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Water's Edge

16 Aug 2010
A 29G no tech Riparium. The inspiration comes from BigTom and Hydrophyte, owner of RipariumSupply, so a big thanks to them for starters!

I wanted to try something new, I wanted it to be cheap and at least fairly self sustaining. I don't mind the occasional feed or adding of ferts but I'd like to keep water changes to a minimum. I suffer from ME and I find them difficult on anything other than really small tanks. Plus I wanted the challenge of going El Natural.

Rocks, gravel and soil in. Around 1 inch of each.


Planters in.


A few plants to start.


Moved the peace Lilly...




Magnolia leaves from the garden still waiting to sink. All the plants are terrarium cuttings so I'm hoping they adjust to the lower humidity.

Any questions feel free to ask!
That's going to be interesting hopefully see more keep posting updates
Plants arrived about ten minutes ago! 😀

Will plant up and take some snaps.

One concern I have. Will two x 24 T5 be strong enough positioned a good 80cm or so from the substrate? :crazy: I'm only growing crypts and low light stems etc.
So unbelievably happy, impressed and surprised with this tank. I'm waiting for something to go wrong!



Images from left to right:





Riparium section from left to right:

Philodendron scandens (big broad leaves)

Asclepias curassavica (tall plant)

Rotala rotindifolia

Ludwigia repens

Hygrophilia polysperma

Cyperus isolucladus (tall plant, may stems)

Hydrocotyl vulgaris (little round leaves, also floating bare rooted)

Vesicularia dubyana (java moss, tucked in there somewhere)

Fittonia albivenis (red leaves)

Spathiphyllum sp. (peace lilly, not sure which species)

Pilea cardieri (back right, white and green leaves)

Ludwigia natans

Pellonia repens (climbing out of the tank far right

Aquatic section:

Sagittaria subulata

Vesicularia dubyana

Bacopa Sp.

Cryptocoryne moehimannii

Cryptocoryne Sp.

Bacopa amplexicaulis

Hygrophilai polysperma

Ignore the silicone will be covered in plant growth. A few more species to add, looking for other Pilea species and possibly some hairgrass.
Growth is insane. I'm a soil convert.

Have decided on some Lemon tetras once I've amassed enough plants.
BigTom said:
Oops, seemed I'd missed this one up until now. Awesome growth so far mate, are you misting the emergent growth, it all looks very moist?

I am yes, some of the plants come from my other planted tank, have been grown emersed initially in very high humidity so I'm spraying heavily for now to help them adapt. The peace lilly wouldn't need it usually, but it's from my PDF terrarium so also used to high humidity. Half the plants don't need a spray, but they get it anyway.
Asclepias curassavica is the only plant I'm having doubts over, but I've seen a few new leaves recently. The pelonia repens has surprised me, I didn't think it would adapt but it's doing well. All the rest are growing healthily.

I'll make another update when the new plants arrive.

I just wish I had a more powerful light so I could raise it, the cyperus has grown right inside.

I've added some hairgrass in places but you can't see it right now it's so short. There's two more outdoor type marginals but again such small portions it will be a while before they're visible. They're actually behind the red fittonia.