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  1. Jwilliams0487

    Balancing Lighting and no Algae

    Hi For a few months I've had the following set up with no algae issues what so ever. I use the Juwel HeliaLux Spectrum LED on my 240 litre aquarium with the following light settings (in photos) Mon - Fri - (Juwel Bedroom) Sat - (Amazonas) Sun - (Aquascape) Water temperature is 24-25°c...
  2. K

    Classroom shallow tank

    Hi! I've been a long time lurker and infrequent poster here on ukaps for a while now, and I think it's about time I made a journal. I work as a teacher in middle school, and for a few years now I've had a low tech betta tank in my classroom. The scape and equipment has changed a few times, but...
  3. bettasandfriends

    Struggling with choosing a background

    Hi Everyone. This is my first post, so hopefully I am doing this right! I am struggling to decide what background to put on my tank. I have attached some pictures of the scape. It is a 60 x 40 x 40cm tank. It currently has a frosted backdrop from my previous scape which was a lot more crowded...
  4. P

    Amazonas - 100L Low Cube Build

    Hi UKAPS! Here's the build log for my living room aquascape. As per my intro, I currently have poison frog vivariums but am returning to the planted tank world, having dipped my toes in a couple years back. This time I'm looking to take it up a notch with higher end equipment and heavy...
  5. AlemBa

    Comeback nano tank (Hight tech)

    Hello everyone, After a 7 years of break, I have returned to this wonderful hobby. To start, I opted for a nano aquarium with a simple setup, aiming to reconnect with my past experiences. Tank is 14 days old. All parameters are great, no visible algae. Fish added yesterday. Here are some...
  6. AquaJoe69

    Fizzing sound from inline diffuser

    Hi, I recently bought an inline diffuser from co2art (16/22) since I wanted a more clean look in my 140L. The diffuser has been set up for about a week but since yesterday starting to make "fizzing" noises. Is that supposed to happen when it's broken in so to speak or do I have a leak...
  7. MisterrBee

    New Member

    Hi all, I'm new to this site so wanted to introduce myself and my tanks. I have been into aquascaping for the past 4 or 5 years now. I have built 2 nano tanks, one 55 L and one 65 L te get myself into the hobby. Both tanks were without Co2 but i have just pushed the boat out with a huge 550...
  8. pariahrob

    Mirkwood - aquascaper 900

    Hi all, It’s been a while since I last posted. I had planned a new setup a while back but life got in the way. But now I’m amassing everything I need. I have an aquascaper 900 on the way, along with a Twinstar, co2art kit and a bunch of ADA glassware. Amazonia, power sand and some additives...
  9. C

    My attempt at a diy backlight

    Hey, got a 120x60x50 aquarium and was looking into getting a lightground or something of the likes but the price of them was a huge investment for something that I wasn't sure I'd actually like... did a lot of research into what goes into them and kept an eye out for all the products needed...
  10. bengill

    Caridina shrimp in scape with seiryu

    Hi all. So I've recently created this scape just over 2 weeks ago. The stone is 16kg of dark seiryu stone which I'm aware alters the hardness of the water. Just using normal tap water currently while it's cycling. Post waterchange the tds from the tap is 140ppm. After 2 days the tds has gone up...
  11. joey24dirt

    70L long - it's been a while

    Hi all. I haven't been on here for a number of years. Mostly sold off all the kit I used to have, apart from my 70L long tank. I've had this running for around 8 years now, with various iterations. This is the latest crack at a planted tank. Low tech and hopefully low fuss once it's grown in a...
  12. Nont

    Is copying others aquascape ok?

