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  1. Luciën


    Beautiful little scape. Never seen that stone it's stunning.
  2. Luciën

    High tech or low tech

    Yes it is and light is the most important factor.
  3. Luciën

    What am I missing?

    Your dosing looks more then sufficient, maybe a flow/CO2 related issue is all I can think about.
  4. Luciën


    I was really wandering the same thing past weeks. Just checked his YouTube channel he had posted a video on 8 Jun. So he was active past may
  5. Luciën

    Making a new habit(at) . . . .

    Yes I have them, they are awesome fish. If you see them, and mine only want life food..
  6. Luciën

    Siamese algae eaters devouring plants

    Crossocheilus siamensis tend to eat not only bba but also soft tissue plants like moss and young leaves. When they are young they are excellent at keeping algea at bay but when they grow up they are more a pest for your plants then algea..
  7. Luciën

    Jungle in a glass box

    Ah thanks! I was just tinkering with it and its quite easy to get a hang of.
  8. Luciën

    Jungle in a glass box

    Love your stand. I was thinking of making myself something like it. I only have 0 cad skills 🙄
  9. Luciën

    ANAC 2024

    Curious how it turns out. I will visit the vivarium again this year.
  10. Luciën

    Attacked fish.

    Hes doing the same actually just acting normal, his eye got a kind of film over it, most probably healing.
  11. Luciën

    Attacked fish.

    It's still a bit popping out but not nearly so extreme as yesterday.
  12. Luciën

    Attacked fish.

    Hes doing fine now swimming around and eating well.. Eye is a bit murky now. I see the female is protecting her territory so possibly fry soon.
  13. Luciën

    Attacked fish.

    No i don't mind at all more input in the matter is better. Water quality is a strange thing I've done 3x 50% water change this week. The fish itself looks healthy except for the eye and an bite from his pectoral fin on the same side as the eye.. Will put him in another tank and look if I can...
  14. Luciën

    Attacked fish.

    Thanks found the same page i guess doing a google search. 🙂 Hope it will restore he is one of my favourite fish.
  15. Luciën

    Attacked fish.

    Well I don't see fry yet. She had a few groups before but never seen one surfive. I think she has eggs and the male just passed thru at the wrong time. Moved the floating box to the other side of the tank and now he's left alone.
  16. Luciën

    Attacked fish.

    100%, yesterday he was just fine and today I found him like that. The female just kept chasing him around the tank something she's never done like that before not even with her fry always kept a fairly small territory. Even now in the floating box she keeps flaring at him.
  17. Luciën

    Attacked fish.

    My nanacara got attacked by its female. I've put him in a floating box now because she doesn't leave him alone. Can I do something about it and will he survive this?
  18. Luciën

    Nature's Hideout

    I have around 10 types of ferns in my garden and I just pick out the dead dried leaves from time to time and use what's available. Must say I forgot most names of the species. The only things that are bought are the pods and those light coloured round leaves.
  19. Luciën

    Nature's Hideout

    Ive added hands of leaves extra, think it just looks a little better now 😌 Shame the most fish are so shy they only come out for food.
  20. Luciën

    Nature's Hideout

    Why did you say that, now I can't unsee it! Haha I really never noticed and normally see those this pretty quick.
  21. Luciën

    Nature's Hideout

    Around 6 weeks sometimes longer depends on how much new botanicals I add.. The tank was almost pitch black for 2 weeks last time because of the botanicals that was a bit to much for my liking.. I hardly do water changes or small ones wich keep the tank stable. I found that doing large water...
  22. Luciën

    Nature's Hideout

    Hey this tank is still up and running.. Moved the SA fish to my tank downstairs and have only Indonesian fish in here now 10x Parosphromenus phoenicurus, 20x Borraras maculatus, 7x Pangio kuhlii and hundreds of shrimp. Filtering over Sera super peat to keep the water tanned and the ph somewhere...
  23. Luciën

    Filtration & Flow

    Funny I have the opposite experience. Imo they are much easier to maintain and silent with the right overflow. 🙂
  24. Luciën

    Remanso . . .

    Ooh this is not so much as I suspected, that this is enough with all this emersed growth.. You don't run the lights at full power ?
  25. Luciën

    Remanso . . .

    Wow thats some explosive growth. Doesn't all those emersed growth take away too much light? Did you introduce the duckweed on purpose, I have it in my bedroom tank and its annoying as hell, accidentally introduced it in my big tank using the same tweezers that where not cleaned. It was like...
  26. Luciën

    Planning my dream tank.

    I was looking for a fluidized option, but I want my tank is quiet as it can be it will be in my living room where I like to listen to music, and i'm worried about off gassing the co2. The foam one does look interesting.
  27. Luciën

    Planning my dream tank.

