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  1. Matt Warner

    Ghosts first proppa scape

    I'm a fan of Cabomba myself. I have some in my current tank. It grows really quick even without co2 and you have a nice bushy effect in no time. Before you know it you are replanting the tops often to form a new plant. If you're after a jungle look cheap you can't go wrong with some vallis. I...
  2. Matt Warner

    First time aquascape

    Looking great and plants look like they are growing really well. Are you adding co2 or are you using liquid carbon?
  3. Matt Warner

    1300 litre chocolate lake

    Hi Alastair, I've just been having a good read of your journal and its looking really good. Wish I had the room for such a big project! Sorry to hear about your crypt melt. Why do you think they melted. My crypts seem to grow really well and then a few leaves just melt for no apparent reason...
  4. Matt Warner

    LOTR Aquascape

    The plants will do the cycling for you if you have enough. I've never had a single fish loss by adding them straight away to a planted tank. The plants will use up any ammonia from the fish as food.
  5. Matt Warner

    Low-tech riverbank

    Also what lighting are you using on this tank? Are they T5s? Just wondered as I am trying a low tech Rio 125 with the standard lighting too.
  6. Matt Warner

    Low-tech riverbank

    Very nice tank I really like it. What floating plants are you using? Also what are the big red leaved plants in the background?
  7. Matt Warner

    Yellow Passion - nano with Yellow shrimp

    Lovely mate. Looks like you'll have a few berried females soon looking at the size of their saddles! I had some yellow shrimp last year and they bred a couple of generations and then unfortunately they all died for no apparent reason. I would love to get some yellow shrimp again and breed them...
  8. Matt Warner

    A Wee Bit Wild

    Hi Claire. I really like your new layout, it certainly makes the hobby far more relaxing and enjoyable when you go back to basics. Are you running co2 on this tank nor are you going low tech? I've gone low tech now as I don't have the time these days to be constantly trimming and tweaking all...
  9. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    Sorry, here are the latest photos. Untitled by Matty213, on Flickr Untitled by Matty213, on Flickr Untitled by Matty213, on Flickr
  10. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    Hi all, just another quick update on my tanks progress. Plants are all still growing but very slowly. The crypts are really starting to grow in now as are the echinodorus. Fish are all happy and seem much happier in a non co2 tank with hardly any ferts. I have added some azolla caroliniana which...
  11. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    Thanks Faizal! I am probably going to do what has been suggested with the rocks and add some pebbles. Just got to wait for the redmoor to sink on its own. It seems to be taking ages to sink, anyone know how long it should take to sink on its own. I tried lifting off the rocks on the weekend and...
  12. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    Hi everybody. I just had 10 minutes spare to take a few new photos of my tank. Crypts are still steadily growing nicely and the Echinodorus Red diamond is getting some lovely red leaves now. No real maintenance this week, just feeding the fish and water top ups from evaporation from the hot...
  13. Matt Warner

    bedroom dennerle nanocube 30l

    Looking very lush. Love the mix of greenery and rocks
  14. Matt Warner

    Crypt's Palace

    Fantastic looking tank joe:thumbup: l. I wish my floating plants would multiply that quick. What floating plants are they? Think im going to have to remove the covers from my tank to lower the humidity and hopefully they will grow much better. Looking forward to seeing the tank progress.
  15. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    Thanks Rick and for all the positive feedback it makes the whole thing seem worthwhile. :happy: The tank is actually more of a yellowy colour at the moment because of the tannins leaching from the wood. I just hope it stays looking so clean and algae free like it is now. I will continue adding...
  16. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    Thanks tim. Once the wood has finally decided to stay down on its own, I will probably remove that rock and attach some moss to it and then place it back where it is.
  17. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    Hi all, Just a quick update on my tank. Its been running just over a week now and the plants seem to be growing in slowly but nicely. I did a quick 10l water change yesterday to vaccuum up some debris from the crypts which was from the filling of the tank. The echinodorus have sent out a few new...
  18. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    So I've added some floating plants now which will hopefully cover the water surface eventually. Thanks to Kapk for the floating plants. I've also turned the rear reflector upside down to reduce lighting levels as suggested by Ady. Plants are slowly growing and crypt cover seems to be getting...
  19. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    Thanks Ady, I've got some floating plants coming tomorrow hopefully so that should be good. Will a low photoperiod compensate for the higher light level or does it not work like that? I'm going to keep the stones in there and move them once the wood sinks on its own. They were a bargain, I...
  20. Matt Warner

    Ians Aqua oak 350

    Lovely looking tank well done. Loving the discus!
  21. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    Ok so here are a few photos I took tonight as promised. Hope you like them. Excuse the large rocks on the wood, they are holding it down until it decides to sink! IMG_4260 by Matty213, on Flickr IMG_4263 by Matty213, on Flickr IMG_4265 by Matty213, on Flickr IMG_4264 by Matty213, on Flickr
  22. Matt Warner

    Redmoor Rio Low Tech

    Hi all, I thought I would start my first journal on here as I have never got round to doing one before. The tank is a juwel rio 125 which I've had set up as a high tech co2 tank for the last few years. I have recently moved house, so I decided to completely rescape and go low tech as I will have...
  23. Matt Warner

    Ammonite jungle retreat.

