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Lè Nano journal •30l Fluval• PLANTED

Little update for you punks

Tank is going well dosing full EI now
Few saddles shrimp about still not noticed any full berried bishes about but will keep an eye out.
The moss is looking so freaking good!!

Can someone tell me why I 'don't have permission to view this page or perform that action'
Hello mate
I'm using a mix from aquarium plant food, it's an all in one that I asked to have iron added to. It was really cheap and arrived mega quick.
Everything looks tons better, better colour and growth in the few weeks I've used it 🙂

A little update- few different plant species added...not sure if its a good move though haha.

I'm tempted to re scape in the next few weeks and actually stick to a strict plant choice with a maximum of 3 plant species .



Picked it 2 lots on meshes today from ADC london. Such a great place and Greg was there for a good chat. Wish I lived closer, I'd volunteer in that place!

Really debating setting up another tank after being in there and feeling inspired.

Here's what I'm enjoying the site of ATM
I think I need to move the Anubias and needle fern on.

I love both but I don't think thy suit well.
The view from my bed 🙂
Lights go out at 10pm so I get a little viewing time haha
'Express your jungle side'
Might have to quote you on that for my sig 🙂

I do like the jungle look, I've just been here before where my 'scape' turns into a collection of my favourite plants! Not a bad thing but I wanted to attempt the reall deal NA look......ahhh what evs I guess ill just have to set up another or re scape in a month or so.

Cheers Jack..the shrimps seem to love it. Loads of cover and places to hide away. Ill keep the tank going and slowly collet bits for a mini m I thinks
No solar mini how ever!! Haha
Looking good your plants are looking great. How many shrimp do you think you have in there now?

Cheers Matty
No idea on the shrimp numbers, I do have a good few in there just there's so many hiding places around and under the redmoor. I do see all stages in there though.

A prego I spotted yesterday

Also wondered what this stripe means...any ideas?
The hairgrass is coming out!
Going to give HC a try. It's been in the pot for a couple days and is pearling a little so hopefully ill have success with it
Already ahead of you mate haha
In going to keep this tank going for a little longer and start getting bits for an ADA tank 🙂
I'd like a 40-45cm cube and a 1000d tile. Will see how it pans out.

Anyway not sure what I have planned for this yet, just had to start something fresh after visiting ADC again

Yeh it is quite dragon stone looking. Ill be messing around with It a bit more as its early days and I'm not sure how in going to approach this one.
I was thinking Glosso carpet, mini moss around base of wood climbing up and then a very fine stem in between at the back...
Yes shrimp again I'm not sure if just cherries. It's only 10l so may be too small.