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  1. bazz

    What's a practical hose diameter for tank filling/draining?

    Hi, Could you not use one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/19mm-16mm-Plastic-Straight-Reducing/dp/B0CXJJ6232/ref=asc_df_B0CXJJ6232?tag=bingshoppinga-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80264539945861&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583864008366672&th=1 along with a short...
  2. bazz

    Steel glass scrapers - any tips, advice?

    Even in the price?
  3. bazz

    About Time (79 gal, no CO2)

    Looking forward!
  4. bazz

    Cycling, CO2 and PH question

    I'm certainly no expert and stand to be corrected but just throwing it out there, is it possible that in the existing aquarium that once the bacteria/archaea had built up enough to deal with the high level of Nitrite at initial start-up would they then not reduce in number along with the...
  5. bazz

    60P Variations

    Sorry to hear about your shrimp, but if it's any consolation your tank is looking great!
  6. bazz

    Jungle in a glass box

    I've got the older model and it has been running for 3 1/2 years without any problems, now I don't think I could live without it.
  7. bazz

    RCS advice - Epsom Salts, Iron, and Water Changes

    25% once a week will fine for low tech if you don't really want to go through with two. As long as you are replacing the old water with new from the same source and if you prepare your water prior to the change i.e. leave for 24 hours to off-gas (Chlorine) preferably with agitation, bring it up...
  8. bazz

    Please critique my attempt at an iwagumi.

    You're in good hands!
  9. bazz

    Hello from Midlothian!

    Welcome! Looking forward.
  10. bazz

    Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey

    Wise decision! I can't see that being a problem at all, it gives you the opportunity to have more of each of which I'm sure will gratify you and the fish and enable them to be in a more natural environment. I would give it a bit longer before introducing the Chilis until the plants have matured...
  11. bazz

    ViV Mini M, 36x22x28, ´A cliff from Verdon’

    Stunning as always CooKieS!
  12. bazz

    Slightly cloudy at 120

    Onwards and upwards!
  13. bazz

    What's going on here - surface bubbles

    We have seen threads from people who have overdosed Tropica Nutrition Capsules and encountered the same problem and the general consensus was that it is caused by Ammonia, so I would imagine it is your substrate still leeching this. As mentioned above, surface skimming or agitation will solve...
  14. bazz

    eheim air pump low pressure

    There has to be a problem and they are quite basic so might be worth replacing the diaphragm, having said that they aren't cheap at 16 quid so would be an expensive trial and error if it's not the problem. Mine has been running trouble free non stop for four years now.
  15. bazz

    Plant decay. Help please!

    Hi, The Crypt Balansae (back left) looks healthy enough, the Sword plants should recover through producing new leaves if they have everything they need, you can remove the large outer dying leaves, that Java Fern wants removing from the substrate and attaching to hardscape along with the Anubias...
  16. bazz

    Hello from Surrey

    Welcome, look forward!
  17. bazz

    60P Variations

    Hi, Could you not temporarily move the outlet to the front and and direct it across the front of the tank where the plant growth is lower, by the time it has circulated round the back it should have calmed down a bit. You can then return it to your ideal location once the stems have gained a bit...
  18. bazz

    Jungle in a glass box

    Nice, I'm still paying off the interest for a ADA hang-on glass thermometer I bought 3 1/2 years ago!
  19. bazz

    Best under sand substrate mix?

    Might prove ideal for catfish!
  20. bazz

    Hello from Manchester

    Welcome! :wave:
  21. bazz


    Welcome! :wave:
  22. bazz

    Mike from West Cork, ROI

    Welcome! :wave:
  23. bazz

    My distraction at work

    At least he can't complain about the price of electric.
  24. bazz

    Best under sand substrate mix?

    I would have no problem mixing the two together in the bags and then cover them with whatever is pleasing to the eye or affordable, I know a good few people over the years have successfully utilised cat litter but I don't think I could live the associated stigma. 🙂
  25. bazz

    What am I missing?

    Nothing to do with your problem but rather than sporadically adding a lot all in one go just add 1 or 1/2 or 1/4 depending on the contents and brand in different areas each week after the water change, plants love stability and will not be adapted to take in a sudden massive influx of nutrients...
  26. bazz

    Red Sea reefer 170 Freshwater scape.

