So a while ago I started a journal detailing the first incarnation of this tank. This is the second installment. Basic specs and info:
Tank is 3ft x 3ft x1ft.
Filtration: Single HOB filter and a surface skimmer.
Substrate: Silica sand and plain black gravel
Hardscape: Ivy branches, bog wood, redmoor root.
Fish: 12 x Emperor Tetra, 14 x neon tetra, 12 x Beckfords Pencilfish, 5 pygmy corydoras (These are a what are left of an old group of 15 or so fish, must be 3 years old nearly now)
Plants: Mish mash of fine leaved stems, crypts, lotus lily, hygro polysperma and a few others!
Here are a few pics taken recently:
I will try and keep this journal slightly more updated than the last although by and large this tank tends to just tick over with minimal fuss.
Tank is 3ft x 3ft x1ft.
Filtration: Single HOB filter and a surface skimmer.
Substrate: Silica sand and plain black gravel
Hardscape: Ivy branches, bog wood, redmoor root.
Fish: 12 x Emperor Tetra, 14 x neon tetra, 12 x Beckfords Pencilfish, 5 pygmy corydoras (These are a what are left of an old group of 15 or so fish, must be 3 years old nearly now)
Plants: Mish mash of fine leaved stems, crypts, lotus lily, hygro polysperma and a few others!
Here are a few pics taken recently:

I will try and keep this journal slightly more updated than the last although by and large this tank tends to just tick over with minimal fuss.