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  1. B

    ADA aquascapes from the cancelled Kew garden's seminar

    Hi all! I've got a small story time I wanted to share with you all who may not be on Instagram or follow me on Instagram. Some of you may remember that in 2020, ADA were due to host a seminar at Kew gardens, showcasing aquascaping at a private event. Now unfortunately, as we all know, this was...
  2. Geoffrey Rea

    I wasn't going to post....

    Needed to be said. Will leave it at that. Thank you for your honesty Paulo, we appreciate you.
  3. Zeus.

    I wasn't going to post....

    Too tied to read have just sent Paulo what I have sent all the Mods in the tread I started
  4. LondonDragon

    I wasn't going to post....

    ...here moderating the forum, specially Tim and Geoff that have been more at the forefront of it, it is mentally draining at times dealing with this s*it, I didn't always agree with all of it, but for a consensus I went with most of it and a lot of the time I ended up cleaning a lot of the mess...
  5. megwattscreative

    Low tech cobbled together 33/27l aqua one nano cube

    Happy to send you some floating plants too for the cost of postage, if you need them! :)
  6. megwattscreative


    Welcome! As a newbie with a big tank (tiny compared to yours), starting a journal has been really helpful for troubleshooting and asking questions :)
  7. Myrkk

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Sorry not seen a pm… not fab on forums…
  8. seedoubleyou

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    Sometimes that’s the best cure mate. Just leaving stuff be.
  9. N

    Nano Garden Experiment

    Hi all! I have questions , so I switched to RO water, my TDS is 120 ppm. I dose APT 3 5 ml every day, but my rotala orange juice, bacopa salzami purple and golden nesaea leavers are metling. What could be reason for that? Please see the attached photos.
  10. S

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    Thanks. 👍🏻 I’ve put a lot of effort into this small tank and really enjoyed it. I have an issue with algae but I’m learning to just embrace it.
  11. D

    Starting a Betta tank

    Thanks, I'll shoot them an email.
  12. megwattscreative

    Very first tank (planted, low tech)

    Hello all! Not much to update on other than tank is doing well :) having some yellowing of leaves (thinking this is due to low iron). I haven't changed doses, however I have been changing the water more often due to the fish - so I think I just need to dose more regularly. It may also be the...
  13. seedoubleyou

    Starting a Betta tank

    Reach out to Horizon Aquatics (our sponsor) one of the girls working there is really into her Bettas.
  14. hasan66

    micro color problem

    I added some acid to the water and some of the dark blue color disappeared.
  15. D

    Starting a Betta tank

    Thanks for all the replies. Taking things very slow at the moment, was out today trying to get some rocks/wood and just having a browse. Back on the subject of substrate, would Pettex Roman gravel, black sand be a good choice. Reviews seem to say it's bigger and courser then most sand. Pettex...
  16. castle

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    Great looking tank 👍
  17. Cazza

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    Awesome, Simon!
  18. seedoubleyou

    AI Prime Freshwater vs Chihiros RGB2

    From what you’ve said. I’d personally go with a twinstar or Chihiros WRGB. Ai blade is a good light and I really liked mine. But it doesn’t compare to the Twinstars or Chihiros lights i had.
  19. Ady34

    Great news - my watch is over

    Ok, tensions have been running high after recent events. Behind the scenes can be arduous and thankless and I believe @zeus has had insight into this. Members are understandably torn, shocked and uncertain. I can assure everyone that we are working hard behind the scenes to ensure a sound...
  20. J

    Great news - my watch is over

    How you going to help him @Zeus. Publicly shaming him.. it's a joke mate. I'm out.
  21. ElleDee

    Great news - my watch is over

    I'm not interested in adjudicating blame and am looking to the future. If the mod team is on board with this transition plan, it would be helpful if they would confirm that here.
  22. S

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    I can’t tell you what variety that plant is unfortunately. It was just one of the first plants I bought when I started out last autumn. It took off when it broke the surface a couple of months ago and now I have this arch of flowers. ❤️ What’s really cool about this aquatic plant business is I...
  23. J

    Great news - my watch is over

    Can a mod pm me the transition of this conversation. No offence Karl, but I still suspect we is looking for a scape goat here. I need evidence Tim suddenly turned into a arsole, after serving the forum for so long.
  24. Zeus.

