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55 Litre high energy aquascape

My focal point Bucephalandra biblis has progressively become more straggly, with more roots than leaves. Any advise on how to trim to ensure a more compact appearance? I've already removed the flowering stems but not sure how harsh I can be in trimming before the plant suffers?
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@Dan Earl A : Nice tank 😍. I have a 60cm x 30cm x 30cm and have also purchased the Aquario Neo flow. Currently I have set up the outflow with the reliever (with one wing), but seems the flow isn't great. Are you still using the lily pipe attachment and is it still providing a good flow ?
@Dan Earl A : Nice tank 😍. I have a 60cm x 30cm x 30cm and have also purchased the Aquario Neo flow. Currently I have set up the outflow with the reliever (with one wing), but seems the flow isn't great. Are you still using the lily pipe attachment and is it still providing a good flow ?
Sorry for the late reply, only just getting back into the forum after focusing on a house rennovation. The tank is still running and I'll post some updated pictures soon. In the meantime, I dispensed with the skimmer attachment that was previously installed, as this was quite temperamental. I now have a more simple set up with the 90 degree angle and the lilly pipe. I'm using a small separate Oase skimmer in conjunction with this. Flow from the AN seems adequate, although my filter is overdue a good clean which I think is causing a slight drop off in flow rate rather than the Aquarium Neo. When I finally get round to moving the tank I am thinking of moving over to a glass lilly pipe and inlet tbh.
Quick update. Our renovation work is moving forward so it's great to have the Dennerle 55L aquascape back where it belongs.and where we can see it, after a period of neglect. I dispensed with the Aquario Neo in favour of some Chihiros glass lilly and return pipes, which I instantly like. I have an Oase skimmer at the back which I'll put out on a timer I think. The plants need some work, and I'm getting algae right at the front between the grass and the glass (I had to think about that!) but it may have been due to the previous location as it was getting some direct sunlight.......but open to suggestions how I tackle this?

I should probably post a separate thread, but I'm looking to restock my shrimp population. Any recommendations on where to purchase these from? My limited experience has been that the local shops (I'm in Surrey, near Guildford) rarely have what I want and ordering online has ultimately resulted in a higher that desired attrition rate! 🙁.
Another slightly quirky question. I'm taking delivery of a replacement 3D printer and wondering what applications folks have put these to in their aquariums.......again, maybe this is a separate post!? 😊
I'm finding that the Eleocharis Pusila in the foreground is becoming rather messy and looking tired, so I'm thinking of removing it and planting something else. Maybe Hemianthus Callitrichoides or similar. Any thoughts or recommendations? As it's only a 55L aquascape I need a more compact leaf form I think?

Another slightly quirky question. I'm taking delivery of a replacement 3D printer and wondering what applications folks have put these to in their aquariums.......again, maybe this is a separate post!? 😊
lily pipe attachment that slots onto an Oase outlet. It could just slot onto the elbow that is already there?
Thanks for asking.
lily pipe attachment that slots onto an Oase outlet. It could just slot onto the elbow that is already there?
Thanks for asking.
Always on the lookout for excuses to design and print new items, so thanks for this. PM me if this is something you can explain in a little more detail and I'll see if I can produce it.
Nice looking tank, and a tidy cabinet is most pleasing!
restock my shrimp population
I'm close to you in Petersfield, and have yellow neocaridina if that's of interest.

3D printer and wondering what applications folks have put these to in their aquariums
I printed a desk lamp holder that sits on the corner of the glass for my 30cube. It's a high quality printer (markforged) but the print went a kind of whitish over time (just now supposing that might be my hard water though it wasn't in contact with the water) I'm not sure I trust printed components not leaching or breaking up, so also interested in other experiences and successful/unsuccessful material choices
Very nice, well done 🙂
Thanks, I decided to use WiFi switching on all the power supplies so everything is remotely activated and hidden away. I've found this to be really helpful, particularly during maintenance. At some point prior to this I managed to melt the bottom two trays in my Biomaster when I must have left the heater on during maintenance (and no water flow) so I have no excuses now!
Not sure I trust printed components not leaching or breaking up, so also interested in other experiences and successful/unsuccessful material choices
I know many of the common 3D printing materials such as PLA do not perform well when constantly exposed to moisture. I'm amazed how things have moved forward however, and my Bambu Lab machine is capable of (easily) printing a wider array of plastics. I guess you know all this - Markforged is a serious piece of kit!
So, a little update. Things are generally looking pretty good but I'm now seeing my hairgrass progressively detach itself from the substrate. I'm assuming this is because the grass has exhausted all the nutrients etc from the Tropica. Any thoughts on best approach to address this? Someone has suggested I'll need to most likely drain down the tank, remove the grass and replenish the substrate with fresh. This process scares me somewhat, so I'm hoping there may be an easier way that doesn't involved trying to hunt down every last shrimp, snail and fish! 20240720_220037.jpg
On a flip side to my dilemma, the shrimp seem to love it under the detached grass
I knew from the first post this was going round mature well and it has. I'm sure it makes for great viewing.

Good to see others using this tank and there set ups as its a tank I'm thinking about.
Hi all,
I'm assuming this is because the grass has exhausted all the nutrients etc from the Tropica
No, I don't think so. It is either the Amano shrimps pulling it up, or the density of the roots is pushing new growth out and up into the tank water.

It definitely needs a thin, but I'm not quite sure how to do that. Basically you need about half the number of plants, that you have now, to give the remaining plants space to grow.

Once you've "thinned", could you pour some new substrate on top? This works really well with a sand substrate, but I don't have any experience of aquasoil.

cheers Darrel
So, I took the plunge, uprooted all my foreground plants including the 'starved' hair grass and replaced the Tropica aquarium soil. It was actally a lot easier and less messy that I expected and I soon had the planting plan (in my head) in place for iteration 2.0. It will be interesting to see how this one matures, helped along by some regular water changes for the next week or so. I also inserted some Neo ST Long plant tabs in the soil to support growth of the background plants. I invested in two new plant species, Staurogyne Repens and some Alternanththeria Reinecki 'mini.'

I do want to purchase some Cherry Shrimps with the hope they will breed, but I need to figure out a reliable place to purchase from following a little bit of research (any recommendations on that appreciated) 😉 20240926_202256.jpg