpyllifolia from its wild habitat to my tank but i was not able to save or grow it with me and i lost it completely even trued growing emmersed but no luck there as well
  50. D


    Have shifted my focus more towards the epiphyte side of the aquatic plants hve more then 30-40 varieties including some of the rarest as well like bg-11 and wild caught pink martini/varegated pink buce
  51. Scaperinc

    Lack of insects in gardens

    I think it's the spiders killing everything.
  52. L

    Co2 Advice for 340l Tank

    Hi all setting up a new system never used a CO2 system just spent the last ten years keeping it out of the system (reefkeeping) thinking of using a dual stage regulator with a reactor and at present I'm using an FX4 filter so going to get another filter to purely run the CO2 system. How much...
  53. L


    Hi sent you an email to get some advice but I think it might have got lost in spam somewhere?
  54. dw1305

    Fert advice

    Hi all, I think you've <"answered your own question">. Don't lower light intensity at the moment, just use the "TNC Complete". cheers Darrel
  55. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Have moved the diffuser behind the rock now, just trying to get the bubble rate right atm!!
  56. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Yeah unfortunately it wouldn’t work, the temptation to swap for a HOB filter is strong right now, but I’ll see how we get on!
  57. Spartacus

    Tank suppliers

    Got mine as well this week and for the money it’s a bargain. Compared to what I could get for the same or more cost at local shops it’s night and day. Couldn’t be happier - Hope you are happy with yours 😊
  58. seedoubleyou

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Looks good mate. I’d personally be inclined to build more substrate at the back, as high as you can slope it. Flat slate helps to build retaining walls that can be buried in the soil. Edit: I see from the previous pic that the above won’t work with your filtration and heating.
  59. V

    S. Repens suddenly turning yellow and holey

    Thanks Darrel, that's useful knowledge! Nothing has changed recently, no, so nothing to go back to. Regarding adding "all of them", is there any ready made solution for this available on the market? If not, I will try epsom salt!
  60. A

    Fert advice

    Hi all, So should I then reduce my lights still more down? As they both set only for 30% intense. Both aquasky 2.0 and fluval plant 3.0 are set on 30% with blue light reduced to 15%. After my last water change I dosed TNC lite. But Bacopa and Altrrnanthera stand still in one place. (None...
  61. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Popped to the lfs on my way home at lunch today, first piece of stone I saw and picked up was perfect!! Had to do a lot of fiddling to get it positioned correctly but I managed it, now I just have to pray it doesn’t fall over when I pick it up to put it back on the stand!!
  62. G

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Hertfordshire's ant population seems to have taken up residence in my block paved driveway:(
  63. bazz


    For some strange reason I've been keeping my eye on the dam rupturing and flooding in Minnesota, you OK @MichaelJ or anyone else from there for that matter?
  64. bazz

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    All of the surfaces within your aquarium is biomedia, I know biomedia is the given name for some porous bits of stone or round plastic balls but you are basically just providing a surface for bacteria to colonise, and it's then a case of providing the right conditions for the beneficial bacteria...
  65. L

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    What I imagine on this topic, with no real evidence to back it up, is that the DOC trigger algae, but not necessarily is consumed by algae. I picture the DOC being processed by microbes and degraded into nutrients that both plant and algae can use, but the algae are "smart" and know that DOC...
  66. Bradders

    Lack of insects in gardens

    My dogs peeing on the grass seems to kill it. Its like liquid acid. :D
  67. L

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    If you go the HOB way, you could try the steel mesh cover for the intake instead of the sponge. It's more compact, but more shiny.
  68. Bradders

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    Really keen to read the responses to this question! It is a great question. Especially that you don't use biomedia in your aquarium environment - begging the question where all autotrophic and heterotrophic critters are colonizing.
  69. RickyV

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    Yep! They do go unnoticed. There are so many snails, shrimps and other microfauna that any dead fish wouldn't last long. The only deaths I notice are the times a fish gets in the overflow, but this is rare because I have a big canvas mesh barrier around it.
  70. tam

    Artificial oyster rocks can replace reef rocks used for biological filtration in marine aquariums

    My parents recently redid their reef tank, replaced the tank they'd had 30+ years. It had wound down so they started from scratch but despite using artificial rocks still have bristle worms back again and alsorts of critters. I don't think it takes long to get going.
  71. tam

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    My aquaclear has my spare mini-pat sponges in it. I think I'd keep a hob just for the storage space 😂
  72. mrhoyo

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    Oase Biostyle? https://www.oase.com/en/products-a-z/family/f/biostyle.1000958459.html
  73. S

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Every year. 😭 I should have bought an ornamental tree to be honest. To what end? I rarely fertilise my lawn and have never considered putting a pesticide on it. I think my dogs peeing on it all winter probably adds enough fertiliser. 😄 I can sympathise with this. Can’t have lupins, marigolds...
  74. dw1305

    Artificial oyster rocks can replace reef rocks used for biological filtration in marine aquariums

    Hi all, I wonder if you could age "artificial" live rock in UK seawater? I know that UK <"rock-pools can get fairly warm">, but still have <"coralline algae etc">. in them. The scenario would be a bit like <"cultivation of Oysters"> in trays, or <"Nori on ropes">, but in this case the "crop"...
  75. G H Nelson

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    You could look at Eheim liberty hang on filter! It's sourcing them though.
  76. dw1305

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    Hi all, The Maxi-jet 400 is still going, I've had it since ~2005 and it has run continually for at <"least the last ten years">. I bought the <"Eheim AquaBall powerhead"> (<"1212 / 650">) as its eventual replacement. I always have a few spare sponges lying about, it allows me to donate the...
  77. R

    Where to start?

