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ANAC 2024


5 Mar 2023
The Netherlands
Got selected for ANAC (Aquaflora Nano Aquascape Contest). The final will be on Vivarium in The Netherlands.
So here hardscape ideas I did.
Would like to heard your opinions.
I love that slim wood on the top two. so nice.
also i prefer the pebble look on the second one. But its a popular look i think. have a go at getting that pebble look with the lava stone?
this is why i am growing impatient with YouTube. It has the habit of making this stuff look easy!

Well done by the way!

Nice, just catching this thread. Congratulations being selected. That first was my favorite. It could maybe benefit from being a little less even on the top or having a contrasting direction if that is something that is still possible, or achievable with the plants. Maybe I'm just biased by prior scapes and this strong look will turn out cooler!

Looking forward to seeing it grown in.