    I'm thinking about what kind of media is going to be in the sump.. As i'm planning flooded sump there wont be trickle this time. I never see Japanese matting in filters for aquariums but in koi ponds its all they talk about it looks like a good option for effective bacterial surface area. Also...
  28. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    This is true also even if my fish eat everything, it comes out of the other end anyway :)
  29. Luciën

    Planning my dream tank.

    Ah yes I understand. But my intention is to have a very simple sump with sponges from on side to another and keep my sump tank as full as it can get using the old overflow box as ehm waste overflow.. Doing daily water changes would get te water back up to level in with an reasonable time.. I'm...
  30. Luciën

    Planning my dream tank.

    Ha yes I get your point, but one of the things I enjoy a lot from a rimless tank is being able to watch it from the top. And I'm going to add emersed growth also. Ah okay I would have it standing to a corner on the right side so it will only be viewable from the left and front. How did you...
  31. Luciën


    This is one of my favorite channels. Also I like @taistrietman his channel this kinds of vdeos give us so much information about the habitats where the fish come from. That for me is usefull to keep in mind while making a scape for our self and our fish that have to live there.
  32. Luciën

    Welcome back Geoff

    Good to have you back @Geoffrey Rea 💪
  33. Luciën

    Planning my dream tank.

    Thanks for your input. The place where the water pipe runs through is stairway closet where the co2 cylinder can be placed I have a 10kg on under my current tank thats going to be used. So will try to keep the tank cabinet as low as I can around 65cm same height as the tank a total of 130cm. It...
  34. Luciën

    Planning my dream tank.

    So my wife gave me approval to build a bigger tank 🥳. I would like to get an l240x w70x h65cm tank. The 240x70 is partly based on what is possible with an second skylight, the specs say thats enough for a 240x60 tank but I think having an 10cm extra sand area for the cory's would be great and...
  35. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    Eh my tank is 325L + 100L sump that has a wet/dry section and emergent growth as you can see in the pictures. I don't see how its so much different from @Wookii acept that his is more profesionally done 🙂
  36. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    Yeah the most plants are slow growers indeed. I never was really satisfied with the colour rendition my aquamedic's spot gave, far to cold imo. And the tank especially this scape needed way better spread of light but I still love the spot shimmer and shadows that makes it more natural looking so...
  37. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    I dose more NP now I see better growth with some plants but the algae remained so I lowered the output of the light now I hope that it adds up. 🤞
  38. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    I don't really feed more then I used too when there where other fish in this tank and that worked alright. Think food gets eaten pretty fast, I use a floating ring for dry foods so nothing drifts in to the sumb or in between the emersed plants whats sinking gets eaten fast by the tetras shooting...
  39. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    Thanks, yes they are. Went too a lot of fish stores to find good specimens luckely I found one that had more then 100 juveniles that they breeded so I picket the one with the most visible black dot's on their side in the hope that they became the most colourfull 🙂
  40. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    Here is a quick phone shot of the current state bit ashamed there is still alot of algae and the reflection is from the table. Just lowered the light intensity to 85% I notice it's a bit less bright to my eyes but I think it's alot less for the plants. Have some more time for it now I will do...
  41. Luciën

    Angelfish in 60l?

    Scalare will get around 25cm in height eventually. Imo they need a shoal of at least 5. I would recommend more to spread aggression. Athou angels seem quite peacefully they still are cichlids and can get really terretorial. So some places that they can claim for their own are appreciated.
  42. Luciën

    Ember Tetra Colour

    This is most likely. Yes in almost all stores fish look quite plain. Best thing is to look if they are healthy and well fed, no visual forms of decease. Here all my fish colour up nicely with a good diet of color enhancing dry foods and frozen food also if they came from different stores with...
  43. Luciën

    Wildfire devastation of the Pantanal

    So sad. While the world is burning up more and more leaders are being chosen or self appointed that want to make war instead of doing something to help nature.. It are dark times, really hope things wil take a turn and my kids and offspring still can enjoy our natural sphere.
  44. Luciën

    Week aqua A430 pro, I'm disappointed?