    I found this beautiful scape Planted Tank Aquarium For Community Schooling Fish (I don’t know how to rename the link, please teach me). I also found similar forcal point stone in the store and wanted to know if it’s okay or not to copy others scape in your opinion?
  13. B

    The Kitchen Embankment

    At last! I have been working on this tank for a while now. I was working in a position where I had to compromise a lot. This is our kitchen and the only place for a main tank in the house, but there was a radiator in the way! The space is almost 5ft, but very shallow (the wife still wanted a...
  14. Ullalaaqua

    140l project - Driftwood dominated Nature Aquarium

    Again here sharing my latest project. The tank I’m currently working at is 70x45x45cm. Those of you who have followed my aquascaping journey from the beginning know, that this is the tank where I made my very first aquascape in 2020. This scape is gonna be the second and last one in this tank...
  15. ScaperJoe

    Not all heroes dare scapes

    Hi Folks I'll skip the introduction because I've managed to introduce myself in several places on UKAPS while stumbling around here in pure excitement. I was amazed to discover other humans also have planted tanks, because obviously I invented it when I became interested in the hobby 6 months...
  16. S

    My Tank of Redemption!

    Hi All Here's my second time around setting up this 20 litre Nano tank. I'm calling it my redemption tank, because the first time around was more than a bit chaotic/disastrous (I very nearly gave up on the hobby!). However, here I am giving it another shot. Hardscape: Black Lava Rock, Wood...
  17. Shoshi Scaping

    EPQ Aquascaping Journal ~ Nature Aquarium

    04.04.2021 Hi everyone, I've decided to start this journal in order to document the process of my latest aquascape. This journal will also tie into a school project that I’m doing called an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). An EPQ is worth 50% of an A-Level and is essentially an essay or...
  18. Nautilus143

    Oase Styleline85 Beginner Aquascape

    Hi all! I am new to UKAPS and loving the forums so far. I recently set up a tank (first one, not counting a tank my parents maintained when I was little) and thought it might be fun to track its progress here. Firstly, my tank is an Oase Styleline85. I started watching George Farmer's videos...
  19. ScaperJoe

    Critique my aquascape First tank, first scape

    Hi Folks I posted on the members introduction, but I think this is probably where I should have posted for feedback on my first aquascape. Planted on 2nd March 2021. I added a few more plants after 1 week to plug some gaps (and my Anubias Petite arrived): Day 1 Day 19 (today) Setup...
  20. ScaperJoe

    Hi everyone, first Aquascape here

    Hi Folks I am brand new to the hobby this year after getting absorbed by Green Aqua's YouTube videos and thought I would share my first Aquascape with you, planted on 2nd March 2021. I added a few more plants after 1 week to plug some gaps (and my Anubias Petite arrived): Day 1 Day 19...
  21. WaterCulture

    17L Dutch Style Nano Aquascape

    Hi everyone. id like to direct you towards our YouTube channel where we do 12 week long series (The current one is the step by step of a dutch style nano aquarium) we also upload regular shorts on the various fish and plants that we keep, We also have a poll on the channel for ideas for the...
  22. S

    Shallow, long tank inspiration

    Hi all, New member (but not new to aquascaping)! I'm going to get a custom shallow, long tank soon, but I was wondering if any of you have any inspo and pictures of similar tanks? I'm going for something 4ft long (maybe longer) but not looking at more than 18" deep, and semi-heavily planted. If...
  23. LukeScapewalker

    ADA 90P Garden Cube

    Day 1 in the Big Aquascape House Our first go at an aquascape. I've really enjoyed it and I am keen to do another, but I am not taking this one apart! Hardware ADA 90p (wish it was 90p) Twinstar V2 S Series 900 Oase Biomaster Thermo 600 Seachem Matrix Co2 Art PRO-SE Series. Dual Stage...
  24. LukeScapewalker

    Petrified Mummy

    Hi, Just wanted to share my first go at an aquascape. I've really enjoyed it and I am keen to do another, but I am not taking this one apart! This is the setup at about three days old. Hardware ADA 90p (wish it was 90p) Dimensions - 90x45x45cm Journal - ADA 90P Garden Cube Twinstar V2 S Series...
  25. Nathanh2150


    Hi all, I recently added (eleocharis acicularis mini) into my aquarium at the time there was no root structure to the stems. I planted into the substrate and since planted it’s been about a month now and there showing signs of roots forming but at the time of planting they where a nice vivid...
  26. Leah95

    First Aquascape!

