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Low budget but fun.


29 Oct 2011
North Hertfordshire UK
Well, i'm no aquascaper as the following pics will no doubt testify. I like to chuck in as much as I can then see how it develops over time.
I'm on a pretty tight budget at the moment so no fancy tanks or equipment.
Tank is an unknown float glass with horrible black sealant. 50W 30H 30D.
Light is a second hand draughtsmans lamp with a 30Watt daylight energy saving bulb, a good foot above the surface. No idea what the Par is.
Co2 via an Up diffuser on the inlet of the filter, no bubble counter and no drop checker. Again no idea of the rate or value of co2.
Ferts, Ei. Water changes Daily at the moment.
Substrate is a mixture of sand, fine gravel, manado.
Plants, well... alternanthera various crypts, other stuff? Im not good on the names.
Its all a bit random but I like to see if I can shape it into something in the long term, anything that doesn't work will go on the compost and be replaced.
This was taken after planting. That stuff in the back LH corner is going, No Idea what it is. All pics taken with a lo res borrowed camera, so sorry in advance for the poor quality images, ill try to improve.
A week on.

Thanks for looking,
Well, having taken clives advice, I'm lowering the light by half, Ive finally found a co2 level that the fish are comfortable with using this setup with the diffuser on the filter inlet. So, I dont want to start increasing it again. There are some plants showing deficiencies in co2 so back to 15Watts. Ive also added a nano Koralia that I had lying around, and flow is much better. Fish like it to.
I have some Egeria and Rotala green coming for the back left hand corner. Hairgrass for the foreground.
Resisting the urge to prune.

What is this? Echinodorus of some type?

Cheers 😀
Hi, nice tank mate. Once those plants have grown a bit you will have a nice jungle! I'm kind of doing the same as you. Just adding plants and seeing how they do. Looks like you are enjoying it that's the main thing.
Thanks Matty.
Yeah whats the point if you cant enjoy it? I get annoyed sometimes when I cant work things out. Ive only been doing this hobby for just over 2 years. The first year was great, the last 12 months have been rubbish. Everything I tried Failed. Just got to keep trying. Thats, why I'm going back to basic stuff again. Easy plants, Lower light, etc. I know my limitations, no matter what I spend I doubt ill ever produce anything like the high standard that's regularly posted on this forum. I'll never be that good.
But its fun anyway.
Cheers mate. 😀
I am exactly the same mate, I sometimes feel like I'm failing but I won't ever give it up and I enjoy it a lot. It just takes time and a lot of patience, which this hobby has taught me!
Some new plants 😀 Trying hairgrass for the third time. First time I grew Glosso, no problem, Hc no problem. Bloody hairgrass. Third time lucky I guess. That really is egeria in the left hand corner!

Trying out my new Nikon P300. Happy days.
Looks like I need some practice.
Laters dudes.
It's all looking fresh, healthy and vibrant so your doing something right. Once you got growing plants nailed you just need to mix it up with rocks n wood. You'll get used to how plants grow and what plants look good together. Sounds easy I know, I'm still in the "learning to grow plants without algae" phase but things are improving.

Keep at it and I'm sure you'll be posting great scapes soon.
What happend to the glassware ?

It was rubbish, and I broke the outlet which didn't help. 😳 I brought a new filter to replace the ecco, got 2215 classic. The outflow was so high with the lilly pipes, like a jet. Then I broke it anyway. So I had to go with spraybars. But I reckon the spraybars work much better. Not getting a return of the dreaded BGA, but then I am dosing 20 ppm of N a day!
Cheers mate
Its another water change day, and a little bit of pruning. Having to prune more often than I hoped. Some stuff is obviously very quick so have to keep on top of that, It looks like chaos but I do have a plan in mind, so some pruning is necessary.
Before, getting very choked.
07032011 027 by metalcatfish, on Flickr

And after a haircut, looks a bit grim but wont stay that way for more than few days.
Ah that's s Shame it broke what make are they any size?

The spray bar is much better, and new pictures are great.
Had a good clear out.
I'm hoping them crypts are going to keep doing there thing and not melt on me continually. Turned the light down again, 11W lowered the co2 and reduced the dosing a little. My fishes are very grateful. Going to try to keep this going long term, let the crypts mature and see what happens.
Bye all, be back in 12 months or so! :lol: