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To sump or n̶o̶t̶ to sump? (Swan Lake)

Okay struggling with this tank alot lately. Had a gda outbreak that went on for more then a month. Changed the lights to Skylight hyperspot FL I must say the colours are amazing and the light spread from 3 to 8 spots is way better. I love the light alot but it made my plants grow better and the algea got worse too. Last Saturday I cleaned the glass once again and dot 3x 50% water change this time. Now the gda is less but there is a brown diatoms outbreak 😔.
I dose weekly 22ppm K, 2.5ppm MG and 0,4 ppm of iron, spread out daily with an auto dose. No extra nitrogen or phosphates I got enough from fishload with 6 angels in there.
I think I have. My co2 good now ph 7.9 degassed and 6.6 when lights on and stable trough the day.
Anyone suggestions?
No extra nitrogen or phosphates I got enough from fishload with 6 angels in there.

Nah - not if you’re still injecting CO2, fish load will provide no where near enough N and P, that and the very high light from the Hyperspots will be contributing to your algae woes.
Nah - not if you’re still injecting CO2, fish load will provide no where near enough N and P, that and the very high light from the Hyperspots will be contributing to your algae woes.
Well that's exclusive all the tetras, Cory's, otto's.. With nitriet limitation the rotala should get red it just gets orange, it grows quite well and pearls, but no reds and I have the skilights blasting at full power.. 😅 I left Ei after always struggling with bba and tryed apt lean dosing style but I have more algea now then ever 😂 Maby the terrestrial plants eats up too much?
Thanks, no recent foto's, well I could make it but it's just a mess 🙁
Hopefully things get sorted out soon.
There was a tank on here (I think?) or might have only been on TPT - I think it was from MinorHero, but I can't find it anymore - Whomever it was had a similar setup with to yours and could not keep algae away because of nutrient competition from emersed plants.
Just kidding - here it is. Beautiful tank, and somewhere in the thread there is a battle between emersed and submersed plants. Not being able to find it was driving me mad.