    50% water change is only necessary in a CO2 injected tank with very fast growth rates. Another thing you might find alarming is that we add copious amounts of nitrate and phosphate to feed the plants, marine is the total opposite as any nitrate or phosphate is considered bad.
  24. Matt Warner

    2' high flow blackwater

    This sounds like an interesting tank. Looking forward to seeing some photos!
  25. Matt Warner

    New Nano for shrimp by DTL

    Looks like it will be a nice little setup. Any idea what kind of shrimp you are going to be keeping?
  26. Matt Warner

    Lè Nano journal •30l Fluval• PLANTED

    Looking good your plants are looking great. How many shrimp do you think you have in there now?
  27. Matt Warner

    Lè Nano journal •30l Fluval• PLANTED

    Looking good mate. I bet the shrimp are loving it in there. Any new shrimplets?
  28. Matt Warner

    Lè Nano journal •30l Fluval• PLANTED

    When you say they are behaving drunk, is it just the male shrimp doing this? If so then they are probably looking to mate with a female.
  29. Matt Warner

    Lè Nano journal •30l Fluval• PLANTED

    The ottos look really nice mate. Looks like they've got to work on the tank sides already!
  30. Matt Warner

    Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

    Wow that's a lot of shrimp. They must all be worth a fortune!
  31. Matt Warner

    Lè Nano journal •30l Fluval• PLANTED

    I'd leave the sides algae covered, the baby shrimp love feeding off it for some reason. I guess there are loads of micro organisms which they feed from.
  32. Matt Warner

    Lè Nano journal •30l Fluval• PLANTED

    That's ok not your fault, bloody postal service! :mad: All catfish are the same and always run out of algae eventually
  33. Matt Warner

    Lè Nano journal •30l Fluval• PLANTED

    I think that ottos are about the only fish out there which are shrimp safe. I would of thought you could have 3 or 4 without a problem but I could be mistaken. Oh thanks for that filter by the way, it came intact and works fine.
  34. Matt Warner

    Lè Nano journal •30l Fluval• PLANTED

    The tank looks like its progressing well mate. It's always nice when shrimp start reproducing it gives a nice satisfaction. Is that algae you have growing on the sides of the tank? I never clean the sides of my shrimp tank as the shrimplets love to feed from the film that grows on it.
  35. Matt Warner

    re scape

    Hi, I agree with whitey, don't feel like you have to compete with other people's scapes. A few minor adjustments as whitey suggested would be cool. As long as you are happy with the way your tank is going that's the main thing. Your tank looks pretty good to me. Maybe just add a few different...
  36. Matt Warner

    First Shrimp Tank **UPDATED**

    Re: First Shrimp Tank I'm looking forward to seeing this progress :thumbup:
  37. Matt Warner

    AL's 130ltr Jungle

    Your tank is looking very good :thumbup: . You should be pleased with it, the plants all look very healthy and your ram is looking very full of colour :thumbup:
  38. Matt Warner

    'Pretty Stream' - CRS tank

    Lovely looking tank mate! Congratulations on your babies :thumbup:
  39. Matt Warner

    30L Fluval Ebi

    Hi, any updates on this tank at all. I've just ordered a glass pod for my flora, they are so cool especially if you have shrimp.
  40. Matt Warner

    Fluval Ebi Shrimp Tank

    Hi, it looks like you've found yourself a bargain with this tank. I have the fluval flora which I think is a great little tank too. Firstly I disagree with the light being underpowered. I used to think the same but if you inject enough co2 and choose the right plants, they will grow fine under...
  41. Matt Warner

    Japanese Balcony Rice Paddy (Final) Harvest

    Re: Japanese Balcony Rice Paddy (Part 3) Planted! I love what you've done here it looks amazing. I love the rice plants they look really cool. Over here we never actually see where rice comes from, you just buy it in a bag :x . I love the volcano backdrop you have it looks beautiful. Where in...
  42. Matt Warner

    AL's 130ltr Jungle

    The tank is looking good, nice plants and colours. Is there any particular reason you're using RO water instead of tap water?
  43. Matt Warner

    55G ~ Windswept

    That looks so much better IMO! But then I am a sucker for the messy overgrown look, these tanks look far more natural to me. I couldn't tell from your photos, but do you have any water in there or is it now an emmersed setup? Cheers
  44. Matt Warner

    Colinas verdes (Green hills)

    That's a nice tangle of plants you have there! Love it! :thumbup:
  45. Matt Warner

    First planted tank

    Hi, nice tank, your plants look very happy :thumbup:
  46. Matt Warner

    My 125l Juwel Rio, New photos and update. Video Added!