    A wee update, Gex is doing great!
  78. Conort2

    Tank suppliers

    Received mine yesterday. I haven’t fully removed all the packaging, But from what I can see the silicone work and mitred corners look very smart.
  79. Conort2

    Lack of insects in gardens

    I was just mentioning this the other day. The garden seems to be empty this year. Flowers that are normally covered in hover flys and bees only get the odd visitor. Only things that seem to be doing well are snails and slugs, the lawn is absolutely covered with huge black slugs every evening.
  80. hydrophyte

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    I built a new kite and go it up in the air last night. It flew well. This design is based on traditional Japanese multi-line bridle Edo kites, but with modifications including pretty small (22" X 38" sail) size, simplified bridle configuration and the round vents.
  81. hydrophyte

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Beetles, moths, wasps, wild bees and butterflies are all practically all gone here in our area. It is very different from how I remember it twenty or thirty years ago when we would find insects of all kinds everywhere. Aquatic insects seem to be less affected, so we do still see swarms of midges...
  82. Bradders

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    Massively looking forward to the underwater video. Would be great to see that. Here is a macabre question for you. With such a well planted tank and so huge, I assume that fish deaths go unnoticed to some degree and they just decompose in the aquarium?
  83. foxfish

    Lack of insects in gardens

    I think this is a big problem in many places, not just this year but over the last twenty years or so there has been a slow but notable decline in insect life! I could quote many examples but the more obvious ones would be butterflies and grass hoppers. Wasp are noticeable by their absence...
  84. Chez_

    Lack of insects in gardens

    I'm starting to regret my addiction to post-apocalyptic SF, it does feel like we're living in a 'choose your own disaster' novel. We have our usual biplane-sized hornets, but we are short butterflies. West Somerset here.
  85. L

    Tank suppliers

    I’ve had a tank from Nd aquatics and as stated above, it was very good quality but the silicon could have been better.
  86. RickyV

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    I am often asked why I do big and frequent water changes in a planted tank if the plants are consuming the excess nutrients. From what I have read on several forum posts is that there is a correlation between water changes and reduced algae and increased plant health. The most common reason said...


    I cut some down maybe 18 months ago, kept outside I use it to add cover to the Robins nest box to deter the crows and magpies from predating the nest( it worked🙂) no sign of rot . It's been open to weather all the time, as l do with my collected oak ,hawthorn,,but undecided how it would be submerged
  88. tam

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    I'm running a 55l and a 75l on one mini-pat so it may well be enough for you, it depends how much flow you want and the hardscape. I've an aquaclear on a 180l, which is just a simple pipe intake I've put a sponge over. I don't like it because I think it's a bit noisy but I think I've above...
  89. Tanksy

    Artificial oyster rocks can replace reef rocks used for biological filtration in marine aquariums

    I used live rock in my first SW tank many years ago. I tried to buy some for my new reef tank a few months ago, but no luck. I went to a few lfs to check out their "live rock" and I found pieces full of algae. And the smell...ough! Real live rock smells like fresh ocean breeze. Anyway...
  90. Aqua sobriquet

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    The smallest visual impact that I can think of would be the intake tube from an external or perhaps a hang on back filter. Both however would need some kind of sponge over it to prevent shrimp being sucked into the filter.
  91. tam

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Our cherry crop was as good as usual... as in there were loads and then the birds ate the lot in 48 hours. All the soft fruit is doing well too. Maybe a smidge early for butterflies? There's been a lot of rain until recently. Just starting to get the flowers they come for opening, nastursiums...
  92. Maf 2500

    Filter floss layer in substrate

    You can get fine mesh bags for this purpose off of ebay and similar. Some come with zips and others drawstrings. Stops the aquasoil rising up above the sand.
  93. D

    Starting a Betta tank

    Still slowly buying stuff for the tank and looking at plants, but I'm wondering how to tackle my water. I know my water is very hard, when I had my shrimp tank, I bought RO water and used a shrimp product to remineralize it. I'm not sure whether to use a similar product for the new tank, or cut...

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Well I have plenty of Bees busy ,my next door neighbour says they are scarce in his garden, maybe it's the plants he has ,not attractive to pollinators. All the rain earlier in Spring possible reason a lot of my flowering plants Roses some Salvinas looking good, l expect a swarm of greenfly on...
  95. S

    Lack of insects in gardens

    My fruit trees are very young so I haven’t really seen a reduction in crop. What I did notice though was that flowers lasted only a short while before the rain destroyed it. That may have contributed to reduced pollination? My pond seems to be the only thing that is doing well. There are plenty...
  96. Bradders

    Filter floss layer in substrate

    I agree with @hypnogogia. I would also see this start to rot over time.
  97. castle

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Honestly, you do need to get out on your hands and knees and list rocks or kick over a bin, still plenty there; but I’m not exactly being very scientific. I fear a drop; pesticides will have a lot to answer for
  98. hypnogogia

    Filter floss layer in substrate

    Personally I wouldn’t do it. One reason being moving plants. Once the roots are anchored in the floss, moving it will upset everything else. I’m also not sure about keeping it clean. I can se it getting cloggged over time with no easy way to clean it.
  99. castle

    Lack of insects in gardens

    There’s a few beehives nearby, so things just feel more beesy? Midges are about now. I strimmed the grass last week, so I did a no mow first half of the year. No grasshoppers, or butterflies. I dunno, ground wise plenty of bugs, same with ponds; but less pretty stuff. Summer skipped us too.