    Hey Everyone! I’m new to the website and the world of Aquascaping and I wanted to share with you guys my new setup! I’m very new to this so if you have any suggestions or things I could change, they would be very welcome! I’ve stated my specs below, I have been working with my local aquatic...
  27. A

    80cm Nature Style Aquascape

    Hi I am putting together my 2nd Aquascape (1st was a 30c nano tank). One of the things I find the hardest is creating a smooth transition between plants. I am looking for feedback on my plants selection and if you foresee any issues with the layout plan or the equipment. Some details below on...
  28. oscarlloydjohn

    Twinstar 600e how bright?

    Hi everyone, long time no see. I'm setting up my ADA 60f again for my dwarf puffers, this time it will be a blackwater with some easy plants and no CO2. I was wondering how dim I should have my Twinstar 600e, I'm looking to grow Vallisneria nana, Cryptocoryne wendtii and Helanthium tenellum...
  29. Nigel95

    Nigel's Aquascaping & Water Garden - Photos & Videos

    Hi guys, Decided to make a new journal to share some moments of my underwater world. Hope you will enjoy it! Cinematic video about the nature aquarium and the story about Takashi Amano 45P Nano Aquascape 45p Nano aquascape by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr Microsorum sp. pearling Microsorum...
  30. Putney

    Aquascape stores in N France

    Hi guys, I'm going to be driving form London to Lille in France for a short trip and wanted to know if anyone could recommend any nice Aquascape shops around North France / West Belgium I've seen quite a few vids of George Farmer doing some store vists but difficult to filter and work out by...
  31. MattT34

    My first Aquascape

    Hi All I'm Matt and I'm new here and relatively new to Aquascaping so be kind 🤣 This is my first major Aquascape, I had a small planted tank years ago but you couldn't really call it Aquascaping. Tank specs, Fluval Roma 240 (walnut cabinet) Fluval 307 filter + biomaster thermo 600 Light...
  32. J

    acetic acid,Silicone curing effect on aquarium

    Hi, im going to be setting up a aquascape maybe a dry start carpet first however I keep dartfrogs terrarium, and when designing one I use pond foam and quite alot of silicone,few tubs of silicone on the backgrounds and the room it’s being built in will Stink of acetic acid while the silicone...
  33. Putney

    My First Tank | 35cm Cube - "Up the Hill"

    I had goldfish in my room when I was a teenager which my parents looked after and I never really appreciated them... Now I'm much much older and having seen the potential of aquascapes from the likes of Cinescaper and Green Aqua with also the range of aquatic plants available, I just had to try...
  34. LondonDragon

    Aquascaper 900 - Comeback Lockdown Tank :)

    Hi everyone, As some might have seen this thread "Thanks to UKAPS" I have an empty tank in my living room for quite a while :rolleyes::rolleyes::eek: Over the last couple of years I have been obtaining all the equipment I wanted on bargain hunters (eBay), now that I have all the pieces I...
  35. Nigel95

    ADA Nature Aquarium Gallery and Japanese Aquascaping

    Hey everyone :) In October 2019 I have been to Japan and have done lots of aquascaping activities. I made a cinematic video with the best highlights of my trip. I hope you will enjoy the moments through my camera lens. Please subscribe if you like the video. During the trip I have been to: -...
  36. Matty599

    Eleocharis-only tank?