    Hi, Just a quick upload of a different angle of the tank. I will add another shot soon at water change time and when plants have grown back after being pruned. Thanks for looking! IMG_3993 by Matty213, on Flickr
  47. Matt Warner

    My 125l Juwel Rio, New photos and update. Video Added!

    Hi all. Just thought I would add a video of my tank. Here is the link to it. Thanks for looking! http://youtu.be/BbI3Y3dQ1ic
  48. Matt Warner

    My 125l Juwel Rio, New photos and update. Video Added!

    Re: My 125l Juwel Rio, New photos and update I would love a fluval G6 they look amazing. Just so expensive!
  49. Matt Warner

    My 125l Juwel Rio, New photos and update. Video Added!

    Re: My 125l Juwel Rio, New photos and update No mate lol. It sits on the floor next to the tank :lol:
  50. Matt Warner

    120 gallon 450 litre - Quick pic update page 9

    Re: 120 gallon 450 litre - Unexpected surprise pg 6 and pg 7 Nice pics Alastair, those are some nice flowers you have growing there. I know how you feel about the oily surface film. I've had it on the surface of my water for a few weeks now and some days it's there and some days it's not as...
  51. Matt Warner

    Water's Edge

    Very interesting! How exactly does a riparium work Morgan? I've never really heard of one before.
  52. Matt Warner

    275 litre - Angels (lazy journal)

    Hi George! I love this tank, heteranthera zosterifolia is one of my favourite plants, I have had this in my tank for well over a year and still grows like a weed, I have found that you can prune it as hard as you like and it still comes back strong. I love the angel fish too, they really...
  53. Matt Warner

    The little one

    Very nice tank you have there. It's nice to find someone who doesn't care if they have algae, but to just enjoy what they have.
  54. Matt Warner

    4ft Journal (TetraUK)

    Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal Hi, I'm looking forward to seeing the tank progress.
  55. Matt Warner

    My 125l Juwel Rio, New photos and update. Video Added!

    Re: My 125l Juwel Rio, New photos and update Untitled by Matty213, on Flickr Untitled by Matty213, on Flickr Not much has changed in my tank apart from adding a Fluval FX5 filter to increase flow due to plant mass. I have also upped CO2 and nutrient dosing to prevent them getting too low as...
  56. Matt Warner

    120 gallon 450 litre - Quick pic update page 9

    Re: 120 gallon 450l vision update with pics Looks really good mate. I love the piece of wood in the middle and the piece of wood to the right. Is that a snail you have at the bottom left? I love the tank it's a lovely size and I love the curved front of these tanks.
  57. Matt Warner

    Low budget but fun.

    I am exactly the same mate, I sometimes feel like I'm failing but I won't ever give it up and I enjoy it a lot. It just takes time and a lot of patience, which this hobby has taught me!
  58. Matt Warner

    Low budget but fun.

    Hi, nice tank mate. Once those plants have grown a bit you will have a nice jungle! I'm kind of doing the same as you. Just adding plants and seeing how they do. Looks like you are enjoying it that's the main thing.
  59. Matt Warner

    The trees of Helferi

    Looks nice! Very lush and green. Good job!
  60. Matt Warner

    My 125l Juwel Rio, New photos and update. Video Added!

    Re: My 125l Juwel Rio Does anybody know how I can post my photos straight onto here, so I don't have to put links? Cheers
  61. Matt Warner

    My 125l Juwel Rio, New photos and update. Video Added!

    Hi all, I just thought I would share a few photos of my planted tank. It has been running just over a year now and is my first proper planted tank. Thanks for looking! IMG_3869 by Matty213, on Flickr IMG_3868 by Matty213, on Flickr IMG_3866 by Matty213, on Flickr Untitled by Matty213, on Flickr
  62. Matt Warner

    120 gallon 450 litre - Quick pic update page 9

    Re: 120 gallon 450l vision update with pics Nice tank mate, looks lush and green and I bet the fish love it!
  63. Matt Warner

    My new 5ft Tank UPDATED PICS

    Re: My new 5ft Tank I wouldnt say that it is a bad tank at all it looks really nice. I like the arrangement of plants and rocks and looks full of colour. As long as you are passionate about your tank as I can tell you are, that's all that matters Cheers