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  1. J

    Lump on sunset balloon rams head

    Hiya. So on this tank I have two filters one is a biomaster 350 and the othe is a 250. Weekly water change of anywhere from 50/70 %, pre filters are cleaned weekly with tank water. I do have some purigen in one of the filters. And I fertilise every day with 2hr aquarist complete. Other than...
  2. Vardo

    IBC pond project advice?

    I'd like rice fish but they're pretty illegal to have outside in the UK unfortunately. I've kept goldfish for years, I'm aware of their size so I'll only keep a small number of shubunkin if I do get any at all. Roughly +800L of swimming space and another 100-150L in the filter should be enough...
  3. Conort2

    My distraction at work

    One of the small wild Betta species like Channoides would fit the bill. They’re far too small to eat adult shrimp but they’ll eat the shrimplets.
  4. Vardo

    IBC pond project advice?

    Thank you for the video, that's really helpful. It's very much how I imagine mine will work but I'll make mine look a bit fancier
  5. V

    Please critique my attempt at an iwagumi.

    I wasn't sure if that was the final spot for the tank, if it is I agree about the plug. For me I'd move the big stone a fraction forward as well as right & maybe get a small stone on the "horizon" created to it's left to add more depth.
  6. Bradders

    White patch on Corydoras back - illness or damage?

    Hi Meg, are these new additions? And when you say arrived from the shop, were they delivered or you picked them up?
  7. E

    Please critique my attempt at an iwagumi.

    Just my opinion: The main stone looks great, i would consider moving it slightly to the right, covering the black plug behind the tank. I like The right angle stone location but agree with the point raised above. Maybe have an alternative edge facing upwards? Path between the main stone and...
  8. M

    Swapping tanks

    I’m West Cork and my tap water is really soft according to Irish Water (76mg CaC03 per litre). I generally find it tests the same aiming out of the tap (kh/dh are really low) and the ph is acidic (6.5 ish), although I find that pH rises to about 7 when left out for a couple of days (literally...
  9. megwattscreative

    White patch on Corydoras back - illness or damage?

    Hi all, hope you're well. Following my trials and tribulations with bacterial illness effecting my corydoras, I'd like to get a second opinion on whether this looks to be damage or a bacterial issue. This pygmy corydoras arrived from the shop with a white patch near to her dorsal fin, and i...
  10. dw1305

    Swapping tanks

    Hi all, I'm pleased you found it useful. I'm ridiculously proud of the "Duckweed Index". That may relate to the sand substrate, just purely <"because the processes"> that might make iron (Fe) plant available hadn't had time to develop. Do you know if you have hard alkaline tap water? I know...
  11. ScareCrow

    eheim air pump low pressure

    Just under the surface it will fizz slightly any deeper and there's no output at all. Good idea about the volume output, I'll test and see how it compares to the specs.
  12. Maf 2500

    eheim air pump low pressure

    How deep are the airstones? have you tried holding them just under the water surface? Would make a difference if it is pressure related. Might be worth measuring the volume of air output by the Eheim, which would likely be seriously reduced if it is faulty. (Time how long it takes to fill a...
  13. M

    Swapping tanks

    Having read that extremely helpful thread, they definitely did! The circle of white rings in the frogbit was something I definitely noticed, as well as a bit of yellowing.
  14. L

    Slightly cloudy at 120

    How many were the few degrees increased? I live with massive water temperature fluctuations here because of the weather, and I'm always curious about the experience regarding temperature in tanks of people who live in insulated homes.
  15. ScareCrow

    IBC pond project advice?

    I think what you want to do is similar to this aquaponics setup more or less. It's something I've been considering doing too. Just to add another layer of complexity adding a window is definitely do able.
  16. Bradders

    Lump on sunset balloon rams head

    Hi @Jimmyc - what is you current maintenance routine? i.e. filtration, water changes + anything else you do. Also, how mature is your aquarium?
  17. ScareCrow

    eheim air pump low pressure

    The air stones are brand new. I was thinking that the piezo air pumps may produce more pressure than the eheim but I couldn't find any specs on pressure output for the eheim so not sure. Surprised it can't push air through the air stones though. I even tried connecting both outputs to a single...
  18. Maf 2500

    IBC pond project advice?

