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  1. N

    Angelfish disease

    Hello everyone! I need a help with diagnostic angelfish disesae. Two weeks ago I bought from (not LFS, but some guy) pair of angel albino dantums. They both looked health and active and eat on the first day. But on the second day one of them stopped to eat. I waited 2-3 days and after moved him...
  2. Avro Vulcan

    Starting Again From Scratch - Help & Advice

    Hi, I am planning on stripping and restarting my aquarium and am looking for some advice. I had a Sailfin Pleco that prevented me from having a really nicely planted aquarium, so now he's gone, I am looking to restart and have a really nicely planted aquarium with some smaller sized livestock...
  3. N

    Advise needed asap!

    Hi all! Today I noticed that there is water lewel difference in my tank (it is superfish scaper 90 , 60l total volume). So as you can see on the photo there more water on left side, and this because my cabinet for some reason got swollen. How dangerous is this and what can I do about this ...
  4. InNi2010

    Placing help

    Thinking of buying: Nymphoides sp 'Taiwan': Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' for the background of my 60l low tech aquarium. Now I have another background plant in a separate tank, Heteranthera Zosterifolia. If I leave the Nymphoides untrimmed, will it reach to the top and form a canopy (a...
  5. InNi2010

    Critique my hardscape And Help!!

    Hi everyone. Began brainstorming ideas and browsing and came across nature aquariums and their stunning layout. So bought a 60l a while back and decided for a triangular layout scape. The rock is that dragon stone thingummy and I'll be adding more pieces of driftwood and spider wood to...
  6. N

    RO Tap Adapter

    Hello everyone! I got my first RO device finally. Now I need an adapter to connect it to the tap. My tap size is G3/4(m22) and RO hose size is 3/8". I can not find a proper adapter. Can someone please help me?
  7. L

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    Hey all, I might be calling this too soon (as I know stabilizing a new tank takes time) but here goes: Started up a new planted tank running just about 3-4 weeks now. Encountering what looks to be patches of blue-green algae, diatoms, buce transition melt and monte carlo transition melt. The...
  8. N

    EI Half Dose

    Hi All! So since dosing EI i have crazy growth, I need to trim my plants almost every week and it is becomming a big annoying. So I was thinking to switch to half ei dosing , will it help to reduce growth speed and could it somehow affect the plants in a bad way? Thank you in advance.
  9. PlantMan216

    Questions about custom ferts.

    So since joining this forum, I’ve learned and cleared up a lot of info relating to planted tanks. A big one that I like being remineralizing RO water with salts instead of commercial remineralizers . I’ve seen some posts about custom ferts and the whole calculator thing. I’m wondering if...
  10. N

    Cryptocoryne Usteriana

    Hi all! I need a help with crypt usteriana. It does not grow in my aquarium, I have hard water, CO2, EI dosing. Photopheriod for 8 hours. I read somewhere that it need some perido for establishing, have planted it around 6 weeks ago, but still stays in the same size and some leaves are melted...
  11. N

    Echninodorus Argentinesis, E.barthii and Crypt Usteriana not growing

    Hi all! So I have a problem with E. Argentinesis, E.Barthii and Crypt Undatulas. Those guys are not growing, however all other plants growing well and healthy. E.Barthii located at backside of the tank and been there more than 3 months, still stays the same size. The same E.Argentinesis it...
  12. LightingBamboozled

    Alternanthera Reineckii struggling or just settling in?

    About 3 weeks ago I added plants to my tank and cut back the jungle Vallis that was taking over in a bit of a mini rescape. One of the plants was AR. The leaves have been holey/melting since it was added and as soon as it's damaged my Amano's and SFF's are chewing through them. Should I be...
  13. M

    Is this algae GDA or GSA?