    Hi all. I'm interested in setting up a new nano tank with a couple of large dark stones in the centre, a tall eleocharis in the background and a shorter eleocharis in the foreground. I'm not a big fan of HC/MC carpets aesthetically, I prefer the slender grass blades of the eleocharis. This idea...
  37. Carbondioxide

    January sales 20% off everything

    If your looking at changing your diffuser or starting a new aquascape in the new year, visit our website and take advantage of our January sale. discounts available across our entire range of products until the 5th January. www.co2art.co.uk
  38. Conort2

    Re-scape issues

    Hi guys looking to rescape my tank soon however I have a bit of an issue. The tank is full of shrimp, tangerine tiger and orange sakuras of all different sizes. The fish won’t be an issue to catch and store in a container but what can I do about the shrimp, I can catch the bigger ones but there...
  39. Canadian_Bear

    Getting Better Newbie

    Hello fellow aquascaping people. Im a UK guy here that found my passion for indoor plants years ago, and now aquascaping. I am about 3yrs into this and I can say that I have made many mistakes and wasted tons of money. I love this hobby and hope to gain some insights as well as share. I...
  40. Paul Lane

    Hello from Emsworth

    Hi all, new to this site. I have been an avid pond keeper for many years, moved in my new place and now got kids so having a pond are out of the picture,so now got fish tank, and going down the road of aquascape tank with a few fish. Fish tank is up and running just waiting to buy Co2 set up to...
  41. Kalum

    Favourite YouTube Aquascaping Channels

    I've watched most of the videos from my favourite 'go to' channels to learn or get inspiration from so looking for any others with good content These are top of my list, what is everyone else watching? Green Aqua - https://www.youtube.com/user/viktorlantos George Farmer -...
  42. L

    Easy dudes, from the mcr.

    Hi everyone, I’m Lou from Manchester and I love keeping fish and plants. I have had an aquarium since I was 14 and was aquascaping right from the start. Back then it wasn’t called aquascaping, I was just going for the most natural look possible. I care for, and am tinkering with a 250ltr 1m x0.5...
  43. Nigel95

    Nigel's 80cm Nature Aquarium Aquascape

    Hey guys! This is my 80cm contest tank for 2019. Results are coming soon so I'm sharing the hardscape now and will update this journal later on. :) Tank Optic white 80 x 40 x 40 cm 128l Light ADA RGB Solar Co2 Co2 art elite regulator + atomizer Aquaflora Plants Rotala Green, Rotala...
  44. Aqua Hero

    First month of an aquascape

    So you've planted a bunch of in-virto plants and have flooded the tank. You got the co2 running, lights on and filter flowing. Now what? Currently with my tank, some of the plants are melting back (which is to be expected), the light is on the lowest setting running for 6 hours and co2 is on...
  45. Aqua Hero

    Emersed Marsilea cremata and hirsita

    I bought these to plants and I was informed that crenata grows smaller than hirsita but from the packs I got it's the opposite. You think the person made a mistake and put them in the wrong bags or is this just normal?
  46. Aqua Hero

    Confused about dry start method

    I'm preparing to do a dry start method with both carpeting plants and mosses (since they will all come in their emersed form). I literally spent the whole of yesterday reading articles, forum posts and videos on this method and there is a lot of conflicting information which is confusing me...
  47. Aqua Hero

    First month of a new aquascape

    I've been reading and watching videos to recap on this hobby again after a long break I saw a video where someone said that I have to do water changes everyday for the first week, then every other day for the next 3 week's. Then after that I can do weekly water changes. Is this necessary...
  48. Aqua Hero

    3 year old ferts still useable?

    So I decided to come back after about 3 years, I looked through my old equipment and saw that I still have my old Marco and micro mix in a bottle. Can I still use them after three years? If I recall I pre mixed it with ei ferts and used pure ro water
  49. J

    Good Morning from Manchester

    Stumbled across this video whilst watching George Farmer's vid on his Aquascaper 1200. I started a year ago with a 67L hugo kamishi simplicity tank. I've recently purchased a 106L that I'll be moving these guys over to once its up and running and this tank will be turned into a shrimp tank...
  50. C

