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re scape


20 Nov 2012
Hi iam thinking of rescaping my tank it's a fluval roma 200. Iam just not happy with it at the moment I started it before I joined this forum I was abit green (more algee green than lush green) now I have all the equipment I need c02 decent lighting and a little bit of knowledge, only a little bit mind! Iam going to start again. At the moment thers to much going on in there with rocks wood and a massive java fern all that's missing is the ornamental skull!
Iam going to keep the new scape quite simple using just hair grass staurogyne repens and Maby something abit larger to hide the heated ect. At the moment iam using ada kei stone I am just going to pick up some larger pieces and stick with this my substrate is ada malaya and iam going to use some light coloured sand at the front. I want quite a lot of open space. I will keeping my current live stock of galaxy rasboras and chilli rasboras
I know this will be messy my question is will such a disturbance of the substrate affect my water quality or the nutrient content of the substrate (ada malaya 27 litres)
Il post a picture of the tank now
I really like it Anthony, i wouldn't change much, maybe add a few stems at the back! But is that staurogyne Repens at the front ( I'm on my phone, sorry!) but that with co2, Nutrients and time will be absolutely amazing buddy. Ride this one out, it'll be a completely different tank when that stauro really gets going! :jimlad:
Hi, I agree with whitey, don't feel like you have to compete with other people's scapes. A few minor adjustments as whitey suggested would be cool. As long as you are happy with the way your tank is going that's the main thing. Your tank looks pretty good to me. Maybe just add a few different background plants for a bit of variety.
Thanks lads il keep with it for abit amazing what a few words of encouragement do! I lost faith in it last week I had problems with a new up atomiser not misting so my c02 was all over the place I stupidly moved my spray bar I've had a massive outbreak of bba in the area of the tank which was getting the flow, it come on within a day and has got quite bad now I was pretty p***** off with it so just thought I would rip it up. My co2 is now running through an airstone not ideal but it's stable until I sort out a reactor. The bba is pretty bad I've turned up the c02 and dosing easy carb and iam thinking of a black out while iam away for a couple of days over Christmas. Il just work on getting rid of that then change a few things around in there thanks for the advise lads🙂

Sorry whitey it is staurogyne repens it's growing in nicely.

I really like it Anthony, i wouldn't change much, maybe add a few stems at the back! But is that staurogyne Repens at the front ( I'm on my phone, sorry!) but that with co2, Nutrients and time will be absolutely amazing buddy. Ride this one out, it'll be a completely different tank when that stauro really gets going! :jimlad:

I also agree, looks pretty good mate and the repens will look sweet ones it fills out!
This is my problem I've stocked up on easy carb and a syringe. Iam reluctant to remove the infected leaves as it would mean removing most of the plants on that side of the tank I am going to black out for a couple of days does this work against bba?

Hi Ant, your algae looks more like staghorn than bba, but essentially it's down to the co2 issues you stated. Stable co2, at good levels, maybe reduced lighting if an option, and increased water changes and filter cleans for a couple of weeks combined with double dosing of liquid carbon for a week or so will sort it out.
The scape looks nice and I like the Vallisinera background, but I think it looks a bit like two separate scapes at the moment with the rocks to the left and wood to the right. I'd beinclined to maybe add a rock or two to the right around the wood base and/or add another piece of wood to the centre/ left side.
Thanks ady yer I no what you mean it's like a split right down the middle iam going to take a trip to the green machine this week and grab a few pieces of stone
I've been dosing easy carb and I blacked out for 2 days and it's started to turn pink so hopefully it's dying off I've lost a couple of armanos this week could it be the higher rate of co2?
Also I am getting a new reactor next week this will be much more stable but will this cause more problems changing the co2 again.
Trying to turn my ramblings into a journal

Tank fluval roma 200
Lighting standard t8s and aqua grow 500 (8 hours a day)
Filtration fluval 205 external (needs uprating) eheim spray bar left to right 680lph
Co2 5kg jbl with solenoid, aqua medic 1000 external reactor (2 hours before ligtys on)
Substrate ada malaya (27 litres)
Hardscape redmore root and ada kei stone

Water change 50% weekly
Dosing aquarium plant foods ei and easy carbo

Staurogyne repens
Eleocharis parvula
Lilaeopsis mauritiana
Pogostemen stellata
Rotala sp green
Java moss
A massive java fern

15 galaxy raboras
15 Espei raboras
A few armanos

Had a massive clean up after an bba /staghorn outbreak. as a result meted my vallis with easy carb going to pick up some more this week, just weaning the tank off the carbon.
My Staurogyne repens has started to come back and everythings starting to look abit healthier. A lesson learned about changing flow and fluctuating c02 in the tank
After some suggestions from whitey I picked up some pogostemen stellata, and Rotala sp last week
Thinking of removing the java fern and maby adding another peice of wood and stones and some bushy stems possibly heteranthera zosterifolia or ludwigia glandulosa, (any suggestions)
Some pics of the algae and the tank now any suggestions welcome still quite new to planted tanks 🙂


Removed my java fern today I was taking to much light and shading everything on that side of the tank, my Rotala sp started melting. Replaced it with abit of redmore I picked up. need to grab some stems for behind it and some vallis for the background. Also fitted a white card background 5 quid from staples not sure on it


Added some vallis today could do with another pot realy to finish off the back but could only get two pots. also added some Rotala rotundifolia in the far right corner. Cut the bunch of pogostemen stellata right down an added it to the middle its growing like mad. Staurogyne repens is making a come back and filling out so hopefully iam on the right track for once.


What a turn around!.... looks algae free and very green again.
Staurogyne has come back really well and I like the Vallis you've re added....I should have mentioned about liquid carbon and its effects on some plant species, namely vallisinera sp, SORRY about that. Stellata is growing like a 'good un' and i think once the rotala far right gets going there will be more height to balance the planting scheme and match the new hardscape layout which is much more balanced now also.
Great job Ant.
Cheers lads.no worries ady thought I would lose the vallis as I was dosing x 4 on the easy carb probably not advisable but it worked for me.

Cheers lads.no worries ady thought I would lose the vallis as I was dosing x 4 on the easy carb probably not advisable but it worked for me.


Just go steady with it, it seems to creep up on you, leaving you thinking your fine to dose that amount. Then one day blam! Fauna suffering.

Just be very careful with it. Its a nasty substance. 🙂