    Hello guys. Recently I switched to Plantedbox Lean Dosing fertilizer in the IFC calculator. I started to see only slight algae. Do you think these are the beginning of GDA or GSA? Tank information 6 month old tank Liter : 120 Light: Osram 6*24 Soil: Ada Amazonia 6 months old Ph:5.86 gh:4-5...
  14. V

    Help choose a chihiros light

    Hi all , Planning to convert my Malawi tank into high tech planted tank. Dimensions are 120*60*50 cm (L*W*H) . Ideally i would like to have a full coverage and power to have flexibility on the type of scape I can make. I was thinking about buying a wrgb2 120 and hang it to get full coverage of...
  15. V

    Help building a custom 120x60x45 aquarium

    Hi all , I am in the process of building a custom aquarium for aquascape. Aquarium will be 120cm L * 60cm W * 45cm H with 12 mm glass. My LFS is insisting on adding 4inch glass braces on both sides. Adding braces means I cannot use glassware for filter nor can I place inlet and outlet in the...
  16. V

    Help with stunted Rotala growth

    Hi all , I am constantly getting stunned growth on some of my rotala’s , help needed to find what might be the issue and how to fix it. Tank : 60*30*34 set up for 4months Light : Chihiros wrgb2 60 at 45% all for 6hrs with 30mins ramp time. Filter : Sunsun 302 Fertiliser: 1ml APT complete daily...
  17. J

    Help with serious melting

    Hi guys, I need some help. I planted my 60p two weeks ago. Had the abit crypt melt which is fine nothing to serious. Then about a week ago my Staurogyne repens started to melt, it was a 90% melt off. I reacted by trimming the remaining few back to a bare stem and roots. Not sure if this was the...
  18. bengill

    Caridina shrimp in scape with seiryu

    Hi all. So I've recently created this scape just over 2 weeks ago. The stone is 16kg of dark seiryu stone which I'm aware alters the hardness of the water. Just using normal tap water currently while it's cycling. Post waterchange the tds from the tap is 140ppm. After 2 days the tds has gone up...
  19. christinecrites

    Shrimp expert help - what’s going on with his face?

    I know noticed one of my orange shrimp’s Rostrum looks messed up, but otherwise seems ok and eating? Can anyone identify what might be going on? He resides in a tank with other shrimp and a few assassin snails but no fish.
  20. W

    6 Months Old! Pretty Satisfied.

    This is my second planted tank, first was a 5 gallon, this one is 55 gallons with a sump. I inject CO2 and use the Seachem fertilizer line. I have neon, glowlight, cardinal, black neon, rummynose, and blue tetras; harlequin rasboras, otocincluses, blue neon goby, nerite snail, Siamese algae...
  21. W

    What are these bugs?!?

    So I cleaning my aquarium and dumped the water from my red water change bucket and noticed in the bottom of the bucket massive movements. They appear to be tiny bugs moving about, too small to make out with the naked eye. Then I stuck my head into my sump that I just vacuumed out and spotted...
  22. W_D_Aqua

    S’ Repens help!

    Hi all, Hi all, I’m having some trouble with my S’Repens which seems to be growing rather slowly and even starting to look like it’s going to die off in one area and I was hoping one of you lovely lot would have some insight. So the tank is 20 gallons, CO2 injected and using prodibio...
  23. bataiboldi

    Limnophila Sessiflora help needed

    Hello! I have a problem with my Limnophila Sessiflora in one of my tanks. I have three different tanks, all of which have this plant in it. All of the tanks are low tech, I am dosing LiquiCarbo, and Aqulife TF Macro daily, and Aqualife TF Planter weekly according to the instructions on the...
  24. Nathanh2150

    Sexing kribensis ?

    Hi all Below is a photo of 2 kribensis please could someone advice me on which one may be a male or female
  25. algae_connoisseur

    Chihiros vivid 2 and red plants @ George farmer

    Hi all, firstly, George if you are reading this I researched this light and others similar to it and made my decision. The review video you posted had a small sway on this decision so I do not hold responsible at all for my issue in any way, but I’m hoping you or someone may have the key. I...
  26. O

    Super newbie looking for expert advice!