    Help! Struggling as a beginner

    Hello all, looking for some help with some new developments in my planted aquarium. I have an ADA 60f, using a cookie+ light with CO2 injection. Tank has been set up with plants for about 4 weeks now, had no problems at all before today. I added 14 red cherry shrimp 2 weeks ago, I’ve since added...
  51. Akwarysta_pl

    054l - My own Borneo

    Hello; I want to present my aquarium which was arranged by the way of buying of some new plants. I had to put them to the aquarium without any idea concerning scape and I had collect another plants in the next days and put them also there randomly. In the next days I saw this all together in...
  52. Akwarysta_pl

    054l - My own Borneo - Michał

    Hello; I want to present my aquarium which was arranged by the way of buying of some new plants. I had to put them to the aquarium without any idea concerning scape and I had collect another plants in the next days and put them also there randomly. In the next days I saw this all together in...
  53. Lauris

    Dragons Den

    Hellooo all, It has been a while since I have been here. Due to studies and my job and my time, that I can spare with my family, I had no space for this up till now. 18 months of break with 1 failed DSM (due to no time) in between and I'm back on the track again. Still with the same size of a...
  54. L

    Custom 550L Planted aquarium build

    550L Planted aquarium build We have recently just set up a planted aquarium for our client in London. The client was looking for a heavily planted double island style aquascape in their living space. Any feedback is appreciated (good or bad)!! Thanks all. Aquarium Specs: Tank: 550L or...
  55. K

    Water Flow Issues

    Hi There! I have a 50x45x37(h) cm 80lt planted tank with a very big driftwood inside. I use an Eheim 2217 (~1.000lt/h theoretically) for filtration and I just very recently added an Eheim Nano filter (~300lt) to avoid any dead spots caused by the wood. My inlet and nano filter are hidden behind...
  56. B

    HC Cuba dry start

    Good day, New to the hobby and absolutely love it. Hurts the wallet though I have to say !! Anyways, straight to the point. Doing a dry start with HC Cuba. 45 Gallon tank. Temp 20-24 Celsius, humidity 90%, using ADA power sand special, topped with ADA aquasoil. Spraying once a day creating to...
  57. oscarlloydjohn

    Nano heater recommendations?

    I'm looking for a nano style heater for my Mini M, something that is low profile and won't distract from the scape. I was using an Eheim Jager but it's so obtrusive. I have tried both the Fluval Edge heater and Newa Therm Mini 20p but both can't seem to get the tank water over 20C. They both...
  58. DutchMuch

    TryHard Dutch Aquascape (Ukaps Edition!)

    Hey there guys welcome to my journal, I figured i'd make one on here since I have one on just about every other forum. I am currently in the progress of creating a Dutch Aquascape, this of course is a work in progress as I am currently working on dialing down fertilization methods that are on...
  59. Nigel95

    Nigel's Mountain scape 36L

    New nano scape for a live contest (Vivarium) in November. Have a look at my Youtube channel :) >> www.youtube.com/nigelaquascaping << Final video Final shot R-Nigel-Hoevenaar-40-cm-nano-aquascape-Taihang-Mountains-- by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr Specs planted tank aquarium Tank 40x30x30...
  60. Harry H

    Hello from Emsworth Hampshire UK

    Hi everybody, I am from Emsworth Hampshire, relatively new to the hobby, about 6 months in, currently have 20l nano and 60l cube, both low tech, but using liquid CO2 and fertilisers. I am hoping to find like minded people near, to exchange ideas, know how etc. Also looking for some background...
  61. J_rock

    Hi everyone! newbie here from Leeds.

    hey guys, Newbie here from Leeds. I am planning to set-up my first aquarium and while looking for videos in Youtube, i came across with “Aquascape”. It looks fantastic and it inspired me to set-up my first aquascape. Thanks there is a site like this which i believe would be helpful to a...
  62. Will.P

    First Aquascape

    Hi everyone, I have decided to go big or go home and ordered an Evolution Aqua Aquascaper 900, part paid for by my fabulous partner for my birthday, I originally asked for permission to have a 600 as it is going in the lounge, she asked if I would prefer the 900 :) needless to say I jumped at...
  63. Nigel95

