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Nature's Hideout

How long do you find that lasts until the tint starts to reduce and it needs replenishing?
Around 6 weeks sometimes longer depends on how much new botanicals I add.. The tank was almost pitch black for 2 weeks last time because of the botanicals that was a bit to much for my liking.. I hardly do water changes or small ones wich keep the tank stable. I found that doing large water changes on sensitive fish do more harm then good and the bio load is really low, and I don't add ferts to the plants and they stay alive and growing very slowly.
I always like the addition of fern fronds as you have here, somehow they always seem to make it look more natural. What are the ones you've used here? Are they from your own plant or did you buy them ready dried?
What are the ones you've used here? Are they from your own plant or did you buy them ready dried?
I have around 10 types of ferns in my garden and I just pick out the dead dried leaves from time to time and use what's available. Must say I forgot most names of the species.
The only things that are bought are the pods and those light coloured round leaves.