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Dom's Jar of Honey

Haha i will mate, i'll get my girlfriend to help me out, she's got a better camera and she takes a photography a-level! haha. Im cr*p at photography!
Also what do you think of what i said in accordance to upgrading to T5's if you dont mind mate?
Hi Dominic, it's looking fantastic mate, when it all grows in it should be spectacular.

6500k is generally regarded as about the optimum for viewing your tank, the plants won't be that bothered either way though.
Hi Dominic, it's looking fantastic mate, when it all grows in it should be spectacular.

6500k is generally regarded as about the optimum for viewing your tank, the plants won't be that bothered either way though.
Thank you! And yeah I may try a 6,500k tube alongside a 10,000k. Just have to have a play. My girlfriend said she will take some pictures on her nikon d3200 and edit them. So all's good! 😛

Added some more plants today, and really need to sort out the lighting as they are growing above the lights. Unsure whether to just raise it or upgrade the lights then raise, i'll start a seperate thread on that if i need to.

Hi Dominic, Great Scape :clap:

Thank you! So far so good! 🙂
Bear with me guys i've only a week of college left, then i'll have more of a play around with the tank and take some decent pictures. Been experiencing problems with nutrient deficiency, but seems to be sorting itself out now after a dosage of EI. I will do another dosage after my next water change/top up.

The reason i am posting is because i did a little experiment with an orchid- Brassavola Cucullata. This is my first orchid, i tied it onto a piece of bark using cotton thread and covered the roots lightly with some moss, just to keep the moisture in slightly. I didnt stick the bark onto the background, however, i just 'hung' it off the top of the background. Reason being it will probably take a year or two for it to properly root onto the bark, and it just seems like it would be a shame to pull it off if i ever shut down/re-did the tank, and also some areas of the tank will be better than others in terms of lighting/humidity etc, With the bark i can just move it and experiment with different locations. However, fingers crossed it will stay alive!

Pictures -

Roots with moss



In situ-
Hi Dominic!

Nice orchid - congrats! I hope it will cover up with flowers soon for you. Good idea with the bark pad. Makes it easier to care for the plant. Even for watering you can just put it in the tank for few sec for the moss to soak in. With all the ferts provided it should be the best method.
I'm guessing this won't be your first & last orchid now that you have started with them. It's easy to catch a bug - I know something about it.

Good luck!

Yup, my girlfriend is much better at taking pictures than me! Sorry it's so picture heavy, she took a lot of pictures. haha!
















As you can see, it's surviving from it's nutrient deficiency quite well.


An old classic- the venus fly trap!

Cheeky little ember tetra!
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I made something new for my tank last week, it is a little 'root' feature for the emersed portion that i hope to get some nice pilea involucrata growing on with some nice mosses. I also added an orchid to it- Haraella Retrocalla. Here is a step by step on how i made it-

First- i cut off a piece of branch from a plum tree which I had cured for a previous setup a few months back and had laying in my garden.

I then added hygrolon onto the patches where i wanted the mosses and the majority of the growth to be. I placed the hygrolon in a way in which it was able to wick water from the actual tank, and my hygrolon 'wall' too.



I then drilled holes into the flat portion of the wood which i wanted to go onto my wall, so i could cable tie it onto the hygrolon. I would have preferred to drill it into the wall using stainless steel screws, but I did not want to break the plastic that was protecting the wood from the moisture, and having issues with the wood inside the wall rotting further down the road.



I then cable-tied it onto the hygrolon wall, and covered with moss and stuff-



In situ:


I then tied a newly bought orchid onto a piece of bark, and then thought this could be a good place for it- resembling a 'tree'. Please tell me what you think, and whether you think it does not suit its position in the tank and whether i should move it.




That is all for now. Please do tell me what you think. More updates should be up soon when i find the time 🙂
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Update time! The other week I bought three Juncus Spiralis to be added to my tank. There are also now 18 ember tetra. I also added a betta today from work that I could NOT resist- he's a beautiful bluey-black and orange colour. Sorry for the crap photo of him- I think i may buy a better camera.

Betta Splendens-



Left hand side needs growing in a little- will be adding more plants. Still not sure on the bark and orchid position.



Salvinia Natans Closeup

I have since cut off the unhealthy growth from the peppermint plant due to lack of nutrients and it has grown back perfectly after getting into a fert dosing regime!


From the left


From the right

Shoaling Ember Tetra

However, one plant i just CAN'T seem to get the hang of is eleocharis parvula- It always dies back, and doesn't seem to be taking root very well. However I can see a couple of healthy strands at the bottom. These photos were taken at roughly the same time I realised I had a nutrient deficiency, could it be because of that?



Anyhow, hope you like it so far!


