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What's going on here - surface bubbles


11 Dec 2023
United Kingdom
Hi All,

A new aquarium, new filter, heavily planted, CO2 injected, started 10 days ago, with no livestock.

All looked OK, then I started going down from daily to 3 times a week water changes from Tuesday, and the below bubble-tastic surface started. (Water changes may be unrelated).

Doesn't look great, but does anyone know what this means?


My guess is it’s a build up of organics and proteins, most likely leaching out of the aqua soil. Foamy water is a tell tale sign of excess proteins/ organics in your water.

I wouldn’t stress too much yet, and it will likely clear soon if you keep doing your water changes. Unless you’re adding dish soap to your tank for some inexplicable reason
Hi Bradders,

I had a similar issue albeit with around 1/3rd of the bubbles but surface film also. Using Tropica Aquasoil - I raised the outlets on my filters to make more surface agitation and that has definitely helped with the film and the bubbles reduced significantly.

I don’t know what caused the bubbles (someone said it was ammonia from the soil but who knows)


Thanks @martinjcxn, @Spartacus and @Maf 2500.

I am indeed using Tropica Aquairum Soil. Also, the aquarium is very new so hoping this is all just part of the process. As suggested, I might increase surface agitatiion for a while and also up the water changes for another week.

Plants are definitely growing, seeing pearling and DO was at 7.5mg/l tonight before lights out. I might just check whether Amonnia is a problem tomorrow morning first thing.
We have seen threads from people who have overdosed Tropica Nutrition Capsules and encountered the same problem and the general consensus was that it is caused by Ammonia, so I would imagine it is your substrate still leeching this.
As mentioned above, surface skimming or agitation will solve the problem but also ensure your light is at a sensible level and keep up with the water change routine during this time otherwise you might get a visit from the green fuzzy stuff.
We have seen threads from people who have overdosed Tropica Nutrition Capsules and encountered the same problem and the general consensus was that it is caused by Ammonia, so I would imagine it is your substrate still leeching this.
As mentioned above, surface skimming or agitation will solve the problem but also ensure your light is at a sensible level and keep up with the water change routine during this time otherwise you might get a visit from the green fuzzy stuff.
Thanks @bazz . I am treating it as "Morcheeba Stage" * at the moment as we get close to 2 weeks in. Water change cleared it up (started when moving to 3 times a week from daily) and keeping an eye.

* "Part of the Process"