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Lè Nano journal •30l Fluval• PLANTED

i only have three in my 180l and they seem happy enough,.....some people grow algae pebbles on the windowsill to sustain them in small/algae free tanks :thumbup:
Ahhh good thinking! Ill set up some shallow dishes and do that.

The sides are really quite thick with green algae now, the front panel is clean for my viewing pleasure haha.
I'd leave the sides algae covered, the baby shrimp love feeding off it for some reason. I guess there are loads of micro organisms which they feed from.
Hello ppl here's the new crew 5yqyda8u.jpg
There's 4 in there and they seem mega happy, really coloured up today after a 4 hour drip acclimatising last night.
Wall of green is now clear but i have peas and algae wafers at the ready 🙂 🙂

Guys....I'm really tempted by these lamp eye fish I have seen in P@H what do you think? Will they seriously damage the shrimp population?
Added another 6 shrimp from the pet store in lakeside.
6 for 7 quid and they are reeeeeeally red
Mate i went down to see Ed (Piece-of-fish) at Freshwatershrimp today to pick up some plants, if you can, go and have a look at his shrimps and setup! impressive is an understatment!! must be the best shrimp setup in the country by a mile :wideyed:
I've just added a shoal of 21 lampeyes to my shrimp tank and have to say I love them. The shrimp aren't bothered by them at all. I would say get a decent size shoal as they are very jumpy, literaly, and will jump out an open top. When I had ten they jumped all the time but the larger number has calmed them. Great wee fish!
Mate i went down to see Ed (Piece-of-fish) at Freshwatershrimp today to pick up some plants, if you can, go and have a look at his shrimps and setup! impressive is an understatment!! must be the best shrimp setup in the country by a mile :wideyed:

I see his website I REALLY must make the trip there. Do you go often an where do you travel from? I wonder if we could do an LFKC ( extended to ukaps) trip there??
I've just added a shoal of 21 lampeyes to my shrimp tank and have to say I love them. The shrimp aren't bothered by them at all. I would say get a decent size shoal as they are very jumpy, literaly, and will jump out an open top. When I had ten they jumped all the time but the larger number has calmed them. Great wee fish!

Cheers for your input mate
I'm worried as the glass lid that came with the tank won't fit anymore as i have a HOB filter 🙁
Will they 100% jump?
I lost 4 of 10 in a few days. Everytime I went to the tank they went airborn, unless i went ridiculously slowly. If you could cover with something else and see if they settle over time?
Might be an idea to do that for week or so. Tank is by my bed so I do appear from behind the covers to nose on glass a bit haha

Any other fish suggestions
I see his website I REALLY must make the trip there. Do you go often an where do you travel from? I wonder if we could do an LFKC ( extended to ukaps) trip there??
Ed has hosted LFKC meets in his office/store in the past, so keep an eye open for future meets.
Ed has hosted LFKC meets in his office/store in the past, so keep an eye open for future meets.

I will do Paulo, I've been a little slack over at LFKC
Ill stick my journal over the and keep an eye on the forum.
I see his website I REALLY must make the trip there. Do you go often an where do you travel from? I wonder if we could do an LFKC ( extended to ukaps) trip there??

I'm in Rainham just down the road from you, and Ed is in is Walthamstow, only took me 20 mins to get here, i will give you a shout next time i go:thumbup:
I'm in Rainham just down the road from you, and Ed is in is Walthamstow, only took me 20 mins to get here, i will give you a shout next time i go:thumbup:

Yeah please do mate. How's that aquatic shop doing there? Have not visited in a while.
Yeah they tore through is over night! Plenty in the wood and on rocks tho.

Really unhappy as I got an 18w aquanano clip on from aqua one and its so dull and quite focused on a thin strip . It's from ebay so might of been used to death so ill ask the guy I got it from.
Ill get hold of another bulb if I get a reply that it's been on 12 hours a away for 9 month haha.eqy8yme4.jpg
Hi mate,
The aqua nano bulbs are just dull! Had mine from new and it was poor, and not a nice colour rendition either.
I added another 11wfluval clip on to my CRShrimp tank, and in the end just removed the aquanano unit completely and just use the fluval now.
Sorry this info is too late!
Tank looks really nice tho, hair grass is filling in nicely.