    Great news - my watch is over

    No dark messages dont hurt me. He was playing the game by his rules. I have worked my nut off of Hours on the PC, I advised him that admin rights had been restored and needed to behave for what could be a fragile deal, then as we was chatting he started deleating Georges account, lucky for me...
  25. S

    Great news - my watch is over

    Hi. I am not sure that UKAPS is a place to judge people who have obviously been dealing with a sense of betrayal and break down in communication. Lets face it and lets not forget it, Tim was a bloody star on here and was obviously soldiering on behind the scenes. You cannot love the guy for 13...
  26. hasan66

    micro color problem

    I think it reacts with manganese EDTA. If I add 10 mg of copper sulphate, the color of the water becomes blue.
  27. oreo57

    AI Prime Freshwater vs Chihiros RGB2

    Bluer is "cooler".. Besides your color options are infinite really.. You would need 2 7004's for 4ft.. At a min max of 87 watts each you have lot of room for adjustment. Muddy yellow does come from poor quality white leds (well and tannins) You may want to stick with the RGB centric...
  28. Andy Taylor

    Great news - my watch is over

    This is like a nightmare to me, I honestly thought stuff like this would never happen on here as we were all like a family. Im deeply sad that it has come to this when everyone helped each other. now, its not the forum i used to love anymore.
  29. Zeus.

    Great news - my watch is over

    Which was started/made public by a Rouge Admin, the mods, owners and members are in shock IMO after 13 years of great service Sometimes Sh*t hits the fan, hindsight is the best foresight
  30. hasan66

    micro color problem

    250 ml per 75 liters, 3 doses per week 3ml copper sulphate 139 mg 0.00566666667=0.017ppm manganese edta 12% 1.163gr=0.067 zinc edta 15%= 0.263mg=0.019ppm boric acid 250mg 0.007=0.021 sodium molybdate= 0 .00166666667 ppm 26mg=0.005ppm and 2.5ml white vinegar 0.1gr potassium sorbate
  31. Bradders

    Great news - my watch is over

    I'll be a lot happier when there is evidence of stability - and discussion equates to an amicable outcome. This has been an unbelievable blow-up in a forum that, as you all know, is highly indexed in search engines. This plant and fish-focused forum has resulted in so much nastiness that it's...
  32. Hanuman

    Great news - my watch is over

    All very politically correct my friend despite how you have been treated by some individuals which I shall not name. My respects to you for trying to get things on track when those who were supposed to do something were in a coma.
  33. Zeus.

    Great news - my watch is over

    But bad NEWS follows which can not be swept under the carpet IMO The bad NEWS is Saint Tim Harrison went from saint to Zero in my books, it really hurt me and I blocked him from whatsapp when he started messing in the back end of server and asked to only person I could to remove his access/ban...
  34. Zeus.

    Great news - my watch is over

    Hi all, I can relax and have beer, talks have started to take place between Moderators and Dan . It has been a very bumpy ride emotions running high, I stepped-up up in a time of need when other was at work not online. All admins was invited to a group pm before chat with Dan and after, I think...
  35. CooKieS

    Hakkai stones Iwagumi, Viv 45p

    Exactly, it’s growing a bit like Eleocharis but without runners which is clearly an advantage in nano tanks. :)
  36. Hanuman

    micro color problem

    Copper Sulphate is naturally blue but you should not be able to see any color change when adding it in your solution because you are supposed to add very small amounts. You either added way too much CuSo4 or there is a chemical reaction happening at some point with the other 2 elements. Please...
  37. Hanuman

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    Hi Alan. Good to see you here. Don't you have any custom reg for sell now for the OP?
  38. J

    Bristlenoses & Albino Corydoras?

    As above. The corydoras and Bristlenose will get along fine, I have the very same sp of fish in a 240L and there isn't any issues.
  39. hypnogogia

    The Crypt Jungle

    This difficulty with uploading has been happening to me as well. I think it’s to do with the resolution of the file, not just the size.
  40. Chez_

    Bristlenoses & Albino Corydoras?

    Thank you! That is in fact why I was gifted Mr Grumpy in the first place :).
  41. Conort2

    Bristlenoses & Albino Corydoras?

    They’ll be fine, the only issue you may have is two bristlenoses will turn into hundreds. They’re the guppies of the pleco world.
  42. Chez_

    Bristlenoses & Albino Corydoras?

    My 5'6" /250l tank is aproaching fish,-safe and I'm thinking about stocking it. I have a single juvenile Common Bristlenose who is very unhappy in my 90l cube, so I was thinking I'd move him in there and maybe get him a lady-friend. I've also got seven Albino Corys in another 90l tank who seem...
  43. S

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    This is the norm nowadays i guess, but really good to know. It would be nice if Co2 Art dropped us a message to let us know how their regs and equipment differs from other regs apparently made in the same room? From what I know in the UK Co2 Art is seen as the dream equipment. It certainly looks...
  44. S

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    That would be really interesting! I have only had one Co2 regulator and often wondered what i would do if i had to maintain it. But getting the bits together to build your own sounds even better. Welcome Alanle! Si
  45. rebel

