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Search results

  1. mattb180

    My Shallow Tank v2

    Interesting observation tonight - I regularly feed the fish in this tank with live daphia from the garden and tonight I fed as the surface skimmer was on which pulled a few daphnia in. A few hours later I see all the fish hovering around the surface skimmer and wonder what they are doing. Turns...
  2. mattb180

    My Shallow Tank v2

    Here is a semi-decent picture I managed to get of one of the dominant male Emperors.
  3. mattb180

    My Shallow Tank v2

    Thanks guys.
  4. mattb180

    My Shallow Tank v2

    I tend to change anywhere between 25-50l a week with pure RO. I don't measure PH very often but the TDS varies from about 100-120ppm after a water change to 150-170ppm when I actually come to change it. Must be something in the tank buffering slightly, possibly the substrate? I have started to...
  5. mattb180

    My Shallow Tank v2

  6. mattb180

    My Shallow Tank v2

    Reasonably well, I get regular new growth. I recently had to cut back and rearrange all of the riparium plants. The peace lily got huge to the point that the pot it was in which was sitting on a small rock pile fell over under the weight! What is in there now is about a 3rd of it.
  7. mattb180

    My Shallow Tank v2

    So a while ago I started a journal detailing the first incarnation of this tank. This is the second installment. Basic specs and info: Tank is 3ft x 3ft x1ft. Filtration: Single HOB filter and a surface skimmer. Substrate: Silica sand and plain black gravel Hardscape: Ivy branches, bog wood...
  8. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    If anything they have been shoaling less as they get more comfortable with the surroundings.
  9. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    Hi Sarpijk, Mine tend to vary from a loose shoal to a very tight group. In a tight group they are very impressive. I must say I struggle to identify individual fish as they are so damn fast! I have seen some nipping and so suspect that a pecking order of sorts would develop over time. I have...
  10. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    I thought tonight that it is probably about time that I updated this thread with some photos and info. Apologies for the photos which are not incredibly clear. I have added three caddies and put parlour palm in two and some sort of pond plant in the third. The pond plant is turning a bit...
  11. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    Take a look at Big Toms thread in the 'featured journals' section. Not ashamed to admit that his tank was the inspiration behind my effort!
  12. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    If you look in the old photos above you can see the tiny sprig that it grew from in the first place! Thanks Andy.
  13. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    It has been a while since I updated this thread. It has grown in quite a lot and there have been a few minor alterations. I have had zero problems with algae - only a bit of dust and green spot on the glass which needs to be cleaned once a week.
  14. mattb180

    Back to my Roots

    That is fantastic!
  15. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    Few update photo's:
  16. mattb180


    Brilliant, would love to do one of these! *watched*
  17. mattb180

    Rebei Bowl

    Mats, have the shrimp been reproducing in there?
  18. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    2 females and one male in here at the moment: The male is constantly displaying so I will pull them out tomorrow - give them 48 hours and then wait and see what happens. If anybody is interested there is moss in the back right corner and the other plants are stems of watercress. Feeding...
  19. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    24 or thereabouts.
  20. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    Don't they like it pretty warm? Around 80 degrees or so? I've got this a tad cooler for the CPD's.
  21. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    I reckon there are around 4-5 fry in the main tank. To try and get a few more I have moved 2 females and a male (nightmare to catch) to a tank by themselves with lots of moss and watercress to try and get a better fry return. Lets see what happens!
  22. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    Here is a picture as the lights dim down at night, a view from my bed.....
  23. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    I have added 12 threadfin rainbows to this tank over the weekend and it has really come to life now. Great little fish. Everything is really growing in well, hopefully will add a few more crypts soon. I also saw my first fry this evening, I am assuming it is a CPD. Considering the tank is a...
  24. mattb180

    The wood pile

    Those Licorice Gourami's are amazing!
  25. mattb180

    Junglerino [NEW PHOTO]

