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AL's 130ltr Jungle

It looks good, but a bit excessive for me to be honest... I would be happy with a more subtle internal diffuser!
That's great Dan, exactly what I had in my head but could t think what to look at... Ha. Will probably go TMC and get it in through my MA...
I have dual outlets on my filter so will stick it underneath them and see how it goes!

Thanks for that link!

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Well i've FINALLY had a bit of time off work (a whole afternoon :lol:) so i've been and purchased plants and filled the tank up! My original plan was to order the plants online but due to a recent spell of mental hours at work i've not been able to guarantee a day I would be free to install the plants... Luckily I work less than 10 minutes from Sweet Knowle Aquatics so I popped down there to check out their Tropica plant selection... A lot of the plants have been there for while and were great quality! I then carrie on to my usual Maidenhead Aquatics (Shirley) and piced up some additional Crypts that were exceptional value! In the end, I purchased:

Microsorum pteropus
Microsorum pteropus 'Windelev'
Anubias barteri var. nana
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Pogostemon helferi
Bolbitis heudelotii
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica'
Cryptocoryne wendtii Green
Cryptocoryne petchii
Cryptocoryne moehlmannii

Taxiphyllum sp. 'Spiky'
Vesicularia dubyana 'Christmas'

Picked up my RO from Maidenhead Aquatics:


Planted the tank out then started the big fill! Brace bars came in handy here...



Filled up with the lights on:


And as it stands an hour later:


Will be changing the CO2 diffuser in the tank and getting an inline heater very soon! CO2 currently set to 1bps - lighting starting at 4 hours per day with the CO2 on a timer to come on half hour before the lights...

Not massively pleased with the layout at this time - the open space in the centre is bugging me. I think ultimately I will get some more plants (Crypts...) to fill out the centre. Also considering a Vallis curtain at the rear... Will see how it goes!
Might have to consider that! Pretty much chucked everything in to see what I had... Daresay i'll end up messing with it tomorrow!
Thanks 🙂
Looks like a great start.
Dont be shy with the c02, especially with no fauna in there yet...the more the better for the plants. You can slowly reduce it down again for the introduction of fish/shrimp.
The tank is looking good, nice plants and colours. Is there any particular reason you're using RO water instead of tap water?
Matty1983 said:
The tank is looking good, nice plants and colours. Is there any particular reason you're using RO water instead of tap water?

Yes, i've ran trop tanks with both tap and RO here before, kept losing fish and had major algae issues with tap water. No prob at all with RO! Not sure if there is an issue with local water supply...
Little-AL said:
Matty1983 said:
The tank is looking good, nice plants and colours. Is there any particular reason you're using RO water instead of tap water?

Yes, i've ran trop tanks with both tap and RO here before, kept losing fish and had major algae issues with tap water. No prob at all with RO! Not sure if there is an issue with local water supply...

thats strange, i doubt its the water mate but you can get a report from the water company. I believe its quite important to remineralise RO water in planted tanks, personally i cut it with tap 60/40 but you can buy remineralisers. RO is also very expensive when you are changing 50% a week, if you continue its worth looking at buying an RO unit.

You asked about difusers... have you consider an inline atomiser? keeps things nice and neat and work a treat :thumbup:
Also might be worth having the co2 come on a bit earlier too, with 30 mins its unlikely you have 30ppm before the lights come on. Mine comes on 3 hours before the lights to reach saturation before lights on which is crucial to encourage good plant growth and keep pesky algae at a minimum..

Looking good though, will be nice to watch it grow in. :wave:
Little-AL said:
What would you recommend Ady? 3-4 bps?
Id say crank it up to maybe even more than that to get your dc to a lime green even yellow without fauna for lights on... it may be 3-4 bps but may take more, my tank used to take an uncountable number of bubbles so its definitely tank dependant and there are many variables not least of all the bubble counter itself.
I also second what Iain said about starting injection earlier, mine is on 3.5 hrs pre photoperiod to get a gradual build up that doesnt increase too much during the photoperiod. Its trial and error though and the most important element is lime green for lights on, after that you can dial up/down bubble rate or on/off times to suit your set up.
Thanks for your input guys! I should have pointed out that I use a TMC remineral powder with the RO! PH is quite high at around 7.5 so need to work on bringing that down...
Have upped the gas to around 3bps today, tank looks quite cloudy so far! Seem to be getting pretty good flow all around now as i've stuck my powerhead in - definitely better with increased flow!
Just need to adjust the timer for the CO2 then... Get it on a few hours earlier!

Moved a couple of plants too, Adjusted the Pogo and the crypts a little to open up the centre - when it has grown in and been trimmed I hope to make it look more like a channel running from off centre to the rear corner on the left. A way to go for that yet though!

Not been happy with the position of the wood on the left hand side so decided to have a play tonight...
Took the wood out of the water - Have re-mounted the two ferns so that they are attached a bit more securely. I then spread the moss out over the other sections of wood and tied it carefully...


Then moved the Pogo and Crypts to accommodate the new wood position. Once the Pogo spreads out my aim is to trim it to create a curved path in to the open space.


Moved the CO2 diffuser to the left side for now as well so the Powerhead helps to move the gas around the tank...
May have play with the wood on the right later in the week - attach the moss properly and move the ferns a touch...

Next on the list:
Glass CO2 diffuser and Drop Checker from Tankscape
Hydor External Heater
Possibly some LED strips for a bit of moonlighting...
Change over to my JBL Surfaceskim outlet and a spraybar inlet.
Re-did the right hand side tonight. Moved the wood around then re-did the planting... Fills out the right hand side much much more. My Anubia is now on show properly and the Moss is tied on properly...


Also moved the equipment again... Fitted my JBL Surfaceskim on the left rear and stuck the spray bar in to improve the flow.


Intending to add some Vallis at the rear right and in the centre space to add a bit of height and some different colours/shapes. I'm hoping that the right hand side is starting to look a bit more like a jungle style tank now with the random sizes and shapes!

One last thought...


Happy days 🙂
Tank looks a lot clearer tonight! Settling down quite nicely now...

Left side:


Right side:




Def gonna add some Vallis in the back right, maybe a little in the centre with a few stems. 🙂
Tank has gone super clear tonight! Really glad I swapped to a spray bar and fitted my Surfaceskim!