    Why you should use a scape box - Learn hardscaping faster

    A scape box helped me a lot to improve my hardscape skills faster. Full video about why you should use a scape box, how it can look like, some general tips and a few hardscapes of mine.
  64. Antoni

    Breaking the radio silence - my latest scapes

    Hi everyone, I feel a bit embarrassed as I have been so quite for a very long time here at UKAPS... To fix that I decided to post couple of pictures of my most recent scapes: the 120: The Dennerle Scapers tank: Few close ups: Both tanks has been running for about a year...
  65. Robertus van Tilburg

    kei stone spiderwood scape

    ada60-p. I am playing again with my aquascaping tools... This time a kei stone spiderwood setup.
  66. alex08

    Nature's Path

    Following Roots and Grit, Nature's Path will have a more defined hardscape and hopefully i won't let it be covered to much. I managed to get my hands on some more ferns and will also change the lighting and go for led. Equipment : ° Aquarium : home made, 100x55x45cm ° Lighting : 6x39w T5...
  67. LukeDaly

    Time to start over! | Currently on DSM but will be Hi-tech fully planted nano

    Hey ladies and gents, I have been out of the hobby for about 2 years now and have decided to jump back in! This build will eventually become a fully planted tank hopefully home to some form of dwarf cichlid. This time I thought I would try out the dry start method and see if I can get my moss...
  68. Tamscapes

    Newbie from East London looking for CO2 and aquascaping advice

    Hi everyone! I'm planning on purchasing a Juwel Lido 200 next week. It will be the first time I've used CO2 and tried to aquascape. Any tips for a beginner? My dad and I have always kept aquariums but this CO2 introduction has made me nervous! If anyone knows a decent place to purchase gas...
  69. Robertus van Tilburg

    New Scape Dragon stones.

    Made a new Scape. Starting the hardscape: Included the details: Ready: Will return after a few weeks growth.
  70. AllyP

    Diary of a Mad Fish Tank

    I'm not gonna lie, but I'm feeling a very shy and out of my depth (the first of many bad puns) but here goes! Not only am I a newbie to the wonderful world of aqua- scaping but this is the very first forum I have ever joined (shamefully looking down and trying desperately hard not to look...
  71. Tom Ryan (@aquascaperay)

    Twinstar SP Series LED for ADA 90f

    Hi, I have just purchased an ADA 90f (L90cm, W30cm, D20cm) tank and needed some advice on whether to go for the new Twinstar 600SP or 900SP to hang above the tank. I am planning on getting medium difficulty plants from Tropica, however wasn't sure if the 600SP would offer the coverage for the...
  72. Richard Swales

    The Iwagumi Journal

    Hi There I am undergoing a new project to create an Iwagumi style Aqua Scape aquarium. This series of posts will journal my project week to week as a progress to keep you and indeed myself in the loop! I want to use this build my skills in aquascaping by being able to reflect and critique...
  73. MiZuboov

    Aquascape without algaes is it really or..?

    Hallo! I've begun ADA cube garden 30х30х30. I've used full system ADA (PowerSand, Amazonia, PowerSand and other additivies) + lightning Aquasky 301 + superjet es 150. I've used RO Spectrapure. First week: change water 50% + 2drop (each of it: phyton git, green gain, green bacter - every day...
  74. MiZuboov

    Param of water in aquascapes?