    Look forward to seeing what you come up with, is your existing tank still in operation?
  27. bazz

    Hi from Galicia, northwest Spain

    Welcome! :wave:
  28. bazz

    Cladophora algae struggles

    Hi, For me it would have generally been, manual removal, clean, water change and repeat but obviously using the Walstad method prohibits this, but then again adding algaesides probably goes against the grain too. This seems like a good idea but beware on the front page of the website for this...
  29. bazz

    Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey

    Personally I wouldn't be tempted to add any fish for a good couple of weeks yet, the dark start is good for cycling the 'Nitrogen cycle' but it wasn't until you put those plants in 1.5 weeks ago that the Biorhythm would have kicked off, plus I can see that a lot, if not most of your plants have...
  30. bazz

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    I've been trying to eradicate Christmas Moss from my CO2 injected tank for about two years now and I never put any in there, it obviously came in with other plants. I remove all I can find but a couple of months later I'll find a batch growing out of a clump of Buce.
  31. bazz

    Tropica soil raising my KH

    If Aquasoil can reduce the dKH of hard water to zero for approximately 6 months would it not be feasible to estimate a similar length of time to reverse the process, I'm just talking ballpark figures here and not scientific calculations?
  32. bazz

    Steel glass scrapers - any tips, advice?

    I use the same combination, the Eheim Scraper is around 10 years old now and still on the original blade although I tend to just use it down at substrate level and one or two hard to reach areas, the blade has a very slight tinge of rust but it's certainly not detrimental.
  33. bazz

    Fluval Roma 125- lighting help

    Have you got any further on with this project?
  34. bazz

    Thoughts on nutribase and sand for low tech

    I personally would just put one bag in and cover with sand. Might be wise to add a teaspoon of MgSO4 also, as our tap water contains very little.
  35. bazz

    Hello from the NE USA !

    Welcome! :wave:
  36. bazz

    Twinstar..what is it?

    I used one at start up for two to three months purely for Oxygen production before the Plants took over the task and found some of the fish shied away from the bubbles while others seemed to almost be addicted to them. I can't really see it being an aid when adding new fish though especially in...
  37. bazz

    Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination

    Hi, Presumably 412 never gets a mention because of the high Urea and low Nitrate content but I can't help wondering if it may or may not be a better option for daily lean dosing in a soft water CO2 injected tank, I wouldn't really want a ratio of 1-2 Nitrogen-Potassium although I know people are...
  38. bazz

    Critique my hardscape And Help!!

    I've always found the substrate will end up pretty level anyway especially with shrimp unless it is banked up with something solid. In the past the use of a spray bar also alleviated this problem with the flow going from front to back across the substrate. You could always remove the soil and...
  39. bazz

    Critique my hardscape And Help!!

  40. bazz


    Welcome! :wave:
  41. bazz

    Aquarium plants

    I think (but might be wrong) that Mini Coin is the smallest Anubias.
  42. bazz

    Bucephalandra Heaven

    Well, I say go for it, as I mentioned above I never saw any noticeable difference between the two but one variable is the buces that are rooted into the substrate were obviously further away from the light than the ones which are attached (I use the word attached very loosely) to the hardscape...
  43. bazz

    8 Feet of Spray Bar in a 4 Foot Tank

    Congratulations on your DIY approach and a good read too!
  44. bazz

    Long filter outlet

    If you're using a correctly tuned reactor you ought to be getting pretty much 100% dissolution, however your longer outlet will most probably assist with flow and distribution down at the lower levels which is definitely a boon, I use a low level wavemaker for this exact same purpose.
  45. bazz

    I need either a) bigger tank b) less plants

    One look at your tank should tell her it's evident you require a larger one!
  46. bazz

    Bucephalandra Heaven

    Nice project, will look great in a year a so when they have all grown in. The Filiformis looks to be an interesting catch, I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for that one. I attached small buce to various pieces of hardscape around my tank but after three years they have now grown into four big...
  47. bazz


    Welcome! Looking forward to seeing it.
  48. bazz

    How do you know the correct injection rate for Co2, is it possible to know before adding plants?

    For me stability is the most important factor, your plants will acclimate to the stable regime that you provide (within reasonable parameters of course) rather than trying to hit some magical number. Just plant up, it's going to take a week or two for the plants to acclimate to all the other new...
  49. bazz

    Hi from Bedfordshire

    Looking at your photo and the fact you are seeking advice on how to improve your plant growing skills I was going to suggest replacing the plastic plants with real ones from the Tropica easy range but having read your other posts it appears you are already on this track. As Darrel says above the...
  50. bazz

    Hi from Bedfordshire

    Welcome! Do you have a photo of it by any chance, I'm sure someone will be able to identify it, in fact a couple of photos of your tank will give others a better feel for it and be able to offer more appropriate advice. Cheers!
  51. bazz

    Hi from Tonbridge

    Welcome! If you're here for the long haul consider starting a journal where all your questions and answers are in one place making it easier for other's and yourself to gather past information along with the addition of photographs. Cheers.
  52. bazz

    Long time lurker, Hi?

    Providing the details outlined in the thread below will allow us/others to make a more accurate evaluation. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/please-read-the-guidelines-for-plant-help.60671/ Cheers!
  53. bazz

    Long time lurker, Hi?