    IBC's are nearly a metre deep, so yes, plenty deep enough for goldfish. On the other hand I find goldfish look better in a larger swimming space as they can grow quite big given time. For a colourful fish that is hardy and stays small have a look at medaka (Japanese rice fish).
  19. CooKieS

    IAPLC 2024

    There’s maybe only 2-3 60cm sized tanks and they are 36 or 40cm deep so no 60p, with an 90p you can expect better ranking but it seems 120cm is still the way to go. Unfortunately I can’t afford something bigger than 60cm so I decided to skip iaplc now, this and the fact that the judging is so...
  20. dw1305

    Lump on sunset balloon rams head

    Hi all, I'd guess it should be all right, they are compromised fish in ways that your other fish won't be. I'd follow the recommendations in <"Apistogramma and Dwarf Cichlid Aquarium Care"> they have served me well. Your tank looks lovely, and an ideal environment for them. They were the first...
  21. Maf 2500

    eheim air pump low pressure

    How old are the airstones? Might be partially clogged, and the Eheim not producing enough pressure to overcome this. When I researched the piezo air pumps a while back I was very surprised by the very high air pressure compared to low air volume pumped in this design.
  22. J

    Lump on sunset balloon rams head

    Well we obviously didn’t do enough research in the first place I guess! This was something that didn’t come up on the internet when we were planning to add them, we made sure that the water conditions were favourable, and that they were okay with our other fish. What a shame, because when i...
  23. Vardo

    IBC pond project advice?

    Where I live the depth is more than enough for goldfish to live comfortably, besides the pond will be insulated too and have a glass cover in the winter months. Thanks for the support!
  24. J

    Lump on sunset balloon rams head

    I fear now for the rest of my fish! Reading up on hole in the head, it can spread throughout the whole tank? Thanks for your advice though.
  25. Vardo

    IBC pond project advice?

    I have a concrete yard unfortunately and I rent so it has to be able to be dismantled and relocated. The plan isn't much work at all, I have all the tools, knowledge and access to all the cheap good quality materials that I'll need. The top will be covered with wire mesh with exit points but...
  26. Vardo

    IBC pond project advice?

    That's the idea with mine too, I'm going to clad the outside with insulation and panelling and I'll line it with a pond liner too just in case of cracks and also so the inside isn't white. Thanks for the support!
  27. Vardo

    IBC pond project advice?

    Thanks for the support! I have access to some that were only used for RO water previously. The plan is to insulate and clad the IBC with insulating foam boards and wood panels, also I'm going to line it with a pond liner to so the inside isn't white and in case of any cracks etc. I'll be sure to...
  28. Maf 2500

    Aquarium safe lacquer/sealer

    I don't know about Plastikote specifically but the rival product Plasti-Dip makes a thing out of being safe for aquarium and pond use - Using Plasti Dip for aquariums - Plasti Dip As for the automotive lacquer, I would have thought it would be totally inert once fully dried, with the warning...
  29. Brad123

    My distraction at work

    Been thinking about a fish to slow the shrimp numbers like the idea of a Siamese fighter. But don't what 1 that will eat all my shrimp. What else could I get that looks nice. That plants need a trim.
  30. dw1305

    Lump on sunset balloon rams head

    Hi all, It is a real shame, but they are just <"horrible unhealthy things">, even the normal type ones, and as soon as you get into colour forms and short bodied fish it is even worse - <"What's wrong with my Ram? White lump on head..">. They are fish (along with <"Dwarf Gourami">) where it is...
  31. Gill

    Lump on sunset balloon rams head

    just keep an eye on them. not really found anything that treats these tumours in rams.
  32. J

    Lump on sunset balloon rams head

    Thanks for your help. I just feel for the poor guy! I’m guessing there’s nothing i can really do about it? Thanks James
  33. J

    Please critique my attempt at an iwagumi.

    🤣🤣 i hear ya! I’m the same with my main tank, but everything is growing in so well, i can’t bring myself to alter anything. Yeah I’ve definitely bitten off more than I can chew with this poor excuse of an iwagumi scape! Chances are I’m gonna take it all out and start with it? Unless someone...
  34. C

    Rare bucephalandras sellers

    Hi there, Does anyone know of any online sellers of rare bucephalandras in the UK that they can vouch for? I see quite a few sellers on ebay but given the sums they are asking for, am fairly hesitant on buying just off the cuff.
  35. Anomander

    Trumpet snails for unplanted sand?

    Thank you for the advice 👍
  36. V

    Please critique my attempt at an iwagumi.

    I'm only on my 2nd scape and very much in the trial and error & not putting too much of a style on things. Already seeing things I want to change in the first tank, but I'll live with it for a few months and see how the stems mature. Nowhere to hide with an Iwagumi though, it's all there in...

    IBC pond project advice?