    AI Prime Freshwater vs Chihiros RGB2

    Thanks very much. I am not concerned about photographing the tank. When I look at at, I want it to look perfect with regard to cooler and high CRI spectrum. Budget is not really a concern. I will have a look at the blade. Never heard of it prior...
  46. hasan66

    micro color problem

    Hi friends, I am making my own micro. I mixed it with manganese edta and zinc edta in my 250ml container, the color of the water turned slightly red, then I added copper sulphate to it and the water turned blue. This color did not occur when making sulphate-based micros before. Is this a problem?
  47. anewbie

    AI Prime Freshwater vs Chihiros RGB2

    I have a couple of wrgb 2 and generally dislike their spectrum; they have 3 colour of led blue, red and (I think) green. You can enhance the visible look of the aquarium as these will bring out the visual colour of fish and plants but it is clear in photo the colour balance is way off and it is...
  48. H

    6 months on

    Thanks Surya. Tank is 200x35x75 made to measure for the available space rather than an off the shelf model. I’m running an FX4 filter & fire extinguisher CO2. I lined the bottom with 40kg pea shingle, topped with 18l of V2 Amazonia substrate capped with silver sand. I used APT start to kick...
  49. Geoffrey Rea

    UKAPS the deal

    This thread and associated threads have been locked whist the UKAPS team discuss the matter privately.
  50. rebel

    AI Prime Freshwater vs Chihiros RGB2

    HI everyone, Longtime no see. I have been chugging along with my 2 footer for several years quietly.... My interest has peaked slightly again and wanting to get a 4 foot CADE or similar setup. 120cm x 65W x 60H https://www.cadeaustralia.com.au/product-page/river-1200-s2-black I need it to...
  51. Geoffrey Rea

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    This thread and associated threads have been locked whist the UKAPS team discuss the matter privately.
  52. S

    6 months on

    Your tank looks really beautiful! Such healthy plant growth. I would love to know the details about what you've used to create it (size of tank, substrate, etc). And also how you overcame your algae crises.
  53. H

    6 months on

    I thought I would take the time to share a few photos taken in stages over the past 6 months in setting up and maturing this 6ft tank. I’m doing so through both gratitude to the experienced members of this forum that gave me a few pointers and confidence along the way, and as a reassurance to...
  54. castle

    Help me compare general purpose light fixtures

    And send us a link to where you got them!
  55. Aqua360

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    As far as I can tell, we are still no closer to really confirming the situation about the donations? Outside of @Zeus. claiming they look fine, with Dan apparently handing the forum over, and exiting the scene? Cause this doesn't look suspect whatsoever. Are any of our members accountants...
  56. Mike Singh

    Help me compare general purpose light fixtures

    Show us a picture!

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Poor old Lib Dems left out again
  58. Maf 2500

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    You Can't Miss What You Can't Measure
  59. Zeus.

    UKAPS the deal

    I full breakdown has been sent active Moderators, please post in group chat in latest pm
  60. A

    Aqua One AquaSys 230

    I have a friend who has drilled one 120mm hole in one side of the Aqua One AquaSys 230 for filter tubing etc. They had no problems with the rigidity of the stand, therefore I believe you shouldn't have any issues drilling the two 80mm holes.
  61. Onoma1

    UKAPS the deal

    A suggestion: We all take a week away from this. This is taken off-line All current 'stakeholders' (administration, mods, founders, etc) get together in a zoom call and set up the UKAPS as a new society with clear governance structures. Email and online text is an awful communication tool in...
  62. Bradders

    UKAPS the deal

    I know. But let's all take the air out of it. Some people have formed friendships on UKAPS - now arguing, displaying defensiveness, and escalating emotions. It is ruinous. Just stop posting and start talking. (Hmmmm, there is an irony created by me saying that! :D)
  63. castle

    UKAPS the deal

    https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/ukaps-has-passed-20-000-members.73764/#post-744069 Last I remember asking; I also asked privately.
  64. Bradders

    UKAPS the deal

    I like this view - and then outcomes of that debate are published.
  65. hypnogogia

    UKAPS the deal

    Well, from what I understand, Paolo quit after many years because he felt (and has) given so much to the forum that he needed hand up his gloves. Tim took over and then quit over his concern about transparency on the accounts. Question I have is whether Paolo has sight of the accounts as...
  66. MichaelJ

    Catching shrimps?

    Perfect. I am going to try that out! Cheers, Michael
  67. Bradders

    UKAPS the deal

    The problem with forums is that (unless deleted) that exact emotion at that exact time is stored for eternity. I hate being directive, but my view is that we should 'just stop'. And my view for the owners/moderators/seniors is to talk personally rather than posting every feeling. I am a...
  68. Stu Worrall

    Catching shrimps?

    This 👍🏻. Works really well with a small 500ml bottle. Just make sure you don’t leave the shrimp in too long as the decomposing food can cause a problem with the water quality inside the bottle. Left mine in for a day max in the past and they were ok
  69. Chez_

    Catching shrimps?

