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Hello from Surrey


25 Sep 2024
Hi all, joining the forum today as I currently have 2 small planted tanks (lo-tech) and a third in planning and progress.

Tank 1 - 35cm cube, planted with spiderwood, lots of moss, some stems and floaters. It's shockingly well balanced and home to Ember Tetras, Endler males, some Amanos and Nerites.
Pothos growing hydroponically out of the top, filtered on an internal Fluval. Nasties always at zero, pH 7. On gravel with bagged aquasoil under the stems.

Tank2 - 25cm cube, effective litres after displacement is 11, planted with Glosso, Hemianthus, Moss balls, Ludwigia, Anubias and something random I can't remember the name of
Lidded, with a cheap Ebay HOB that has had ceramic media attached. Hardscape is mainly Driftwood with cobblesand it sits on aquasoil. pH sits from 6.5-7. I'll monitor the parameters for a bit before adding some cherry shrimp.

Tank 3 - 30cm cube. It'll be bagged aquasoil capped with sand, rock and 1 piece of spiderwood with some stems. Probably going to be a Betta living in there.

I prefer the natural and controlled jungle look so only do trimming when it's needed to free up space or allow light to the base plants.

I'm tank keeping again after a gap of about 8 years while moving around a lot, have previously had a couple of reefs and a few bigger biotopes.

Pics to follow when