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90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

Sponge filters. There isn't anything safer than that. You can either power it with an air pump or a water pump. Entirely up to you.
As for which sponge filter specifically well, there are plenty of models out there but they all do the same. You just have to pick up any you fancy. Only recommendation is don't go for very fine sponges as they get clogged faster.
I think sponge is a good idea - albeit they are a little ugly in the tank. But a lot of people use them with a pump and (with occasional light cleaning) get reasonable filtration from them. The other option might be under gravel filtration. It’s old-school - but they do work!

I am assuming a cheap external is out of the question?
Thanks for the option, but its not a shrimp only tank and I wanted something with more flow. I don't have the space for a canister filter and I don't mind paying for a good option. I don't really want a sponge filter because as mentioned the look.
I had an Eheim internal filter once and that had a sponge behind the inlet screen so that should have been shrimp safe. You don’t get huge flow though from the internal filters I’ve seen. You might need two on a 90L?

Edit: Maybe something like this?
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Hi all,
I don't really want a sponge filter because as mentioned the look.
If you use a black sponge you could hide it in a corner?

Personally, for me, the powerhead & Koi sponge combination <"Shrimp safe filter for 35l tanks"> is always a winner - <"Flourish and Flourish Excel">.

You get a lot of <"filtration and flow">, a <"sponge grazing surface"> and the two separate generic components are cheap to buy and you can mix and match, what is not to like?


cheers Darrel
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I'd second (fourth) the powerhead and sponge combo - mini pats with larger sponges here too. I'd start with one and see how you felt about flow then add another in the opposite corner if needed. Black background and black sponge blend well. You could do a HOB and add a sponge to the intake, but you still get a sponge in the tank.
I like internal filters as I am frightened of leaks. I have a tidal 55, but it has loads of gaps even after I put sponge over the inlet. The bioplus looks like it has lots of grills, i don't understand why there is a gap in the market. I did consider multiple filters put that just eats up space and still looks odd. I do like the idea of a powerhead but it use a sponge which is difficult to hide. The oase filtosmart 60 looks good as a hang on back but it's only for 60l. It's frustrating because my shrimps been breading like rabbits in my 45l and I want them in a 90l community tank.
The smallest visual impact that I can think of would be the intake tube from an external or perhaps a hang on back filter.
Both however would need some kind of sponge over it to prevent shrimp being sucked into the filter.
I like internal filters as I am frightened of leaks. I have a tidal 55, but it has loads of gaps even after I put sponge over the inlet. The bioplus looks like it has lots of grills, i don't understand why there is a gap in the market. I did consider multiple filters put that just eats up space and still looks odd. I do like the idea of a powerhead but it use a sponge which is difficult to hide. The oase filtosmart 60 looks good as a hang on back but it's only for 60l. It's frustrating because my shrimps been breading like rabbits in my 45l and I want them in a 90l community tank.
I'm running a 55l and a 75l on one mini-pat so it may well be enough for you, it depends how much flow you want and the hardscape.

I've an aquaclear on a 180l, which is just a simple pipe intake I've put a sponge over. I don't like it because I think it's a bit noisy but I think I've above average in fussiness on that. It's no less intrusive though once you add a sponge. I like the hob concept in general though but I'm tempted to run it off a mini-pat outflow when I redo the tank.

Are you saying you prefer the look of a boxed internal over a sponge in the tank? They take about the same amount of space just the 'internals' tend to wrap the sponge in plastic sides. I think Aquael do a sponge in a box version called the 'fan' filter. As long as there is sponge between the pump and the shrimp it should be safe.
Hi all,
Ha I recognise this powerhead 😃
The Maxi-jet 400 is still going, I've had it since ~2005 and it has run continually for at <"least the last ten years">.


I bought the <"Eheim AquaBall powerhead"> (<"1212 / 650">) as its eventual replacement.

I always have a few spare sponges lying about, it allows me to donate the "active" one to some-one else and just replace it with a spare.

All I do with the new sponge is <"swirl it around in the old sponge squeezings">. I keep <"really weedy tanks">, and I never have a huge fish load, so I'm not too concerned about any <"loss of nitrification potential">.

Ideally I'd store all the sponges wet in the tank, but one issue with these big sponges is that two in the same tank takes up a lot of real estate.

cheers Darrel
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