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Little Lily Vanilly in a Bowl


16 Apr 2015
I'm moving things around and had to find a new place for my first little lily. Have a bowl and a stand and a window with loads of sun.
So here we go, the only place I had...

I did not know what to expect, didn't know what to call it, it's hardly scaping, it isn't Wabi Kusa...? But it definitively is el-natural-low-tech.

And since we have had a tad more sun the last few weeks she is growing very nice and promising.
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I am not sure if I'm going to give her some carpet company... :)
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My little lily flowered only once a long time ago in 2018 back then she was bigger. The one in the bowl is a cutting from the lily below.

It would be gorgeous if she would make such a tiny flower as yours in the bowl by the window.

They can flower indoors with enough light. This is the other one I have that flowers about every year in the summer.