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There and Back Again. (340l)

Lincs Planter

13 Jun 2024
Evening all. I’m back in the planted side after a long break reefkeeping.

The tank is a Seabray Elite 48” x 18” x 24” with a Mekong cabinet. At the moment got around 23kg of Hakkai Rock with half a dozen Manzanita pieces, also using WIO gravel and Hugo Kamishi sand for the foreground for Corydoras. Soil is Tropica Soil around 18l.

Equipment wise going to be using an Oase Biomaster 850 for filtration and to run the CO2 reactor, flow will be handled by an in tank powerhead or gyre setup. The CO2 is delivered from a 3.15kg bottle and a Life Aqua dual stage regulator although might be able to use a 6kg bottle, the reactor is a 2.5l import job. Lighting was originally going to be a plant 3.0 but with further research didn't feel the PAR was that great so going to use Twinstar G series 120g start with one and then add a second or may just get two to start with will have to see.

No pictures yet as everything in boxes but will update soon when filter and lighting arrives.

That's all for now 🖖🏻
Well after a trip to AG it's a change of lighting and filter. Lighting will now be with a suspended Twinstar 1200SA inside the hood, it's open backed and has cover glasses so no humidity to speak of. Filtration is now going to be an Eheim Pro 5e 600T Thermo as don't like the idea of leaks further down the line and want it right first time with as few problems as possible.
Filtration is now going to be an Eheim Pro 5e 600T Thermo as don't like the idea of leaks further down the line and want it right first time with as few problems as possible.
Well, you might be the first to review the 5e Pro! 😀
I would be keen to hear your thoughts when its bedded in.
First thoughts on it is that it feels well made and the plastics don't feel cheap. Baskets are a decent size and not much has changed over time, there is no media other than a couple of sponges which for the price is a bit tight of them but to be honest I'd be taking it out anyway. I've seen a few comments on the size of the heater only being 250W but for me it's perfect the room it's in never goes below 20 degrees C so only need to heat up 5 degrees max if that much.
Scaped using Hakkai stone and Manzanita Wood with Tropical Soil all from Aquarium Gardens. I am not finished yet just living with the scape a day or two but overall happy with it flowing from right to left and there'll be some light sand at the front with some black gravel to grade it from large to smaller grain for the Corydoras.


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