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bedroom dennerle nanocube 30l

Thanks faizal, the plant choice took quite a while as some of the plants I like would be far to big, upto now maintenance hasn't been too bad the only thing that's a bit tricky is trimming the Micromanthemum umbrosum with the gravel being so small grain size and very light along with the roots not yet taking a good hold its very easy to pull out, but ive found that when I do the water change a good amount of the MU Is exposed and its much easier to trim then, 🙂
Another day and more tinkering 🙂 ive changed filter to ann eheim classic 350 with a spray bar, flow is much better every leaf is now swaying nicely also change diffuser as I wasnt happy with the size of the bubbles so I bought a nano diffuser and its superb, the bubbles are tiny and being carried around the tank to every plant, the only slight down side is the bubbles are making the water look a bit cloudy, now I think ive nailed the flow and co2 distribution im hoping the MU at the back left will pick up and look as good as the one to the right

Will get an updated picture tomorrow 🙂
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ive changed filter to ann eheim classic 350 with a spray bar

i'm guessing its the spray bar that means the tanks isn't blasted apart by that filter ^^

looks lush and green though! must be well happy!
Yes its a mix of the spray bar and the taps, slightly closed on the outlet, its good really as I can choose my flow without being limited by the filters capabilities 🙂

Im over the moon with it, I did a planted tank years ago and is was a major fail but this one is proving all the reading and research I did was well worth it, I know its only been running for 3 - 4 weeks but its give me no end of confidence ready for a bigger tank 🙂
Having a slight issue with algae, I think hair algae, been scratching my head trying to work out how I got it as my flow can only be described as huge and co2 is a good bright yellow on the drop checker and then as I was just about to dose my ferts, the answer was staring right at me 🙁 ive only been dosing 1ml a day when I should have been dosing 3ml per day 🙁 anyway heres a few pics from tonight including one of the fissidens ive just added 🙂



In the middle pic that rock has a dusting of what im guessing is diatoms ? But there is a small amount of hair algae on the plants to
After 3 weeks of messing around receiving an empty fire extinguisher and having to argue with the company about it ive finally got my fe up and running 🙂 no more 20g bottles for me

Thanks aron

No real update as yet still trying to get rid of the algae, it seems to be on its way out
Dosing 3ml easycarbo daily 20l water changes and manually removing it fingers crossed another week and it should be all clear
Thanks aron

No real update as yet still trying to get rid of the algae, it seems to be on its way out
Dosing 3ml easycarbo daily 20l water changes and manually removing it fingers crossed another week and it should be all clear
I know your pain, I had massive problems with flow in my tank and was getting over run with the stuff, But like you adding Exel / easycarbo and removing it soon sorted it out 😀
Hope you get on top of it thought mate