    Hallo! What do you think, what param of water in aquascpapes is optimal? Given that I will to use all products of ADA (MH - lightning, additivies, fertiliziers) I have RO\DI Spectrapure and I can to make anything parameters of water. I want to know dKh, dGh, pH (in the middle of the day, before...
  75. Richard Swales

    Iwagumi Layout

    Hi, Picked up some rocks for my Sanzon Iwagumi today, pretty happy with them, but can't decide on a placement layout. I liked this one (see pic) but something just isn't quite right, can any body spot something that might help me? Perhaps I need more rocks to go with these three, possibly...
  76. E

    Help! plant deficiency or toxicity ? ( new pics)

    hello everyone, as the title suggests I'm not sure whats wrong with my mont carlo, its been carpeting well however i have noticed some deficiency or something wrong. some leaves don't appear healthy. leaves seem to be almost transparent around the outside and lighter in the middle , as the...
  77. E

    help needed mont carlo deficiency?

    hello everyone, as the title suggests I'm not sure whats wrong with my mont carlo, its been carpeting well however i have noticed some deficiency or something wrong. some leaves don't appear healthy. leaves seem to be almost transparent around the outside or darker and lighter in the middle ...
  78. ricreis394

    120x50x50 first high-tech aquarium

    Hello everyone, I started this hobby 2 years ago. Now I want to go further and I'm gonna create a new aquarium, a 120x50x50. Friday my stand will arrive and then I can show to you the results, since that I can post the project picture so you can see the stand. It's a recreation of a ADA stand...
  79. alex08

    Roots and Grit

    Figured i start the new year with a new setup in my 200 litre. So, i worked even more on the hardscape part and i'm well aware of the grade of maintenance i'll have to do. But where's the fun in it if there's no challenge? Starter pack : LxWxH - 100x55x45 cm Lighting - 6x39w (3000k and 6500k...
  80. O

    Iwagumi Nano 30 x 21 x 26cm

    Hi All, After browsing on the forum for the past couple of years I decided to take the plunge and set up an account, and thought what better way to start than to create a journal for a new scape! The aim is to try and create a steep mountain creek inspired by recent travelling, thus I thought...
  81. HannahFergusonFan

    How to improve my Tank looks.

    Hi, I have planted my 29G tank (36"x14"x15") Lighting: 2x24watt CFL tubes 6400k with reflector=56watt + 1 LED flood light of 15watt 6500k CO2: CO2 injection by Flourish Excel for now, I am going to instal CO2 system within a week. Fauna: 11 Neon tetra and 2 guppies Flora: Didiplis Diandra...
  82. Ryan Young

    Varnishing Oak branches for aquarium

    Hi, Following on from a previous thread which I asked about collecting wood in my local area, I managed to find some very nice Oak branches without bark on. I understand that Oak is a close grain wood so should not get soggy and flake too quickly; however is there any type of clear protective...
  83. Archer

    Came this far

    Hello guys! So I want to share my journey to the hobby about my first planted tank. At the moment, I am waiting for the delivery of my aquarium items. How I came about the things I purchase boils to the issue of space. I live in Hong Kong and as you know, flats and rooms here are practically...
  84. R

    70L Planted Tank - Corydoras Trilineatus | Three Lined Cory Videos

    Hey all, Just put up my first videos of my 70L Planted Tank with my new Corydoras Trilineatus (Three Lined Corys) Really happy with the way they came out. More fish and plenty for videos still to come. Let me know what you think! Enjoy! Ryan
  85. George Farmer

    How to aquascape a nano aquarium

  86. George Farmer

    How to plant a low-maintenance Nature Aquarium

    The video says it all... :)
  87. Ben Gibson

    My first ever aquarium (Iwagumi) Fluval edge 23L

    Hello all, my names Ben, I live in Stoke on Trent, and I'd like to show you all what I've recently been working on. This is my first post in these forums so go easy as i'm a NOOB :nailbiting: I've always since been a child admired aquariums of all kinds but after seeing a close friend create...
  88. AKD594

    Hardscape - Wood and rocks - when do and don't they work

    Planning a 'scape. Just curious about hardscape - particularly the use of wood and rocks together. I've always been more a fan of wood and have read in some places that you are better of using one or the other. However I've seen the combination work well in numerous tanks. My questions are...
  89. Ryan Young

    Need Opinions!