    Our eyes respond differently to lights then plants do. I just got a new different light also, although it looks darker/warmer to me the plants start peraling like crazy.
  45. Luciën

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    Well somethings I life just takes a turn sometimes, wich you all the best and I think your tanks inspired lots of folks. I really hope you wil come back to the hobby and that you will come back to the forum now and then. 💚
  46. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    Just read the whole thread. It's an beautiful tank indeed. It had pretty high dosage of nutrients. Just wondering how my tank is doing, never had an test kit just a ph pen. Now I mixed up a batch with nitrate and phosphate and dose it manual daily I will see if it improves. 🙏
  47. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    Thanks, no recent foto's, well I could make it but it's just a mess 🙁
  48. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    Well that's exclusive all the tetras, Cory's, otto's.. With nitriet limitation the rotala should get red it just gets orange, it grows quite well and pearls, but no reds and I have the skilights blasting at full power.. 😅 I left Ei after always struggling with bba and tryed apt lean dosing style...
  49. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    Okay struggling with this tank alot lately. Had a gda outbreak that went on for more then a month. Changed the lights to Skylight hyperspot FL I must say the colours are amazing and the light spread from 3 to 8 spots is way better. I love the light alot but it made my plants grow better and the...
  50. Luciën


    My condolences, what a read, you have a lot going on. Glad you found some peace in the hobby, nature is the best healer in every way. I like your tank and fish.. Keep it going. 💪
  51. Luciën

    120cm over light recommendations

    I recently got myself Skylight hyperspot fl for my tank and I'm very very pleased with it. Edit: nvm Ive read that you've made a choice already [emoji6]
  52. Luciën

    Little Lily Vanilly in a Bowl

    Very nice I also have a pink and yellow one but they get a bit bigger then the white one. If I ever get a bigger tank I intend to grow some in there. For now creating more shadow spots in my current tank would be disastrous [emoji23]
  53. Luciën

    Little Lily Vanilly in a Bowl

    Went outside and one just happen to flower, my finger is just to show the scale of the flower.
  54. Luciën

    Little Lily Vanilly in a Bowl

    Very nice, I have 3 types of pygmy lilys in my small pond outside.
  55. Luciën

    If you were me....

    Just trim everything down replant all the tops and your good. Too much excel damages leafs I've seen that on buces also it will recover just give them time to recover. Leggy plants growth is probably from over shading(?).
  56. Luciën

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    Really nice. I want to make something small like this too.. [emoji4]
  57. Luciën

    Angelfish and discus together

    I have an 325l tank with around 100l sump, got 6 scalare in it. Leaning towards a bigger tank now that they grow up. Some have made couples and when they spawn do like to claim almost 50% of the tank space. For the rest I have a quite peaceful group. If you want to keep a couple you must know if...
  58. Luciën

    Should I trim

    I would cut them and replant the tops it will grow out with submersed leaves.
  59. Luciën

    School tank

    Very cool wish I had that at school. Is there a picture of it with a filled tank?
  60. Luciën

    "Fifty Shades of Green" - (1600 Litre Sanjarami)

    I wonder if it's still running and how it looks now.
  61. Luciën

    Miller's Dutch Tank ft. Horizontal Reactor

    Really great looking tank.The rainbows are a good fit also..
  62. Luciën

    Remanso . . .

    Aah bummer that you can't have amanos anymore they are such funny shrimp and a bit better to study since they are a bit bigger in size then regular neos. At least you fish stay alive and marginatus are my favorite nano fish, they have such explosive personality. Mine love the emersed section of...
  63. Luciën

    Remanso . . .

    How is it going no losses anymore?
  64. Luciën

    Vivarium 2023 Autotron Rosmalen Netherlands

    Haha yes but I am in the great position that most of the great stores are within a hour drive from my home also. And all aquatic and even terrarium plants are easely ordered from online retailers with fast deliveries with great quality. So if I want to set up a new tank it's not a problem other...
  65. Luciën

    Vivarium 2023 Autotron Rosmalen Netherlands

    I live a one hour drive from the event in the Netherlands so I did not took it too the UK..
  66. Luciën

    very high co2 usage on one tank

    Well I have a 300L+ tank and start co2 5 hrz before photosynthesis. I run a sump with reactor.
  67. Luciën

    Vivarium 2023 Autotron Rosmalen Netherlands

    Cool I was there on Saturday with my other half but it was soooo crowded. But I managed to buy some nice terrarium plants for on my tank. And it was cool to see some great names scaping live.
  68. Luciën

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    Wow, thanks for sharing. This nest is absolutely bonkers. [emoji2962]
  69. Luciën

    Delivery by Drone

    Probably by the time it's all doable technology with drones. We have printers that can print most stuff. [emoji1745]
  70. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    Hmm Lemmaphyllum microphyllum decided to start growing underwater, a runner from the plant on the branch above. Monitoring this for a month or two and it makes new leaves slowly. Maybe a new aquatic fern?
  71. Luciën

    180 Gallon Journey

    Looking good and interesting to read.. I'm a big fan sump builds [emoji6].. I think I remember you from barreport a few years ago?
  72. Luciën

    Remanso . . .

