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Long filter outlet


New Member
13 Aug 2024
Has anyone found a filter outlet solution which would allow me to return the water lower in to the tank than most standard outlets do? My Google skills are failing me.

The reason I ask is that I feel like I'm using more CO2 than I should need on paper to see any colour change my drop checker.

I run 2 canister filters, one of which has my CO2 reactor on the return. I'd like to experiment with returning the CO2 enriched water a few inches deeper in to the tank to see if it helps. I'm using the standard Oase and JBL outlets at the moment, don't mind modifying these or trying something new.
The way most fol get the CO2 to the lower levels is with good flow and turnover. All the outlets need to complement each other to create the best turnover in the tank. Also by having a smaller outlet diameter less water is pushed out but it is pushed out at a higher speed 'jet' which creates better tank turnover/flow. When I was using a spraybar in my 500l tank I tried various hole diameters and how many until I found which gave the best turnover/flow in the tank, it wasn't the biggest/most holes that gave the best turnover/flow
Thanks all, I knew there would be options out there, I was just struggling to come up with the right words to search for them.

I actually found an extra intake I'd used for something else so I've scavenged the clear tube from the Oase intake and put a right angle on the end of it which is doing the job well enough for an experiment.

Looks like there are better looking options out there which will be worth buying if the concept works.

Yeah, I've still got another filter with a standard outlet which is providing enough surface agitation still.
If you're using a correctly tuned reactor you ought to be getting pretty much 100% dissolution, however your longer outlet will most probably assist with flow and distribution down at the lower levels which is definitely a boon, I use a low level wavemaker for this exact same purpose.