    Hi all, have had my 200 liter tank running for a while now and had a load of problems for ages such as algae dying fish etc. I have finally sorted all these problems and now want some opinions on my tank- changes I could make etc. Bare in mind I have just done a large clean and therfore cut my...
  90. Ryan Young

    Dennerle Nano cube 30, lighting etc.

    Hey guys. Just purchased a more or less new Dennerle Nano Cube 30 for £50 after wanting something smaller in comparison to my 200l tank, my plan is to keep a few shrimp and hope they breed so they can be introduced to my 200l tank whilst keeping a few in the 30l. I love aquascaping and am...
  91. Richard Dowling

    Jade Mountain - 60x45x30

    Hi All, Here is my new scape which has been going a month now. Im having problems with green spot algae on the rocks. Im thinking of going back to EI salts and making sure phosphate is in there. The current method (whilst being nice and lazy) doesnt seem to be doing the problem much good...
  92. J

    Re-scape of aquarium, before and after

    After a few years with the old set up (capped soil, jungle style) I felt the substrate had run it's course so bought some aquasoil, some new wood and a few different plant species, and re-did the scape. The new scape is based on James Findley's "Nature's Chaos", except I note that his tank that...
  93. Gordon Hawkes

    Some Inital Questions With New Scape - Cycling, Glossostigma, CO2

    Hi everyone, Started setting up a nano tank the other day, here it is this evening: http://s14.postimg.org/ea832sooh/12421737_1011697872204903_1848457715_n.jpg You can see video which documents setup here: - Since the video I've perfected the lily pipe positioning and it's generally a little...
  94. Gordon Hawkes

    What plants to go with?

    Evening everyone, going to be putting together a scape in a 35L nano tank for shrimps nearer to Christmas, I have everything I need from the tank itself, to the lily pipes for the external filter. Except of course the plants. I'm going to go with something simple, I have two large lumps of lava...
  95. George Farmer

    Same style of aquascape, after 10 years of practice...

    Hi all, Almost 10 years ago I created a low-maintence aquascape - mainly ferns, Anubis and crypts. Today I took the final shot of my latest 'scape - mainly ferns, Anubis and crypts. Note the difference. Mainly use of hardscape, open foreground and more complex textures. I thought it was an...
  96. George Farmer

    Superfish Home 80 - Step-by-step video

    Hi all This is my first attempt at a step-by-step video. I hope you like it! Cheers, George
  97. Antoni

    "After the storm" - my new scape.

    Hi guys, Here is my new creation. Dennerle scapers tank 45x36x31h (cm) Cabinet Custom made by me (DIY) 2 x 24WDennerle Scapers lights Tropica soil JBL CristalProfi 701 Inline heater Hydor 200w CO2 1.5bps 24\7 Plants: Tropica's Hemianthus Cuba, Riccardia Chamedryfolia, Cladophora Aegagropila...
  98. Norfisk

    Easy aquascapes with a great "wow effect"

    This is my first post on this forum and I'd like to say hello to all ;) I have a Dennerle 30 L Nano cube and I'm saving money to buy a ADA 60P tank. I don't have much experience with Japanese style aquascaping but I'd like to have an aquarium with a certain "wow effect". Are there examples of...
  99. George Farmer

    When things don't go to plan... - Day 28 update

    Hi all, I thought I'd share this video with you all after some of the comments I've received asking "how do you do it?" etc. I'm by no means a perfect plant grower! I have issues with my aquascapes and plants as much as the next man. Perseverance and patience are usually all it takes to...
  100. George Farmer

    Journal My best low-tech 'scape so far

    Hi all, I thought I'd post a quick photo of my Superfish Expert 70. No CO2 or liquid carbon. Occasional ferts (Colombo Pro) and Colombo Pro Soil. Internal filter and It hasn't had a water change in 3 months. Plants are mostly crypts, buces, Rotata and some Anubias, Cyperus. Incredibly low...