    Hi all! Newbie from Norfolk here! Firstly let me apologise for the lack of knowledge and 'technical terms' .. before this week I had zero knowledge of anything to do with aquariums 🙈 Me and the better half have recently inherited a tank, and last weekend finally got around to setting it up...
  27. Nathanh2150

    Disaster with Monte Carlo

    Recently Scaped a new aquarium and my Monte Carlo from day one didn’t look great but looked healthy now it’s dieing but showing good new growth it’s been about 2-3 weeks and haven’t seen much spreading would it be wise to take it all out and start again or leave it another week or two ? I have...
  28. Nathanh2150

    Glass aqua pipe set help

    Hi all I’m having a hard time with my aqua glass pipe set the inlet where the skimmer is keeps jumping putting a lot of air into my biomaster thermo 600 I have watched so many videos by George farmer as he has this on his tank and seems to have no issues im completely gutted and thinking of just...
  29. Nathanh2150

    Best way to soak bogwood

    Hi all collecting a Large pice of bog wood tomorrow and seeing what’s the best way to soak the bog wood to remove the brown tannings all help would be much appreciated 🙂
  30. monozuki

    Growing black spots on plants in 3 day old aquarium

    Hi all, Posting in hopes of getting some help, as am pretty freaked out by now. This is my first aquarium (planted or otherwise) and I tried my best to do things right, but apparently something's out of whack, because within the first 3 days of setting it up (finished everything on Sunday), the...
  31. Snailracer10cc

    Tropica soil

    Hello all! Never used tropica soil before and have got some for my new 70 litre set up. Can you put the soil in the tank with sand and leave it without water in? I’m planning on playing around with all my hardscape for a few weeks before I plan on planting so I know I’m happy with my choice of...
  32. Ollie s

    White cloud minnows help

    Hey guys I have a 105 litre planted tank with 7 white cloud minnows and 9 cherry shrimp temp is 18.5c, tank was finished cycling around 2 months ago and fish have been in there about 5 weeks everything has been fine untill Monday for whatever reason the fish seem scared they will not stop hiding...
  33. S

    Advice for a newbie

    Hi all. I am looking for some advice and hope you can help. I am currently saving for my first tank and am wondering what size would be best? It's going to be between a 60x30x35 or a 45x29x30. I plan on rescaping fairly often, as It's part of the hobby that interests me, but I don't have the...
  34. Box of Demons

    Is this too many plants for a co2 Fluval Roam 240 tank?

    First time co2 user and a new tank set up, any comments or feedback on my plant suggestions? is this too many for a 240 tank? how many should i buy of each? I do not have a great knowledge when it comes to plants so any advice would be very appreciated. Delicate Ammannia straight vallis giant...
  35. P

    Can’t seem to get rid of this algae

    Hi, I have this black spot type algae which covers my anubias and hardscape etc, tried spot dosing with excel but this didn’t seem to make a difference. Wondering how I should control it. It’s been around for 8-12 months almost now. Tank specifications - 300l with 50-60l sump Lighting - Finnex...
  36. W

    DOOA CO2 System Kit

    Hello everyone! I started my first iwagumi style tank (nano) just this summer. Since I have a nano tank I bought the DOOA CO2 System Kit cause I Thought I looked cool. https://www.aquasabi.com/DOOA-CO2-System-Kit Little did I know then of the problems I would run into. One of them but also...
  37. NayrP

    Plant Damage, Stunted Growth. What am I doing wrong?!

    Hi all, This is my first post on the forum and I am hoping you can help me figure out what is going on in my aquarium. I have been in the hobby for about 2 years and am having a great time learning what it takes to keep a planted tank, but I have been having several issues for the past 3-4...
  38. Ryouku2015

    Ideal Water Parameters

    Hi I have a 240l tank that I have now converted to a high tech planted tank. Ive decided to use RO water and remineralise as my tap water is terrible (about 60-80ppm nitrate and very hard water) and have been deciding on what parameters to aim for and so far ive settled on a pH of 7, GH of 6...
  39. G

    50litre Planted Dragon Stone Aquarium

    Hello, I'm still a newbie so I have a lot a questions and appreciate a lot your help. I haven't started because i want to know everything I need to know before, i had a 200litre tank in Portugal where I did water changes with tap water but the water was so diferent. My idea is to do a planted...
  40. C

    Help! Struggling as a beginner

    Hello all, looking for some help with some new developments in my planted aquarium. I have an ADA 60f, using a cookie+ light with CO2 injection. Tank has been set up with plants for about 4 weeks now, had no problems at all before today. I added 14 red cherry shrimp 2 weeks ago, I’ve since added...
  41. D

    What plants are these?