    Sad to hear that.. I have amanos with borraras. But as agrassive on the food as they are, they leave the fish alone. I think it's just tough luck with one exceptional aggressive amano.. You could watch them closely and pick that one out and see if the others have the same behavior before...
  73. Luciën

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    This you need to break a bunch in two halves till you have a handful and throw them as high as you can.. I know I can't restrain myself if i see them hanging. [emoji23]
  74. Luciën

    Miniature fern

    That's a really beautiful fern. I will be looking more at walls from now on.. [emoji3]
  75. Luciën

    Remanso . . .

    Looking really good[emoji108]. Get out that tripod, you make us curious!
  76. Luciën

    Humour me, are these amano shrimp?

    I once bought a couple of amanos with some that had blue and reddish hue it disappeared after they grew older..
  77. Luciën

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Love those parotocinclus, especialy that maculicauda. I would love to have some but here they are expensive and to my understanding they are best kept in groups so it would stretch the budget to much.
  78. Luciën

    To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

    Ooh I realise now seeing the last post it has been more then a year from the last update.:oops: It is still running although not as great as I hoped for. The emersed part does great but the submersed is a pain I got almost no algae accept for BBA the keeps growing on buces and ferns but not so...
  79. Luciën

    Bass Fishing Productions, YouTube

    My daughter showed me this also once.. Me too thought it was legit. Really sad that he mistreat the animals instead of rescuing them just for view's..
  80. Luciën

    45L “Dutch Rebuild”

    Beautiful tank.
  81. Luciën

    Established Java fern melting

    I had this problem also it melted I just cutted the damage leaves and it regrew again, then it melted again and so on. @dw1305 suggested using magnesium (Epsom) salt and it worked.
  82. Luciën

    Orinoco Drainage, Flood Pond, Rio Tomo Biotope/Vichada-Colombia

    Looks really nice. I love biotope style tanks and you did a great job.. May I ask how did you get that background effect?
  83. Luciën

    IAPLC 2023

    Ive seen alot good scapes on Instagram and youtube that are alot nicer then some I've seen that made it in to the top 100.
  84. Luciën

    My first aquarium, running for 7 months

    Really nice your tank looks very healthy. [emoji108]
  85. Luciën

    Apistogramas died

    Hmm interesting, it kind of makes sense we do it with all our other pets too.. How often should it be done, what is recommended?
  86. Luciën

    New gardening forum?

    I think it's an good idea, I've seen plenty question about gardening around the forum maybe more of terrestrial forum with gardening related as a sub. There are also terrarium and houseplant keepers around.
  87. Luciën

    Remanso . . .

    Don't remember if it put it in my thread, but I think the sprinkler head will be visible in one of the pictures. I tywraped the heads to the light posts and use the water from my top off resevoir.. Anyway I use Lucky Reptile Super Rain Nano for the rain an a Habistat Humidifier for the mist.
  88. Luciën

    Remanso . . .

    If you mist it regularly it can. I have a rain system and a fogger to keep my emersed grow moist. Rain every 3hr 1min and fog every half hour 2 min but the again I also grow aquatic moss above the water line.., [emoji849]
  89. Luciën

    ID on this--Microsorum?

    Looks like regular trident to me. And I see some Bolbitis in there too.
  90. Luciën

    Pantanal Aquatic plants

    Thanks for sharing, very beautiful pictures.
  91. Luciën

    UKAPS Meet in Spring 2023

    Sounds like fun, sadly I'm not in the UK.. But I wish you all a very nice day! [emoji482]
  92. Luciën

    ‘Phœnix’ , 45x27x30cm.

    Nice tank, really beautiful rotala also. It will look amazing grown in, good for us that the guy didn't show up 😆
  93. Luciën

    Oryzias woworae biotope

    Looks really cool, love the composition [emoji106]
  94. Luciën

    How many tanks do YOU run?

    I have 3 atm.. 325L Hightech, 112L Blackwater, 40L Betta tank. Going to stop the last one if the betta is gone and want to start a small terrarium.
  95. Luciën

    Pygmy Island - 60P high-tech

    Great growth, jealous of your riccardia! Thats a moss that never liked me..:rolleyes:
  96. Luciën

    Happy Christmas.

    Merry Christmas! ☃️🎄
  97. Luciën

    1200L High Tech Planted Tank

    Beautiful tank and amazing dimensions.
  98. Luciën

    Two faced tank

    The rise in water hardness is probably from the stones, they look like limestone to me. Fun to read detailed post you made here, and cool to see someone else with the same odd tank dimensions [emoji1]
  99. Luciën

    Remanso . . .

    I wonder if two lightsources are enough to cover the whole tank from my experience I over shading an area with plants and hardscape is faster done then one might think.. Those light do look very intresting though never was really satisfied with the reds on my aquamedic lights, they are just a...
  100. Luciën

    Nerite eggs

    Cool I didn't know either, always thought that snails where hermafrodite.