    You probably need a bit of water depth for Goldfish ,which could be a issue.
  38. ScareCrow

    eheim air pump low pressure

    Yeah air comes out of both outlets fine and I forgot to mention both flow rate controls also work as expected.
  39. Gill

    Lump on sunset balloon rams head

    Tbh prob tumours, they are very susceptible to them. it happens alot with the mass produced lines. have had it happen many times with them, especially with the short body/balloon ones.
  40. J

    Thoughts on nutribase and sand for low tech

    Whatever planting soil you decide on, MD does have the useful idea of putting it in fine mesh bags first. I've done this with my 240 litre tank, covered them with sand, and find it eliminates messiness when planting and replanting.
  41. J

    eheim air pump low pressure

    I have the same airpump. If you connect it up to 1 or 2 airlines, without airstones, and put the airlines in the water, is it producing bubbles? [Do ensure you have non-return valves fitted before trying this!]
  42. N

    Tropica Aquarium Soil - Longevity?

    Hey, did you end up using the tropica? How is it holding up?
  43. J

    Please critique my attempt at an iwagumi.

    Yeah it’s definitely a failed attempt for sure. Also I did rush it! All is not lost, i can always rearrange things, since i got nothing in there. My ice is getting impatient with this and trying to get me to plant it. Thanks for your input it’s much appreciated James
  44. Malarky

    IBC pond project advice?

    I think the IBC would last, I have one on my allotment, but your plan is a lot of work and difficult for wildlife to get in and out. Maybe better to put a pond in the ground?
  45. Tyko_N

    Bugs you might encounter in your aquarium

    I think that they are capable of producing resting eggs, so could remain dormant in the substrate for (very) long periods until conditions improve. If you have recently switched to RO or rainwater, this could have triggered them to hatch, but more probable is that they have hidden away in a...
  46. Commander Shepard

    Thoughts on nutribase and sand for low tech

    I don't think nutribase is a very good idea. It doesn't have any macros other than potassium as far as I can tell, though they won't actually share the composition. Very dodgy. MD makes some cool projects, but he's sponsored by all these snake oil salesmen. API with their horrible fert and...
  47. Commander Shepard

    15l bowl scape

    Thought I'd update this thread as I've been experimenting with this tank. I replaced the stick from the park with a nice bit of driftwood then decided to go further and make it a water feature. There was already a pump for circulation, so I used that to bring the water up with silicone tubing...
  48. Onoma1

    IBC pond project advice?

    Sounds a great idea and I use IBCs as water butts in the garden. I have been told that they degrade quite quickly when exposed to UV. Not sure about the science behind this but have covered mine in wood cladding. Could you achieve the same thing using pond liner and rocks? I am enjoying the...
  49. Onoma1

    Slightly cloudy at 120

    ...larger and older fish, all of my moss and buce. I am devastated. Anyway, moving on drinking a good single malt, listening to the latest album from The Bathers (a rather brilliant and gentle band from Edinburgh*) I am planning the next scape. The working title for the new scape is "Crystal...
  50. Onoma1

    New beginnings

    The tank is developing. I want to plant out the right hand side and perhaps raise the light. It's messy, full of life and not particularly manicured but I love it. Any advice on How to develop this is more than welcome.
  51. Commander Shepard

    Aquarium safe lacquer/sealer

    Hi everyone I've been designing some 3d printed floating plant accessories - main one is a feeding ring that can't rotate or move other than up and down, even with a snail on it, to make it safe with auto feeders while on holiday. I'd like to seal these as PLA will slowly take on water and I...
  52. V

    Please critique my attempt at an iwagumi.

    Certainly not a seasoned pro 😂 but I'll just give my take on it if it helps. Probably completely wrong mind. I find the main stone quite overpowering where it is and doesn't really link with the right hand side. Also the 90° angle jars a bit on the stone in front of it. Combined with the main...
  53. tiger15

    Trumpet snails for unplanted sand?

    Since you don’t root any plant in the substrate, there is no benefit of having MTS to aerate the plant roots. Your substrate should be very thin, no more than 1/2 inch. The easiest way to remove detritus is to vacuum the substrate along side with a turkey baster to blow up the dust. Once MTS...
  54. finniche

    60P Variations

    Yes, thought of that too. That would be another temporary fix. The space between the wall and the tubes is tight and I didn’t want to get through that hassle. I wish I can find a more long term solution for this.
  55. CooKieS

    Hakkai stones Iwagumi, Viv 45p

    Sorry for not keeping up with updates on this one…it’s now done but here’s a pic during the final shot, It was fun and peaceful to create an iwagumi scape again and I just love these hakkai stones way too much! Cheers
  56. Simmo

    IBC pond project advice?

