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27 Dec 2009
Denton, Manchester
Hi all,

Another chocolate related journal, but not in a planted sense as much.

With my next big tank on order, which won't really have fish In at all as it'll be running huge amounts of co2 etc, and an NA tank due when I can afford I thought I'd set up a 'fish tank' for my chocolate Gouramis, vaillanti, and paros.

I'm missing them and want them back as soon as possible and to give them really what they deserve, a very heavy blackwater tank, really tannin stained and additional products to do what cattappa leaves do with out having to have big leaves in the tank.(easy life's cattappa x) brilliant stuff.

Where I've moved to I practically have unlimited hardscape materials, and was out walking the dogs through woods etc looking for some nice pieces of oak to use as branches over hanging a waters edge, and lots of leaf litter in the form of oak leaves.
I found a perfect piece amongst many that suited my plans, so picked this up, and carried on walking until I came to a stream which had some lovely black bolders and river pebbles which would look perfect over a sandy bed.

So with a very very heavy rucksack wood and leaves and two dogs I headed up hill home and got stuck in cleaning the stones and hosing down the wood. It has some emersed moss on which I've kept on above the water line and attached fissedens fontanus below in patches which had just been growing under a 3 watt ikea led lamp prior to this.

The tank, one of which I have always always wanted for a long time, is a Fluval Profile 1000 in aluminium which with its metal frame edges (currently on route) will add a picture frame type look to it and I like the drilled Base and internal pipework.

So here goes:

Tank: Fluval Profile 1000

Lighting: has two twin t5 units, but using just one Tmc Grobeam 600.

Filtration: fluval 306 plumbed into internal pipes and additional filtration by means of a Fluval G6 when it's come Perfect for conductivity readings etc and it's cartridges to add peat to if need be.

Decor: large piece of oak, oak leaves, alder cones, river bolders and pebbles.

Substrate: seachem fluorite black sand with a sprinkling of unipac Samoa

Fauna: 40 plus chocolate gourami
20 or more pharosphromenus species and a Farlowella

Possibly some crystal black shrimp but not sure if they can survive such low kh and ph I think this tank will have. I can try

Flora: fissedens fontanus and mini salvinia

So the tanks been scaped very quickly, wood sawn to allow the lid to stay shut and keep the wood wedged.

Heres tank dry scaped

DSC_1036 by Mr-T-, on Flickr

DSC_1038 by Mr-T-, on Flickr

DSC_1034 by Mr-T-, on Flickr

It's filled now and must admit I'm in love with the seriously dark brown water. Mostly from the wood I think.
I've also been and picked a few more pieces to add in amongst it but leaving then out for now so I don't spoil it.

This will be their final home and one where I hope they'll continue to add to their numbers

Will get some photos with the camera later of its not too brown 😡
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This is going to be great. The shrimp is a question I asked you myself a while back. My ph is 4-5, temp 26 and tds 50ish. I put a mixture of crs and cbs in and while the crs all slowly disappeared the cbs seem to be surviving. I have even seen one carrying eggs. Ramshorn snails are also doing well. I don't understand it but seems to be working.
A great project - really looking forward to seeing this flooded and grown-in a little. Will look incredible with 40+ chocolates in there.
Have subscribed - watching with interest.
This is going to be great. The shrimp is a question I asked you myself a while back. My ph is 4-5, temp 26 and tds 50ish. I put a mixture of crs and cbs in and while the crs all slowly disappeared the cbs seem to be surviving. I have even seen one carrying eggs. Ramshorn snails are also doing well. I don't understand it but seems to be working.

Thanks lindy, it's great sitting on my sofa and seeing it in the hallway near the front door.
Yeah i remember you asking. Crystal blacks should be ok, they're much stronger in numbers than my crs.
Your crystal reds could have disappeared due to such low tds.
Snails...... I don't want any ha ha. Nothing in the tank has come from another tank so better not end up with any lol
A great project - really looking forward to seeing this flooded and grown-in a little. Will look incredible with 40+ chocolates in there.
Have subscribed - watching with interest.

Hey Ben
Thanks for the kind words. I like how it is and the fissedens should do well and be enough to add a natural look. Got to let it cycle now too 🙁
Can't wait for pics, that's a great piece of wood and free! Should be another stunner and perfect for your chocos as always 😉
A quick question if you don't mind,
I would love to set up a similar natural type tank for some chocos etc, but since I'm about to set up a high tech this would need to be super low maintenance, what % water changes do you do? And what is the feeding regime like? I just want to get a sense of whether me running 2 tanks would be feasible.

Love fissidens. Will be interested to see how it does in darker water - mine has always seemed to need the clearest, most sparkling water I could give it.
This is going to look great in a couple of months' time.
Can't wait for pics, that's a great piece of wood and free! Should be another stunner and perfect for your chocos as always 😉
A quick question if you don't mind,
I would love to set up a similar natural type tank for some chocos etc, but since I'm about to set up a high tech this would need to be super low maintenance, what % water changes do you do? And what is the feeding regime like? I just want to get a sense of whether me running 2 tanks would be feasible.


