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My shallow tank.

I thought tonight that it is probably about time that I updated this thread with some photos and info.


Apologies for the photos which are not incredibly clear.

I have added three caddies and put parlour palm in two and some sort of pond plant in the third. The pond plant is turning a bit yellow so not sure if it's feet are too wet in here!

A nice twisty piece of redmoor has gone in the middle of the tank and I am considering attaching some air plants, for a bit more colour mainly, and possibly some of the maidenhair fern on my desk to that. Any advice on air plants is much appreciated!

The sand substrate remains but some black gravel has been added to the front portion of the tank. I decided to get rid of my threadfin rainbows and have replaced them with 20 glowlight danios to go along with the CPD's. They are lively but were extremely cautious and skittish over the light sand. With a darker substrate they are much more active out and about the front of the tank. Great colours now I have fed them up on live food which finally is coming to life in the garden!

Plant wise I removed a few crypts and much of the tripartita. The tripartita has gone in the back right hand corner of the tank and turned into a thick pad where the CPD's like to try and spawn. No fry lately but they will do well to hide from the Glowlights now I fear. Thinking about possible tubbing a few CPD'S over the summer and see what happens. Lots of good reports online of good spawns doing that. Little chilly still at the moment unfortunately.

In the near future further stem plants will go in to thicken the middle portion but this is very much an ever changing evolving project.
Hi Matt! Love the tank and I am sure it will look even better when mature.

I got a question for you regarding glowlight danios behaviour. I got a group of ten 3 days ago. I put them in an 80 litre tank. I have read in their seriouslyfish profile that the develop a pecking order after some time. Do yours shoal together? If yes how long did it take for the to form a group?
Hi Sarpijk,

Mine tend to vary from a loose shoal to a very tight group. In a tight group they are very impressive.

I must say I struggle to identify individual fish as they are so damn fast! I have seen some nipping and so suspect that a pecking order of sorts would develop over time. I have only had mine two weeks so will keep an eye on them.

Have yours coloured up? They have lovely colours.
Υes they have coloured alright so far. I feed grindal worms to all my fish which definitely makes a difference. Unfortunately mine don't shoal. Did yours started shoaling from the very beginning? I am starting to think that maybe I should not expect them to school/shoal in relatively small tank. Anyway I will give them some time to settle in.