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alright cheers guys! I'll trim them back and see how it goes 🙂 Hopefully they will take hold!
Cheers man! That was the sort of look i was hoping for! Hopefully it will look even better further down the line 😀
Got my shipment of plants in the other day, the utricularia Livida looks fricking awesome and with flowers! I'm glad I bought it, I might keep it in the cling film cover it came in, and just conceal the cling film in the tank to keep the nutritious substrate separate from the nutrient-hating utricularia soil. However I didn't manage to get a picture as my tank is in need of a spring clean, however I couldn't not take a picture of my aponogeton flower spike! Enjoy 🙂

Since the previous update, i have made a number of changes. The circulation pumps have been unclogged and are running fine now. No more fish losses ever since, apart from a pencilfish that decided to jump out of the tank! -_- i think the honey gouramis may have just been a dodgy batch. I have cut off the dead growth on the black peppermint plant and refrained from spraying water onto it,

The Tillandsia Flabellata has been moved from its original 'planted in the substrate' position and has been mounted onto the hygrolon 'wall'.


aannddd Mounted!


My carnivorous Utricularia Livida has grown really well and looks much healthier than when i received it and I have put it into its final position-


However, i am carrying out an experiment- I have put a small pinch of utricularia livida onto a patch of moss in the substrate which comes heavily into contact with the nutrient-rich water, to see how it fares. It has been there for a week or so and it seems to be doing okay. If it goes well, i may move it again in a way that it comes into contact with the substrate rather than keeping the substrates seperate with cling film-


I have also added some polygonum sp 'sao paulo' in emerse form, it has taken well to emersed growth. I placed several stems around different areas of the tank, some with lower humidity, some with higher humidity. A couple of them did wilt, however they are laid across the substrate in the emersed section and i can see new growth already. Don't give up!


Also, after much thought about what to do with my 'walls', which were very dry and not ideal for moisture loving plants, i decided to google 'drought-resistant plants', and it came up with sedums, which i thought were a very good idea! They were cheap too, so didnt matter too much if it didnt work out. I bought an assorted mix bag of clippings from ebay for roughly 4 quid and cable-tied them to the 'wall'. It has been about a week now and they seem to be doing well and putting out roots already!

Just after planting, just over a week ago-





I have also managed to kill my first plant- An orchid called Bulbophyllum gracillimum. However, it did arrive in very bad condition, with only one leaf left. I have moved it into another spot in the tank in the hope that it will come back, regardless. Fingers crossed!


One of my Juncus effusus 'spiralis' doesnt seem too good either- think i placed it in too dry an area of the tank.


And also, i saw this little plant pop up from in amongst the mosses! I love seeing unexpected plants! Could anyone ID it for me? 😀 Dead centre of the photo-


Problems and such aside, here are some photos!

This was my first orchid- Brassavola Cucullata. I absolutely love this orchid! It is doing really well, and has had some noticeable growth, however it hasn't given me any flowers yet.

These are some of the newer orchids, recieved around the same time as the one that died- probably just over a month old. No flowers yet-

Haraella Retrocalla

A very small Ascocentrum Pusillum

This is one of my favourite plants in my tank and i think it suits it's position well!
Muehlenbeckia Complexa

Emersed anubias- The older leaves do not seem to have adapted to emersed growth well, however, note the new leaf spike 😉

Emersed twig absolutely overgrown with riccia! (note, i didnt put the riccia there in the first place! -_-)

Tillandsia Ionantha, has been there since the early stages, no flowers so far-

After being DESTROYED by aphids a couple of months back, my hydrocotyle seems to be making a comeback!

Uncinia Rubra (red hook sedge), one of the newer plants in the tank, some new healthy growth, however some of the leaves have died back. Will see how it goes.

Emersed moss portion that was made with java moss and hygrolon since the early stages of the tank. It has grown amazingly well and looks more like a part of the structure rather than a stuck on piece of hygrolon with a few pads of moss on it! I love the transtition into the water too with the riccia pieces.

This is the result of a MASSIVE portion of moss that i bought from a very generous member, it is a mixture of dark riccia, Riccardia Chamedryfolia, monoselenium tenerum, and fissidens fontanus. Here's to seeing how it will grow in! IMG_0300_zpsc3f35ead.jpg

Two of the newer plants- Peperomia Angulata bottom left, Doryopteris Cordata (antenna fern) Center.

The antenna fern seems to be sending out some antennas!

I bought two plantlets of Crinium Calamistratum, and they arrived today, and wow what a crazy looking plant! I love the texture! These are just before i planted them-

One of the plantlets seems to be sending an offset!

And finally, a photo of a spider which seems to have taken up residence on my peperomia pereskiifolia! Slightly off-center.

These were all taken with an iphone, so please excuse the crappy photos. I am currently refraining from taking pictures of the underwater section because it is slightly messy at the minute- the glass needs algae cleaning, lots of plants floating about waiting for me to get rid of them, and lots of pads of moss that i havent decided what to do with yet. Aside from that everything is very healthy!

Hope you guys all like it and please let me know what you think of it so far!
Great tank Dom I'd love to set up a tank like this at some point, especially the emersed section with all the tropical plants and mosses and orchids nestled amongst the wood. Gonna be great once everything has grown in, those sedums should be nice. Oh and great name!

Good luck!