    Sounds a good idea and I like the look of your drawings, we have these at work and it’d probably be good and strong. I guess you need to make sure all residue of whatever was in it has gone, ours mostly contain chemicals. It’s also white plastic not very nice to look at but I am sure could be...
  57. Vardo

    Hi from S.Wales

    For me I grew up in a farming village with only 8 kids in my school and we had "English-not" in our school where if you spoke English you'd be in more trouble than it was worth. Proper sink or swim learning experience 😂
  58. Dan Earl A

    55 Litre high energy aquascape

    So, I took the plunge, uprooted all my foreground plants including the 'starved' hair grass and replaced the Tropica aquarium soil. It was actally a lot easier and less messy that I expected and I soon had the planting plan (in my head) in place for iteration 2.0. It will be interesting to see...
  59. sparkyweasel

    Hello from Surrey

    Welcome! :)
  60. Simmo

    First effort - a rod for my back!

    Another year passes so 4 years since the tank started and the only fish that have lasted are two corys, one of which was several years old when he went in. I guess my biggest disappointments have been BBA blighting my plants and effectively ruining the tank a couple of years back and in truth...
  61. Rich Jackson

    Swapping tanks

    Thanks for the replies . I am transferring most of the plants over from current running tank and was hoping some of the ADA soil ( been in tank for 2 years ) to help build up scape . My concern is the fish .. would they be ok if I transfer over straight the way ? As they would be in old tank...
  62. V

    Hello from Surrey

    Welcome from a fellow newb! Looking forward to seeing some pics of your tanks
  63. bazz

    Hello from Surrey

    Welcome, look forward!
  64. J

    Please critique my attempt at an iwagumi.

    Hi all. As per the title, could someone please give me some feedback on my silly attempt at an iwagumi scape. I got all excited about doing this one and watched so many YouTube tutorials, but I’m not totally convinced I’ve got it right. This is my third attempt at a scape, I set this up nearly 4...
  65. V

    Satisfying and Effective - share some random tips

    Get a 2.5ml syringe and half the test volume & no of drops for API ammonia & nitrate. Not even being tight, just means they run out more in line with pH & Nitrite
  66. bazz

    60P Variations

    Hi, Could you not temporarily move the outlet to the front and and direct it across the front of the tank where the plant growth is lower, by the time it has circulated round the back it should have calmed down a bit. You can then return it to your ideal location once the stems have gained a bit...
  67. V

    Hi from S.Wales

    I wish I could just didn't take it seriously in school
  68. J

    Lump on sunset balloon rams head

    hi all. Hoping someone can help or have some advice with what’s happening with one of our rams. My wife come home from work today before me and noticed that one of our rams has a lump on his head, right between his eyes? I’ve had a look myself and can make out a few others that are so small...
  69. bazz

    Jungle in a glass box

    Nice, I'm still paying off the interest for a ADA hang-on glass thermometer I bought 3 1/2 years ago!
  70. bazz

    Best under sand substrate mix?

    Might prove ideal for catfish!
  71. Vardo

    Hi from S.Wales

    Haha fair enough!
  72. V

    Hi from S.Wales

    Thanks, don't expect me to speak Welsh though 😂
  73. Vardo

    Hi from S.Wales

    Welcome! Croeso!
  74. Vardo

    IBC pond project advice?

    Does anyone have any experience setting up a pond out of a 1000l IBC? My idea is to cut the top 10-15% off and invert it and use it as a natural filtration stage that cascades into the main pond and also will hopefully house the pump under the framework that will support the filter stage...
  75. V

    Hi from S.Wales

    Slowly getting this how I want it. Just a trio to check fit today, then stain and mount some faceplates with magnets to hide the plugs and other storage space. Can figure out what to do with the small 45L tank then that's currently a dumping ground 😂. Thinking of a Betta for some reason
  76. Spartacus

    Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey

    Hello Folks, Not much to report will do a small maintenance trim tonight. Have uploaded a video to YouTube - I don’t think MD Fish Tanks has anything to worry about… Just thought it would be a change from a photo of some sand rocks and plants! Going away for a few days in around 3 weeks so...
  77. E

    Plant decay. Help please!