    Welcome! I most definitely wouldn't get an oto to combat BBA as they don't eat it, getting rid of the source of the problem is a better way forward. If it is BBA (and I'm not fully convinced it is from the photo), water changes, cleanliness, manual removal and healthy plant growth will assist...
  54. bazz

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Good morning Zoe, It's good to see you have new growth on all of your plants so things are going in right direction. Those Diatoms will surely disappear before long and I know some will say to just leave it but I can't help thinking some of those Anubias leaves would benefit from a light rub...
  55. bazz

    90cm and right at the beginning

    Morning Brian. Good to see some water and plants in... As long as you're happy that's all that matters, the only suggestion I would make is to move the Val and is that Cyperus Helferi towards the back of the tank as all your other plants which appear to be stems can be trimmed down and shaped...
  56. bazz

    Do fertz need to be dosed at a certain time?

    As a proponent of stability, for me it would be logical to dose at the same time everyday, but the reality is it's a hobby and trying to follow some strict routine will diminish the enjoyment and it will become a chore (been there). I only work three days a week now (winding down) but on these...
  57. bazz

    Tanks been cleaned with chemicals?

    ...and after you've done all of above just run it for a couple of weeks without fish, which you probably should do anyway if it's only just in the process of being set up.
  58. bazz

    Here we go :)

    Welcome and I look forward to seeing this grow in!
  59. bazz

    Very first tank (planted, low tech)

    Hi, I'm certainly no expert and stand to be corrected but I seem to remember from the past (and I'm a bit muddled) that Ich goes through a 2 week 3 stage life cycle and the meds only attack the free swimming larval stage usually meaning you repeat the dose after a week or so, but as I said I'm...
  60. bazz


    Why thank you!
  61. bazz

    Testing and What to Test

    It’s in the last photo above, a water butt sump pump from B&Q, had it years, I don’t think they sell them anymore but you should be able to find a modern equivalent or any fairly powerful pump will do. The beauty of this though is after syphoning off I just attach the hose adapter to the pump...
  62. bazz

    Testing and What to Test

    Sorry I also meant to say, that if you're producing 0 TDS then I would assume you are polishing off with resin which is not really necessary in a freshwater aquarium unless you like buying it, 300 to 12 is good enough. I also forgot say that just after adding the salts I run the main transfer...
  63. bazz

    Testing and What to Test

    Just to give you an idea, I collect 130l RO in to a potable container add my remin salts and leave for a couple of days for the water to stabilize and it will also warm up a few degrees (room temperature if left for an adequate time), with a very small Eheim pump for circulation. I use a mixture...
  64. bazz


    The one at the front is Tiger and at the rear is Red, strangely enough the new leaves of both have grown with pretty similar colouration under this light whereas they were easy to identify before. I intended to say above that I'm definitely getting better growth down at the substrate level...
  65. bazz

    Hello folks

    Welcome! Look forward to seeing some snaps sometime.
  66. bazz


    6 month update! After 3 years of the Kessil I fancied a change of scenery so I've purchased a P100 (the Kessil still hangs above it ready for action). It's been on 3 months and a lot of the Crypts leaves slowly senesced but larger more colourful ones grew quicker than this process. I'm really...
  67. bazz

    Cheating but still losing?

    Limnophila Sessiliflora and Hygrophila Corymbosa 'Siamensis 53b' are my go to work horse fast growers for both high and low tech, the Tropica ones that come in like a sandwich packet (blister packs?) will take off better (than Tissue Culture) and be free of pests but as @Wookii has mentioned...
  68. bazz

    ph/c02 discovery that dont quite understand

    Hi. I personally would advise that there is really no need to inject such high levels of CO2 that you're fish are gasping at the surface or the drop checker is turning yellow, turn it down notch and head for the mid table. The important factor from there on is to keep the level stable throughout...
  69. bazz

    Just starting out....200 litre!

    Welcome and look forward to seeing your progression!
  70. bazz

    From the Philippines

    Welcome! :wave:
  71. bazz

    Diatoms, BBA, something else that isn't even algae related!?? Argh!!

    BTW, 2dKH is absolutely fine for those tetras and rasboras. I'm not sure what your GH is but it may be beneficial to add a little Magnesium to achieve an approximate 3:1 ratio with the Calcium if you're not already doing so. Cheers!
  72. bazz

    Diatoms, BBA, something else that isn't even algae related!?? Argh!!

