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Rebei Bowl

Thanx Ian 🙂

Hey Sacha, ye its unheated. But has a normal temp around 22C. The shrimp dont seem to mind, no signs of displeasure at least.
Thanx Robert 🙂

Sure Sacha, will be exciting to se 🙂
Thanx Sacha,

but I think you can nail it with your own style. 😉

I'll post a picture of the top view tonight by the way 🙂
Haven't happened much here really, but I do have a picture update. And the Red Bee's seems to have it well with strong colours.


Oh, I'm participating in this years Scapers competition with this one. I don't think I really have a chance since some of the other thanks are good scaped tanks and I just have a bowl. Link to the contest: http://all4aquarium.ru/en/events/scapers-contest/1st-stage