    Hi! I am new here so please forgive me if I have forgotten any information you’re supposed to present. The tank has been up for about a month since I added new plants and new substrate. This was after a Blackbeard algae problem. The fish seem to be doing good but the plants not so much. I...
  78. L

    High ammonia, nitrites AND nitrates during cycling

    Thread starter was doing a dark start back in 2016, maybe the name hadn't catched yet.
  79. hotmilkgt

    Bugs you might encounter in your aquarium

    I wonder where they came from. I don't have anything new in the tank. the snails are 3 months old and the betta passed away last month from a swimming bladder problem.
  80. Scaperinc

    Needle valve

    I have a strideways dual stage pro regulator with two co2 needlevalve manifolds, I have just noticed that one of the needle vales no matter how much I open, it wont change the co2 output. Anyone reckon it's fixable or need replacing?
  81. dw1305

    ViV Mini M, 36x22x28, ´A cliff from Verdon’

    Hi all, I don't <"normally comment"> on these sorts of threads, but that is some fantastic rock. cheers Darrel
  82. dw1305

    High ammonia, nitrites AND nitrates during cycling

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Would you like to tell us a bit about your planted tanks? The thread is from 2016, so I'm going to guess that the wait has been long enough. That just isn't true. I think we are quite good with our advice about tank maturity. In terms of scientific research on...
  83. G

    What am I missing?

    I have H. Siamensis in my tank for over a years or so and everytime i get pinholes similar to yours in older leaves is when i don't dose enough potassium. I do not use an active substrate so they can't get potassium from there like you. You seems to have a great plant mass aswell so you...
  84. hasan66

    What am I missing?

    How do you dose your micro fertilizer? There is a lot of potassium nitrate and phosphate in macro. Here you need to look at the micro.
  85. CooKieS

    ViV Mini M, 36x22x28, ´A cliff from Verdon’

    Hi there! New project : -Viv Mini M optiwhite tank, 36x22x28cm -Sunsun hw 602b filter -ista universal skimmer -onf flat nano -pressurized co2 (planted box reg, Dooa diffuser) Hardscape : Geo stones White sand Tropica powder soil To be continued! Cheers Thierry
  86. dw1305

    Swapping tanks

    Hi all, I always <"work on the theory"> that every, tank related, thing I could ever need is on UKAPS, it is just a <"case of finding it">. First thing to say is that if you <"understand the scientific method">, are used to using serial dilution etc, you have a much better chance of getting...
  87. P

    High ammonia, nitrites AND nitrates during cycling

    I would like to say your first enquiry is to wait and see and keep testing the water. Personally I think it is cycling perfectly as from what you say. I wouldn't do any water changes whilst cycling, it will set your cycle from the beginning. I can't believe people on this forum would give that...
  88. N

    Satisfying and Effective - share some random tips

    Forgot to add, MTS is your essential weapon against cynobacteria which occurs in anerobic areas of aquarium
  89. M

    Swapping tanks

    Thanks Darrel, I appreciate the experience and knowledge. If only I had found the forum before! I too have a bit of experience in chemical analysis, however it was a long time ago and most of my lab results were very questionable! Never used a spectrometer of any kind that looked as new or as...
  90. L

    Green spot algae question

    Really interesting. I think I might have seen that algae in rivers before. I've also read that there's a true freshwater coralline algae discovered in a river in Croatia. Freshwater coralline algae
  91. Cornelius

    Alkalinity and KH measurement

    Okay, we are many answers further and a lot has become clear to me, again. Thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge! appreciate it 🙏 Cheers Cor
  92. tacy k

    Hello from Surrey

  93. dw1305

    Swapping tanks

    Hi all, There is definitely more to that than just the sand substrate. I'm not personally a great fan of <"controlled release fertiliser root tabs">, or of <"most test kits"> for water quality. I'd really like to know what the water parameters are in my tanks, but <"I have a practical...
  94. hypnogogia

    Hello from Surrey

    Hello :wave:, welcome to UKAPS.
  95. megwattscreative

    Hello from Manchester

    Hi Steve! Woo another Manchester person :)
  96. ElleDee

    Very first tank (planted, low tech)

    Yeah, could be. Sometimes with plants "dwarf" just means slow growing (or, with shrubs and trees, tight internodes) rather than a truly smaller final size. Very misleading marketing imo, though probably less of a problem than owning a former micropig. I have no idea about peace lilies...
  97. ElleDee

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    So far so good. It's a little fiddly to get it to line up to click back on in the tank, but I suspect I just need little more practice. I have used just a regular sponge as a prefilter, but have had issues with it collapsing onto the intake tube over time. There's a perforated plastic barrier...
  98. ScareCrow

    eheim air pump low pressure

    Hi All, I've got a second hand eheim 400 air pump that to me seems to output quite low pressure. I've got two hygger piezo air pumps that came with air stones. I've tried to power the air stones using the eheim pump and nothing comes out, where as the hygger air pumps run them fine. I've taken...
  99. O

    Very first tank (planted, low tech)

    Maybe its a bit of a 'micropig' situation!
  100. Gill

    Orchids Bloom

    Planted up, and ready for the Mantid. CuC added, feeds ready etc. Found a lego led set in my spares, so set that up to sit on the lid.