    It's difficult to tell for sure from photos but it looks like lowering the intensity of the lights has brought it down to a more acceptable level for a low tech tank but I personally wouldn't have reduced the duration to less than 8 hours and if it's been working for you for the last 2 1/2 years...
  73. bazz

    90cm and right at the beginning

    Hi, I personally would turn it right down to about 10% or even less especially if it's moving your substrate around and turn it up gradually as the plant mass increases. As it is it will also uproot your newly planted plants. Once you start getting some growth you will be able to judge much...
  74. bazz

    There and Back Again. (340l)

    Looking forward!
  75. bazz

    Echinodorus recommendation

    Aquartica and Grisebachii are two of the smaller Echinodorus that springs to mind.
  76. bazz

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    I've zoomed in and I personally don't think it's BBA. Difficult to tell for sure from the photo but could be filamentous diatoms mixed with a bit of die off or possibly some form of cyanobacteria. Hopefully someone who has experienced this will chime in and enlighten.
  77. bazz

    Filtration & Flow

    Your filter capacity and flow are more than adequate coupled with the use of a powerhead or gyre but I can understand you wanting to get away from the the ribbed hoses plus having the addition of external heating. The Nero 3 is programmable through the app with time, power and function, I use...
  78. bazz

    Hi All

    Welcome! If travel is not a problem for you then @Horizon Aquatics Horizon Aquatics is well worth a visit too. These are the two best shops I have found so far that cater for our needs.
  79. bazz

    180l low tech

    Without reading the whole backstory I could well imagine that this could quite possibly your problem.
  80. bazz

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Any chance of a picture of the BBA. seems rather soon to have developed to me although it's probably not unheard of, did you get it new or was it from someone else's tank?
  81. bazz

    Critique my aquascape Looking for advice on existing aquascapes!

    With the small tank I would just carry on with what you are doing it looks great and will look even better when it has grown in a tad more. The right hand side of the 350 is perfect but the left hand side appears to me to have grown to close to the front glass, nothing that a good trim wouldn't...
  82. bazz

    Plants to photograph for my book

    Great photos Tai !
  83. bazz

    Hello from South UK

    Welcome! :wave:
  84. bazz

    Hello from Newbury

    Hi, Interested to see how is this going with the sump etc. would be good to have an update and a photo. Cheers!
  85. bazz

    Anyone using Fluval Bio-Co2 Pro kit? Thoughts?

    Afraid I'm not using one and not sure how long you have had it running but plants generally take a week or two to transition to new parameters. As such I personally find keeping the CO2 stable throughout the photoperiod as important if not more so than having wavering levels trying to reach some...
  86. bazz

    Strange swing in tds, RO water

    It could well be what @LMuhlen has described, are you keeping your salts in good quality airtight containers, I can imagine it being quite hot and humid in Italy at this time of year? I'm no chemist but I know that some anhydrous salts are used as desiccants therefore I would imagine CaSO4...
  87. bazz

    Hi from Indonesia

    Welcome! :wave:
  88. bazz

    First Aquascape

    Looking good, keep us posted and keep up with the water changes for the first couple of weeks to keep ammonia levels down and removal of decaying plant matter as they transition.
  89. bazz

    Hi everyone

    I agree with you 100%, and the money you would spend on fish could be put towards a nice strain of shrimp and maybe a couple of clithon snails or similar.
  90. bazz

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Shrimp really prefer a mature tank so ideally I would wait six weeks or so, but if/when after a couple of weeks you get a diatom outbreak I can see no problem adding 5 approx as long as the ammonia and nitrite levels have reduced to zero. If you are intending to keep a/some snails then it would...
  91. bazz

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Looks nice whatever it is.
  92. bazz

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    @Aquarium Gardens @Horizon Aquatics :thumbup: or Aquarium Plants from Aquarium Gardens UK | Live Aquatic Tropical Tank Plants Horizon Aquatics
  93. bazz


    That's a lovely looking tank!
  94. bazz


    For some strange reason I've been keeping my eye on the dam rupturing and flooding in Minnesota, you OK @MichaelJ or anyone else from there for that matter?
  95. bazz

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    All of the surfaces within your aquarium is biomedia, I know biomedia is the given name for some porous bits of stone or round plastic balls but you are basically just providing a surface for bacteria to colonise, and it's then a case of providing the right conditions for the beneficial bacteria...
  96. bazz

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Hi, I personally wouldn't turn up the CO2 any more at the moment (your current plants will be fine with lower levels), in fact I would turn it down a notch for the time being. I can see you have guppy grass in there but with a tank that size I'd be tempted to add a fair few more bunches of fast...
  97. bazz

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    MFS = Multiple Filter Syndrome!
  98. bazz

    Low tech shrimp nano tank. Which TNC fert?

    I personally would go with the Complete as I would imagine (without looking) that Lite does not contain any Nitrate or Phosphate which are two of the Macro elements most plants need to thrive. You could get away with using Lite while the Aquasoil is new but with a tank that size a bottle is...
  99. bazz

    Hi from the north of Scotland

    Welcome! :wave:
  100. bazz

    Surface Scum Again…….

    Good to see you Clive!