    I am thinking of buying the Mini Complete tank: https://minicompletetank.com/products/mini-complete-tank-mini-aquarium-pre-order-free-maintenance-kit.html And one aquascape really striked me: Can someone tell me what plants, rocks, sands they used? I want to re-create this:
  42. Rob_Planted

    Tank Transformation! House Move! I’m scared but join me for the ride!

    Hi everyone, First journal from a new member so please be nice! Ok so where to start... I have kept tropical fish for 5/6 years now, and my pride and joy at the moment is my Fluval Roma 125L that has been running for 3 years pretty successfully, but with the focus on the fish. I have...
  43. Rob_Planted

    Intro... And advice needed on first planted tank!

    Hi Everyone, This seems like a great community! I have had fish tanks for many years and currently have a Roma 125 that only has a couple of amazon swords and crypts and has been like this for 2 years now with no co2, decent light, ferts etc. I am finally going to be brave and turn this into...
  44. W

    Hello everyone, I need help with getting started (Wabi-Kusa)

    Hello everyone! My name is Ioannis, I live in Stockholm, Sweden and Im a proud owner of a nano reef tank :) I recently traveled to Japan and i stumbled upon a fantastic pet shop in Tokyo, where I found out about wabi-kusa. I got fascinated and I would like to try make my own. I did some...
  45. J_rock

    Hi everyone! newbie here from Leeds.

    hey guys, Newbie here from Leeds. I am planning to set-up my first aquarium and while looking for videos in Youtube, i came across with “Aquascape”. It looks fantastic and it inspired me to set-up my first aquascape. Thanks there is a site like this which i believe would be helpful to a...
  46. Will.P

    First Aquascape

    Hi everyone, I have decided to go big or go home and ordered an Evolution Aqua Aquascaper 900, part paid for by my fabulous partner for my birthday, I originally asked for permission to have a 600 as it is going in the lounge, she asked if I would prefer the 900 :) needless to say I jumped at...
  47. D

    Unruly Discus Behavior

    Hi all Bit naughty of me to be asking a question like this on a plant forum, my apologies in advance. In my 55 gallon tank, I currently keep 5 discus, one of which was only recently added. They are very well fed (stendker good heart, tetra prima pellets and occasional bloodworm) One of them...
  48. Tamscapes

    New to CO2, please help!

    Ive looked online but can’t seem to find out whether I’ve set up my pressurised co2 system properly (it came with no instructions) I’ve made a quick video, if anyone knows what I may have done wrong, I’d appreciate your advice, thanks!
  49. Aqua Hero

    Critique my hardscape Need some advice/opinions on hardscape

    Hello Aquascapers, I have come back from a long retirement from this hobby and decided to rescape my dull tank. My current idea for the scape: -use a mix of weeping moss and spiky moss on the lava rocks - use flame moss for the rear of the tank - have a mix of monte carlo and DHG in the front...
  50. Jordimex

    Noob here would like some advice

    Hello my name is Jorge, actually i am a week old in this hobby and fish keeping all together For my tank im not looking to emmulate any particular style im just going freestyle hope it works I have a 65 gal tank, with a aquatop CF400-UV i have no idea what the flow rate is (all i know is that...
  51. Jordimex

    Need help with Angel Fish and Flow as well as plants

    Hello my name is Jorge, actually i am a week old in this hobby and fish keeping all together For my tank im not looking to emmulate any particular style im just going freestyle hope it works I have a 65 gal tank, with a aquatop CF400-UV i have no idea what the flow rate is (all i know is that...
  52. algae_connoisseur

    Advise needed on Bubble counter water

    Hi, iv kept tanks a long time, through the years learnt a lot through trial and error. I don't consider myself a guru I'm still learning as we all are. Recently I encountered a problem with melt. Literally every plant was affected and I had not changed my routine for years I was puzzled... I...
  53. Timbuck2

    What is this type of algea please

    Its the burgundy red balls they are spreading all over my stones and wood. Please help thanks
  54. Richard Swales

    Iwagumi Layout

    Hi, Picked up some rocks for my Sanzon Iwagumi today, pretty happy with them, but can't decide on a placement layout. I liked this one (see pic) but something just isn't quite right, can any body spot something that might help me? Perhaps I need more rocks to go with these three, possibly...
  55. E

    Help! plant deficiency or toxicity ? ( new pics)

    hello everyone, as the title suggests I'm not sure whats wrong with my mont carlo, its been carpeting well however i have noticed some deficiency or something wrong. some leaves don't appear healthy. leaves seem to be almost transparent around the outside and lighter in the middle , as the...
  56. HannahFergusonFan

    How to improve my Tank looks.