    Well that's saved me several hours of my life, I'd just started sketching one out from first principles 🤣. Thank you!
  70. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Thanks, John and everyone - I'll do that tomorrow morning. Really appreciate the advice. What seems normal to you, is new to me!
  71. J

    UKAPS the deal

    @Tim Harrison you mean you're not going to click back on the forum to like this reply 🙄
  72. A

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    Hello everyone. Alan Le here. Thanks to oreo57 for referring me to this site. To answer ops question. I suggest going with a custom dual stage regulator. You can sort out the parts on eBay. The system will run you about $250 to $350 depending on the deal you got. These regulators are precise...
  73. Bradders

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    It's late in the UK, very late in Asia, and late afternoon in the US. Let's just sleep on it, wake up tomorrow, and decide to post nothing negative. Anything that has to be said, well, set up Zoom and have it out. This is not the media or place for something so deep.
  74. J

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Plants, unlike humans have no concept of conforming to the rules. The plants are transitioning, at different rates, eventually all those leaves will wither, and sadly die.. Fear not, you can snip the leaf just above the rhizome and a new submersed leaf will develop.
  75. Bradders

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    OK, OK, OK. Ill chime in.

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Sometimes show blackish tips and it's thought it's lack of CO2 , but looking at the picture this is probably the plant adapting.
  77. oreo57

    DIY LED Full Spectrum Design

    What do you need help with?
  78. J

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    I like the song.
  79. Maf 2500

    Catching shrimps?

    You can make a shrimp trap out of a cut up plastic bottle. Cut the neck off and install in reverse. Lots of videos on youtube etc showing how.
  80. Maf 2500

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    It is just getting silly now. From the sublime to the ridiculous..... And people throwing toys out of the pram is never a good look.
  81. J

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Ffs guys. Can we have some decorum. Is this really how we want to be remembered 😭
  82. MichaelJ

    Catching shrimps?

    Thanks for the ideas I think both will work but will obvious take quite a while. I was thinking perhaps a miniature shrimp trap ruse... If anyone make such a thing. Cheers, Michael
  83. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Thanks for the advice. I'll snip and see where it takes me. I was only confused, as the other plants (I bought three of the same) are not displaying the same issue,
  84. Bradders

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Why don't we just stop talking on the forum, and those involved get on a conference call to hash it out and come back to everyone else?
  85. castle

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    I’ve always snipped it back but not into the good stuff. Normally new leaves replace the old, and those older leaves wither and pruned.
  86. MichaelJ

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Imperfect ... but I like it! If the current team is able to resolve everything then perfect, if not, bring in new and capable people with fresh perspectives. Thats it! Not hard. Get it done! I am going to recluse myself from any further public discussions on the matter for the time being...
  87. foxfish

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Yep, sounds like a re cap for Game of Thrones!
  88. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Do you take off just the dead bit, or go towards the root etc?
  89. Gill

    Catching shrimps?

    Try using a fine Sieve/colander tied to fishing line. And place their fave food/treat item into it. Wait a few and lift them out into a bowl to sort them from.
  90. castle

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    That bit is dead mate
  91. castle

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I don’t see it as doom and gloom, but I really want the forum to focus on the future, but first, let’s recap. Timeline - Paulo steps down Tim steps up Tim tried and failed to get financial info. Tim goes public, our donations are unaccounted for. Dan says all is good. Pitchforks are out...
  92. Bradders

    All That Remains - Take II

    :D At least you can say you have another reason. I 'literally' have to say that I want to watch the fish....... ........they looks I get could fill a book with 40 chapters.
  93. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Nope your not Alone - it serves a dual purpose as lets me check on dad when he ventures into the kitchen area looking for snacks etc.
  94. Bradders

    All That Remains - Take II

    Oh geez, I thought that it was just me who set up cameras to watch fish!! :D
  95. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    This Pump has been Great and its sooo Quiet. very very good for the price paid. Its supercharged the UGF.
  96. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Pfft that will be fun to try and do. They don't stay still for long, as they zoom off into the back of the tank very quickly. Ill try and get a few shots of them when they come out in a group and squabble. I spend more time watching the tank on the nanny cam sometimes at work, than actually...
  97. MichaelJ

    UKAPS the deal

    Geez, No... I only offered up to serve and help the forum to survive - in one capacity or another, be it with active participation perhaps in a moderator role (from my across-the-pond perspective), offer advice and/or finances - which definitely wont be in a position of power in any shape or...
  98. Bradders

    All That Remains - Take II

    Hi @Gill - I would love to see puffers when you get a moment!
  99. Koaan

    UKAPS the deal

    This is moderate? This is helping? If the Cool Kids don't read the forum, and then come in guns a-blazing, exactly in what way is this "moderating"? Valid questions were raised by staff, and some members have stepped up try to help solve it. In theory that's how a Society works. How about...