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Lump on sunset balloon rams head


6 Sep 2024
hi all. Hoping someone can help or have some advice with what’s happening with one of our rams. My wife come home from work today before me and noticed that one of our rams has a lump on his head, right between his eyes? I’ve had a look myself and can make out a few others that are so small, barely noticeable. Doing a google search comes up with so many different things, it’s a minefield of information! I’m after some advice if possible


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Tbh prob tumours, they are very susceptible to them. it happens alot with the mass produced lines. have had it happen many times with them, especially with the short body/balloon ones.
Thanks for your help. I just feel for the poor guy! I’m guessing there’s nothing i can really do about it?
Hi all,
Tbh prob tumours, they are very susceptible to them. it happens alot with the mass produced lines. have had it happen many times with them, especially with the short body/balloon ones.
It is a real shame, but they are just <"horrible unhealthy things">, even the normal type ones, and as soon as you get into colour forms and short bodied fish it is even worse - <"What's wrong with my Ram? White lump on head..">.

They are fish (along with <"Dwarf Gourami">) where it is almost impossible to find healthy commercial stock.

If it isn't a tumour (which looks likely) it might be <"Hole in the Head">?

cheers Darrel
just keep an eye on them. not really found anything that treats these tumours in rams.
I fear now for the rest of my fish! Reading up on hole in the head, it can spread throughout the whole tank? Thanks for your advice though.
Hi all,

It is a real shame, but they are just <"horrible unhealthy things">, even the normal type ones, and as soon as you get into colour forms and short bodied fish it is even worse - <"What's wrong with my Ram? White lump on head..">.

They are fish (along with <"Dwarf Gourami">) where it is almost impossible to find healthy commercial stock.

If it isn't a tumour (which looks likely) it might be <"Hole in the Head">?

cheers Darrel
Well we obviously didn’t do enough research in the first place I guess! This was something that didn’t come up on the internet when we were planning to add them, we made sure that the water conditions were favourable, and that they were okay with our other fish. What a shame, because when i checked on him before i went to work, he seemed absolutely fine. Appreciate your wisdom and help
Hi all,
I fear now for the rest of my fish! Reading up on hole in the head, it can spread throughout the whole tank?
I'd guess it should be all right, they are compromised fish in ways that your other fish won't be. I'd follow the recommendations in <"Apistogramma and Dwarf Cichlid Aquarium Care"> they have served me well. Your tank looks lovely, and an ideal environment for them.
water conditions were favourable, and that they were okay with our other fish.
They were the first fish I was ever successful with, plants, soft, acidic, warm water and plenty of live food. It all <"ended in tears">, but at that time all my fishkeeping did. If you can fulfil those requirements (and find good stock) they are a perfect fish - <"Blue Ram Cichlid - Mikrogeophagus ramirezi - Care and Breeding">.
This was something that didn’t come up on the internet when we were planning to add them
It is a shame, but as a general rule anything that is a highly selected colour form (like "Triple Red Apistogramma cacatuoides"), has long fins (or a short body) is likely to be pretty unhealthy.

Out of these short bodied (balloon types) are definitely the worst in terms of health.

cheers Darrel
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Hi @Jimmyc - what is you current maintenance routine? i.e. filtration, water changes + anything else you do. Also, how mature is your aquarium?
Hi @Jimmyc - what is you current maintenance routine? i.e. filtration, water changes + anything else you do. Also, how mature is your aquarium?
Hiya. So on this tank I have two filters one is a biomaster 350 and the othe is a 250. Weekly water change of anywhere from 50/70 %, pre filters are cleaned weekly with tank water. I do have some purigen in one of the filters. And I fertilise every day with 2hr aquarist complete. Other than trimming of plants and keeping on top of them, that’s it. The tank has been up and running just over 3 months now