    Hi, I have planted my 29G tank (36"x14"x15") Lighting: 2x24watt CFL tubes 6400k with reflector=56watt + 1 LED flood light of 15watt 6500k CO2: CO2 injection by Flourish Excel for now, I am going to instal CO2 system within a week. Fauna: 11 Neon tetra and 2 guppies Flora: Didiplis Diandra...
  57. AshleyAttwood

    Can People Help Me With Free Plants And Moss Cuttings.

    Hey Good evening people, I am looking for kind people to help me out with free (plants/moss/cherry shrimp) any specimens would be great, i am not looking for a lot just a a little bit to get me going. I had a tank but i was out for the week and got back and the tank empty out onto my floor and...
  58. Ryan Young

    Hydrocotyle Tripartita wall...

    Hi all, I am planning on re scaping my tank at the end of this year as it looks really bad, however because it looks so bad I was thinking about doing a temporary low maintenance setup using Hydrocotyle Tripartita as a wall for the back of my tank and think this should work well. If I were to...
  59. Ryan Young

    External filters for 30 liter Cube

    Hi all, So I purchased a Dennerle Aqua Cube 30 today from Gumtree, the tank is awesome- clean & fancy. Might have to buy a new bulb for the 11w cause it seems a bit dull and everyone i spoke to said it was bright. Anyway... I set it all up for a fishless cycle then to be scaped but the Dennerle...
  60. Ryan Young

    Need Opinions!

    Hi all, have had my 200 liter tank running for a while now and had a load of problems for ages such as algae dying fish etc. I have finally sorted all these problems and now want some opinions on my tank- changes I could make etc. Bare in mind I have just done a large clean and therfore cut my...
  61. Ryan Young

    Dennerle Nano cube 30, lighting etc.

    Hey guys. Just purchased a more or less new Dennerle Nano Cube 30 for £50 after wanting something smaller in comparison to my 200l tank, my plan is to keep a few shrimp and hope they breed so they can be introduced to my 200l tank whilst keeping a few in the 30l. I love aquascaping and am...
  62. aaron.c

    Struggling a bit - can't work out why

    Howdy All I have a Rio 125 High Tech and I am really struggling. I think I have got everything right, but the plants tell me otherwise. I am after some ideas of where I might be going wrong and what I should try next. Please forgive the long post, but want to make sure I get everything in...
  63. Ryan Young

    What do you think? Too much wood...

    First of all, I don't people telling me that my substrate and gravel choices are bad or my stone should be moved/ changed. This is simply for feedback on my redmoor placing. So with that established, I am setting up a planted aquarium using a 200L (43G) Fluval aquarium. I have a JBL 2kg CO2...
  64. CSouthgate

    Glossostigma Dry Start

    Hey all, I planted some glossostigma about 10 days ago for a dry start everything going great 12 hour photo period, opening the cover a couple of times a day and misting new runners looking great. Now last night I noticed some very fine white/clear stringy stuff starting to cover patches and...
  65. cjlhessing

    Hello from East London

    Hello all, I'm Chris from East London, Barkingside to be precise (lets not start any it's not London it's Essex things :shh:). I'm new to aquariums, inherited my first being a BiOrb a few months ago and am moving to a Fluval Edge 48 - best thing about that is it has potential for...
  66. GreenGrow

    Lighting Issues specifically with Red Plants

    Hi there all! I'm in need of the UKAPS knowledge base again... A while ago I attempted to have a lovely colorful tank filled with a variety of pinky-red's like rotala rotundifolia and flat out natural red plants like alternanthera reineckii mini. I understand that maintaining red colours in the...
  67. Phillip Macken

    Echinodorus problem.

    I added these to my tank about 2-3 weeks back and now they have gone and done this. This happened over the course of about 2-3 days and despite my best efforts I can't get them to come back. The roots have dug in well to the substrate and I have high light and use Easy-Live Easycarbo and other...
  68. Leesey

    Decided to go for co2!