Hi Sam

Certainly is, there are some beautiful pieces nearby, far too many to choose from. Some pieces are enormous and have been earmarked for my monster next year.

On this type of tank, maybe a ten percent water change a week, or every two as I'll be running two filters. However the ph and kh may be that low that there will hardly be any bacteria in the filters.
Feeding usually Monday wedbesday and Friday banana worms once a day, flow on filters turned to minimal, Tuesday and Thursday banana worms, and fluvals new flake food with krill and a colour enhancer, they loved it last time so I bought another tub.
Saturday water change day no feed with some easylife cattappa x, and Sunday a freeze dried tubifex worm block stuck to the glass.
My fish will be back next week so should look lovely in their I hope. I finally have a tank dedicated to just them and the paros, leaving me to concentrate on my high tech planting skills very soon.

Really are fish worthy of dedicating a full tank to, and giving them what they deserve, as close a slice of home as possible. More the paros anyway as they are all wild and a fair few of my choccos are tank bred now.
Love fissidens. Will be interested to see how it does in darker water - mine has always seemed to need the clearest, most sparkling water I could give it.
This is going to look great in a couple of months' time.

Thanks Ben.. I've had my fissedens growing in a super low tech shrimp tank with next to no lighting and low ph and kh values with a temp of 18 degrees. Ive let the heater slowly increase in temp to allow it to adjust but all looks good. I may add a teeny drop of trace once in a blue moon.

Brilliant, would love to do one of these! *watched*

Nothing stopping you matt..go for it 😀
Banana worms/ micro worms etc are very small, how do you find the fish cope with eating them, is there much wastage? They are always talked of as a fry food, being about 3mm long MAX.
Banana worms/ micro worms etc are very small, how do you find the fish cope with eating them, is there much wastage? They are always talked of as a fry food, being about 3mm long MAX.

I never find there being much wastage as long as filtration is turned very low before putting the worms in, the choccos race to them initially then the paros are all over the lower levels. The chocolate Gouramis will eat as many of these worms as they can get. Don't forget they only have very small mouths as it is.
I sprinkle spirulina powder in with the worm mix too sometimes to add extra goodness and my fish always look plump and healthy
This looks great Ali, really liking the wood you have used, you can't get more natural than that! are these the Fluval tanks with the side opening doors?
Looking forward to watching this one develop :thumbup:
Very nice , I have always liked the fluval systems, interested in there style aquariums Black water seem very pooular so will watch with interest, I know you are great with low tech and thats the way I am thinking if going next, I really love the piece if wood you found looks great , get some nice full tank shots up looking forward to them , you doing any dosing at all ?

Thanks dean
If it works for you I'm sure it could work for me! I will certainly consider setting up one of my old tanks I have lying around once my high tech is set up and established.
Thanks for the advice and I look forward to seeing this set up.
This looks great Ali, really liking the wood you have used, you can't get more natural than that! are these the Fluval tanks with the side opening doors?
Looking forward to watching this one develop :thumbup:

Cheers Mr g, I love the tank, and the wood, the river stones and tannin stained water looks lovely. It's annoying though when people come in and say my tanks dirty lol.

Yes indeed they are the tanks with the side doors. Lovely tanks, shame they no longer make them.
If it works for you I'm sure it could work for me! I will certainly consider setting up one of my old tanks I have lying around once my high tech is set up and established.
Thanks for the advice and I look forward to seeing this set up.
very well worth it, you'd not be disappointed. Strange not adding plants though 😕
Hi Alastair, Looking forward to seeing this one. Love the DW 🙄

Thanks greenfinger, the wood is perfect for this type of biotope, plenty more where I found it but this one jumped out at me.
Very nice , I have always liked the fluval systems, interested in there style aquariums Black water seem very pooular so will watch with interest, I know you are great with low tech and thats the way I am thinking if going next, I really love the piece if wood you found looks great , get some nice full tank shots up looking forward to them , you doing any dosing at all ?

Thanks dean

Hi Dean the fluval range of tanks are brilliant, the profile has always been a tank I've wanted but never saw many for sale. The build quality and equipment included is excellent and the stock t5 lighting is really bright. I just have a tmc 600 on for now as the stained water blocks most of the light anyway.
Won't be doing any dosing at all on this one, maybe a little trace once a month if that.
Somehow i missed this. Looking great. Will be a truly nice home for them.
Do you leave the bark on the wood? (just one observation, i would never go with black substrate, always natural/sand coloured)
Hiya Ed,
I do hope so. It's got everything they need, stupidly low ph gh kh etc. I never use test kits normally but with this tank, the filter is fresh, no mature media, no plants etc so I'm having to cycle it, and the cycle actually stalled this week for some unknown reason. Lack of oxygen maybe?.............???

Yes mate this time I've left the bark on it to give a very natural look to it. Can't see any problems with it.
The substrate is natural black sand l. It has a slight grey hue to it and looks identical to the river bed near me. The choccos and paros will really stand out