    Very clean!!
  26. mattb180

    Dom's Jar of Honey

    Your underwater section has grown in really well!
  27. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    Okay, time for a brief update..... Firstly I have been suffering with some very bad surface scum, I guess the tank is going to take a month or two to settle down completely. I have purchased a small eheim skimmer to deal with that for the moment and tried it for the first time tonight - very...
  28. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    I will remember this. I am tempted to add D. erythromicron but have heard they can hybridise with the CPD's. Given that they are from the same body of water I guess this is a possibility in the wild, although it is a big lake and depends on the localities of the species i guess. Hybrids would no...
  29. mattb180

    A new start for two

    You will want to get your plants in there as soon as possible to try and prevent any algae growth getting started. Make sure you plant quite heavily from the start.
  30. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    Spotted the CPD's being a bit frisky this morning. Hopefully will result in some fry but if not I will have to get a breeding setup started I think!
  31. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    A real life trailblazer is BigTom!
  32. mattb180

    Dom's Jar of Honey

    This is a great read. Loving all the different plants. Given a few months to mature this will be awesome.
  33. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    Bromeliad is the one! It was a fiver from Homebase. As for the fish I am not sure about gourami's. I can't say I have seen anything that really draws me in. One day I will find the time to sit down and hit the books and find a few idea's. There are cherry shrimp in there - the dregs of a group...
  34. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    I am hoping to have a large group of CPD's in there in the end. If anyone has any ideas throw them at me! I only got that plant the other day - It is a bit of an experiment but seems to be doing ok. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it at the moment. It is one where the bases of...
  35. mattb180

    My shallow tank.

    Hi all, I have posted every now and again for a little while but have never really shown off any of my own tanks. I did promise when asking questions a while back that I would attempt a journal so here goes.... Specs: 3ft x 3ft shallow cube. 30cm high. Custom build from ND Aquatics...
  36. mattb180

    [NANO] Double Opti White - Cherry/Sakura/White Pearl Breeding Colony

    Are those plants growing in your filters? I have the same filters and want to do the same, what plants are they?
  37. mattb180

    Malay Hillstream Riparium - Video!

    Shall keep an eye on this one.
  38. mattb180

    30cm Cube

    I once ordered a bunch of plants from them and was not overly impressed with the quality of what arrived. Never went back.
  39. mattb180

    30cm Cube

    Why not name and shame so others know who to avoid?
  40. mattb180

    Schruz's Works - Wabi Kusa, Emersed setups, Planted tanks

    Re: Schruz's Works Very nice Schruz and well done on your top half finishes!
  41. mattb180

    Low-tech aquarium

    This warrants a reply from somebody! Nice tank i actually preferred it slightly before the rescape. Good effort low tech as well!
  42. mattb180

    Paludarium experiment

    Surprised nobody has commented on this. Nice growth of the moss on the wood, I think it looks much better than before.
  43. mattb180

    Plastic Fantastic

    Re: Drifting - Rescape done for now Gill, last time i went to Harlestone i was very disappointed with how its been maintained. Tanks seemed dirty, few dying fish etc. It used to be my favourite of the two M.A in Northampton but now im not so sure. Just seemed like they had let themselves go a...
  44. mattb180

    40cm driftwood cube

    Looking really nice! That is a lot of equipment, makes mine look totally bare!
  45. mattb180

    The little one

    This will be interesting as it is pretty much the same approach i want to take with my new tank. Looking forward to the next pics....
  46. mattb180

    Two worlds [THE END]

    Re: Two worlds - a new beginning Love the fish in this tank!
  47. mattb180

    40cm driftwood cube

    This will look stunning, rock and wood work is amazing! Going to keep an eye on this one!
  48. mattb180

    Rio 125 - Orphans Island. 5 Week update, plenty of pics!

    Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island. Will be watching this one develop.
  49. mattb180

    My new 5ft Tank UPDATED PICS

    Re: My new 5ft Tank Looks great now, it has really come on from the first set of pics!
  50. mattb180

    Re: 12inch nano shrimp tank [AUCTION]

    Re: 12inch nano shrimp tank I like it, the rock is interesting. As was said above though with regards to seeing the shrimp i'd have gone with a darker substrate. Once the carpets filled in though im sure it will look ace!