    Right i have decided to go for co2 I will be putting the co2 into the final chamber of my sump and the return pump will then take it back up into the main tank. My question is what is the best way for me to get it into the tank. I have been on numerous websites and i am struggling to figure out...
  69. michael woods

    Getting frustrated.

    Ok so as some of you may be aware I'm new to aquascaping. I currently have an interpet fish box 64 which was originally meant to be used as a big standard tank until I caught the aquascaping bug. I'm currently doing my best to improvise it and test my DIY skills. However, the lighting just...
  70. michael woods

    Please help! Co2 distribution and flow

    Ok, so today was the day of reckoning! After weeks of cycling my new filter...the tank was ready to put some fish and shrimp BUT. I've immediately hit a stumbling block and would massively appreciate it if anyone can help me out! I'm running a 64l interpet fishbox with a fluval 106 external...
  71. michael woods

    Please Help! Distribution and Co2

    Ok, so today was the day of reckoning! After weeks of cycling my new filter...the tank was ready to put some fish and shrimp BUT. I've immediately hit a stumbling block and would massively appreciate it if anyone can help me out! I'm running a 64l interpet fishbox with a fluval 106 external...
  72. michael woods

    Champagne Co2??

    Sorry to post again...but I'm in need of some advice. I'm running a 3kg co2 tank through a regulator from co2 art and a bazooka diffuser, also from co2 art. It's running at about 2bps and my drop checker is a nice line green but the tank looks like the inside if a champagne glass! There's...
  73. michael woods

    Fluval 88g co2 help needed!

    I've been running the fluval 88g in my 64l tank at 1 bubble per 3 seconds (awaiting drop checker from co2art) for the past two weeks. Last week I started to realise there is a build up of what can only be described as the same as the contents of a co2 fire extinguisher building up on the...
  74. jarcher1390

    Messing about with an Arcadia Arc (The conclusion)

    Untitled by Fishkeeper Journal, on Flickr Hi all So i have been a relative silent user on this forum as I've not had much to show. Now after 1 month of being into my new place its time to give aquascaping a proper go. Here is my very first attempt with a river to reef tank...
  75. Climbitise

    New Planted Tank PH and Nitrate.

    Hi all I have just joined the forums but have been browsing for a while and found them extremely informative. Three months ago I decided to take the plunge into planted aquariums with pressurised CO2. I have been gradually cycling the tank using a mature filter which is now removed and my...
  76. GreenGrow

    Glossostigma growing up despite over 1.5 watts per liter?!

    Ive recently set up a scape which includes glossostigma as the predominant carpeting plant. It isnt over shadowed by other plants so logic would say that its getting enough light but it continues to mainly grow vertically? The specs of the tank are 30l-45 l x 25 h x 25w cm Dosing Ei and...
  77. L

    algae help causes and remedies

    Hi all ill give you tank infor first 240l fluval rome Fluval 305 filter 1600lph powerhead and 600 plh powerhead Pressurised co2 so the drop checker is yellow 1.5wpg t8 lights on for 6 hours co2 on 2 hours before lights Dosing ei mothod of kno3 4 tads i think one teaspoon kh2po4 3 dashes 3/8thd...
  78. Fernando

    Please help me identify this wierd moss

    Hi everyone! I am an brazilian guy in a brazilian place without many plants news, believe or not. I friend of my brought a wierd moss. His not know it name, just said "an japanese moss". Well, I tryed search on web and I can't find any moss likely! Anyone in across the Atlantic know what...
  79. Jake Senior

    Help!!!!...The more I read the more I become confused.

    Please help!!!!!....I have 10 fantastic boesemani rainbow fish and I want to create a lush planted 300 litre tank for them (I wasn't planning on using CO2). Ideally ph neutral-7.5. I currently use Bristol tap water, not as hard a London water but is alkaline (TDS ranges 200/260). I was...
  80. Jake Senior

    New to 'dirt' tank... looking for some soil advise

    I'm planning to dirt my new 300 litre tank and have done a lot of reading... mostly US sites. The most popular and preferred choice of 'soil' seems to be Miracle Gro Organic potting mix. However it seems here in the UK it's John Innes No 3... The MG Organic mix doesn't seem to be available in...