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45L “Dutch Rebuild”


18 Dec 2022
Latest incarnation of one of my 45L “Dutch” style tanks. Took forever to get a layout I liked in this tank, this is my fourth try and it’s getting there……sort of.


The plants:
Alternanthera Reinicki
Rotala Green
Hemianthus Micranthemoides
Rotala Vietnam Hra
Rotala Bonsai
Rotala Macranda (unknown variant)
Pogostem Erectus
Ludwigia Palustris super red
Hottonia palustris
Rotala Orange Juice
Monte Carlo carpet
What do you use for fertilizers love the tank.


Are you running a wrgb2? I have a 60 liter tank I’m trying to go Dutch with and have the 60cm wrgb2. Would love to know your light settings and fert regime as you obviously are having a lot of success!
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What do you use for fertilizers love the tank.


Are you running a wrgb2? I have a 60 liter tank I’m trying to go Dutch with and have the 60cm wrgb2. Would love to know your light settings and fert regime as you obviously are having a lot of success!
Yes WRGB 2 on RGB 100/60/60 for 8 hrs a day with half hour sunrise/sunset. Having said that for this depth of tank I reckon the Chihiros WRGB Slim would have been ok. BTW I use a blackout cover on all my tanks when lights not on.

For ferts I just add Colombo Flora Grow once a week after a 80% water change.
I think one of my problems was my light settings were too low I was getting leggy slow growth at about 35 percent power…. Now I’ve increased it to 50/45/50.

Thanks for the info.
I think one of my problems was my light settings were too low I was getting leggy slow growth at about 35 percent power…. Now I’ve increased it to 50/45/50.

Thanks for the info.
It may also be how you prune your plants as they need to be trimmed and trained properly. For example that bush of Hemianthus Micranthemoides doesn’t grow like that if left it to it’s own devices, it needs to be trimmed and tops replanted to create density. Same true for Rotala Rotundifolia
I pulled out all the Rotala R “Green” yesterday and replaced it with a plant I haven’t tried before, nesaea pedicellata which is supposed to have a red stem and yellow(ish) leaves.

I’ve never been happy with Rotala R Green as compared to other Hra and Orange juice it is unremarkable. It is also much more leggy in its growth than Hra and compared to other green plants like Hemianthus Micranthemoides it’s green colour is not very vibrant or interesting. So with that removal it’s gone from all my tanks now.
I pulled out all the Rotala R “Green” yesterday and replaced it with a plant I haven’t tried before, nesaea pedicellata which is supposed to have a red stem and yellow(ish) leaves.

I’ve never been happy with Rotala R Green as compared to other Hra and Orange juice it is unremarkable. It is also much more leggy in its growth than Hra and compared to other green plants like Hemianthus Micranthemoides it’s green colour is not very vibrant or interesting. So with that removal it’s gone from all my tanks now.
I feel the same way about R. Green but it does form a nice hedge since it grows so dense and sends tons of side shoots.