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Pygmy Island - 60P high-tech

I've been emptying the contents of my biomaster filter into another small tank with some media, an airstone and some leaf litter. I've had quite a few fry emerge from the detritus in my filter media. I haven't successfully kept any alive yet but still trying.

Hi all,
Have still got the microworm culture going so will definitely try to feed fry with them
I feed <"micro worms to the adults"> as well.

I just <"leave the fry in with the adults">, they don't eat them, and its a tank without any other fry predators. I couldn't ever catch the fry, even if I could see them, and they are <"pretty elusive egg depositors"> (singly among the plants), so you rarely see any eggs.
I've had quite a few fry emerge from the detritus in my filter media.
Bizarrely they may well do better in the filter if it s reasonably clean, just because there are plenty of small live food items. I have big sponges on the filter intakes, which stops them syphoning up any fry, but in different set ups I used to have Cherry shrimps etc quite happily living in the filter.

cheers Darrel
I've been emptying the contents of my biomaster filter into another small tank with some media, an airstone and some leaf litter. I've had quite a few fry emerge from the detritus in my filter media. I haven't successfully kept any alive yet but still trying.

View attachment 201021
Maybe try empty some of the filter mulm in there too? It’s only one photo but it looks rather clean in there from that image.
Bizarrely they may well do better in the filter if it s reasonably clean

True, but not an option for me. They came out of the pre-filter of my oase biomaster which I need to clean weekly or I run into trouble.
Here's the tank now, since moving. It's very much just a home for fish now rather than an aquascape. Plenty of botanicals this time, bare aquasoil, plants and hardscape laid down haphazardly late at night while moving house. But the fish are healthy and happy and its low maintenance. No Co2. Lights 12 hours per day on 10%.
