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[NANO] Double Opti White - Cherry/Sakura/White Pearl Breeding Colony

Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

KrisHumphreys1991 said:
I love these Paulo 😀
What lights from Ikea are you talking about above this post ?
Just had a look through their site and it looks like they don't sell them any longer! Cheers 🙂

sr20det said:
Thanks mate, do you dose EasyCarbo or anything? Do the shrimp breed well in the tanks? I like the red shrimp against the white sand. A lot of food for thought there, and best of all, Maintanance isnt excessive from the sounds? Hmmmmm
No easycarbo, I have dosed some TPN+ for testing over the last 3 weeks, prior to that nothing, just top ups (about 2l evaporate every week) and water changes once a month, things grow slow so pruning every couple of months.
sr20det said:
Been a while, Any update on this?
A bit of neglect this one, all the pellia is now gone and has been replaced with Anubias petite, mosses floating around and need to replant/attach those, maybe this weekend will sort it out and then take some photos, also purchased some more plants for the filters and Eheim Liberty filters for these tanks, the old filters not very effective.
Quick update, these tanks have suffered a little with neglect, due to not having much time for the hobby lately.
Added some new HOB filters from Eheim, the Niagara are just not good enough.



Overall :




Thanks for looking.
Swee said:
Beautifull thanks, I like the combination of both :thumbup:
Many thanks 🙂

sr20det said:
Very nice Paulo, did you add the anubias petite?
Replace the pellia with the anubias, trimming the pellia constantly made it week and turned dark green and eventually died as there was no new growth as I kept trimming it off, lesson learnt, this will be less maintenance now, also created a moss wall in that tank.
mattb180 said:
Are those plants growing in your filters? I have the same filters and want to do the same, what plants are they?
Good question lol one was purchased in IKEA a couple of years back the larger fern! the other larger plant on the right hand tank was purchased at Kew Gardens a month ago, no label can't remember what its called, then there are another 3 in there which I happen to have kept the labels and testing them to see if they will survive with the roots on water Asplenium Scolopendrium, Asplenium Scolopendrium Angustifolia and Dryopteris Erythrosora. they are just place in the filter with no fixings and can just be pulled out for filter maintenance.
Any news on these 2 nano's Paolo now have 2 20l nano's in my daughter's bedroom which somehow the Mrs agreed to (must have chose the right moment to ask!)cheers mark
Any news on these 2 nano's Paolo now have 2 20l nano's in my daughter's bedroom which somehow the Mrs agreed to (must have chose the right moment to ask!)cheers mark
Haven't really done much with these tanks, the one on the right just houses some snails at the moment, the plants are still there, the one on the left has not changed much but I have lost some of the cherries due to lack of maintenance me thinks, was sick twice in very short time and then the forum upgrade has kept me busy since mid December! On top of my job!

Absolutely love thos HOB ferns Paulo. You still got those cool Sulawesi shrimp?
Thanks Tom, some of the ferns were not really capable of having their roots constantly in water so they have melted away, also lost of the lights in the tank so the light I had over the ferns had to be used for the tank and due to that the ferts got a lot wetter than they should have been and rotted as well, just managed to get hold of a replacement this week so things should recover. No luck with the Sulawesi, they are no good for London tap water.

Wish my "study" looked like this lol I have had to commandeer half of the sitting room lol
Yep, I also have a 60l and a 125l in the living room! lol
Love these two Paulo, great job, very inspiring. Had a look on the Ikea website, and yes your right they don't seem to do those lights anymore, which is a shame, but Argos have some very similar looking ones for £19-99. How often do you need to clean those Hob filters?
How often do you need to clean those Hob filters?
Thanks mate, I only clean the filters every 6 weeks or so, more often if I notice a bigger reduction in flow.