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New Nano for shrimp by DTL


24 Dec 2012
Hi, I've decided to set up a nano to keep some shrimp in a dedicated environment. The tank is an Aqua Nano 40L, the substrate is 4 kg of Fluval Shrimp Stratum with a couple of pieces of wood to give the layout some height.
The tank is planted with Christmas Moss ,Flame Moss, and Anubias from Aqua Essentials, along with some cuttings of Rotala rotundifolia, Staurogyne repens, Cabomba, Lindernia rotundifolia,and Pogostemon helferi from my main tank.
Here are a couple of pics of the tank on day 2.

Need to wait for the tank to mature, so will work on getting the water hardness and TDS right in the meantime.

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Quick update.
My new Aquaray light arrived today.
Have it set to 60% for now pending getting my ferts and liquid CO2 pumps built and installed. Will be picking these up from the PO at the weekend, so hopefully will get it all pulled together by then. Just a couple more weeks for the tank to mature and I can start thinking about adding the shrimp,


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Annoyingly, my pumps didn't arrive over the weekend and the postie arrived 10 mins after my better half went out today. Never mind should get them tomorrow and have time to do the build before the weekend.

Decided to work a bit on staging my peristaltic pumps, LC, and ferts, so made a trip to Ikea over the weekend. Plan is for the pumps to sit on the shelf, with LC and all in one ferts in the "gondolas" aka kitchen thingies below.
I know this wouldn't work in many spaces, but I'm fortunate enough to have a small study, well actually now a tank room with computer.

PH now at 6.2, TDS @ 148, GH around 6, so getting there.


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Well got my pumps built and set them up in the planned configuration, only to remember why my others are set below the water line on the main tank. The lines want to continue to drip and will do so if they can pull any air from the connection points. That said, I'm set up at the side of the tank just now, but will move them just below out of sight once I've rearranged a few things.


Water chemistry and levels are looking good, so I have ordered some CRS and blue pearls which should arrive next weekend.
May try and pick up a couple of Ottos to get things started this weekend.
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Hi mate ,

Great Nano 🙂
Let me make you a question..What kind of light have you?
Its a Led light?or PL?
How many watts?

Sorry for my questions
Thank you


Shrimp arrived today, and seem to have settled in well.
Thank you FreshwaterShrimp 😎
CRS are out and about although the Blue Pearls, which are a bit smaller, seem to keeping to themselves for now.


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Latest update.
Have added a second nano - kit identical to the first.
Added new shrimp today, so occupants are 4 otos, several red ramshorn snails, and 10 each of Golden Bee - Snow Whites, and Red Rilis.
Almost all of the plants are from fellow Ukaps members:
Red rooted floater and Amazon Frogbit from Big Tom, Blyxa from Claire, Anubias Bonsai from davem, Sagittarius Subulata and Monosolenum Tennerum from sanj, Christmas Moss from Westyggx, so thanks to all.
The rest are from my main tank.
Brief update.
I decide do upgrade the filtration on my two nanos by replacing the inbuilt power head with a pair of Eheim Ecco pro 130's from Aquaristikshop (great price). The supplied Eheim pipes are a perfect fit for the existing hole in the rear filter area panel, and with a few adjustments, the replacement was a simple plug and play that took no time at all.

Flow through the spray bars is perfect and I've at least doubled the biological filtration media level.


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