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  1. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    im starting to think it must be Mick. leaves double in size in around 2 days . not something id expect damaged leaves t do
  2. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    aponogeton still rather annoyingly throwing out brownish leavez
  3. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    the aponogeton has since sent out 3 new leaves , all of which opened up brown and were removed even though they still grew when brown . another leaf is opening up today and touch wood it appears green. another shoot sprouting too so hopefully its ready to blossom .
  4. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    il use up the neutro+ ive got over the christmas period and then order the ei starter kit and measuring spoons when it starts running low
  5. plantnoob

    New ADA Aquasky "Moon" - Thoughts?!?...

    thoughts are its got the ada badge on so price will be a joke like all ada stuff :p
  6. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    yeah . AE wont reveal the makeup of the neutro ferts . main reason for thinking about switching to dry salts is how much cheaper it works out long term .
  7. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    thanks Mick il remove them and see what the next ones are like .
  8. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    il see ifni can find out using a calculator the ppms im getting a if i can il post it here . il probably end up investing in some dry salts before too long
  9. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    thanks jose.yes little update and question too . sagitaria subulata taking well , echinodorus xinguensis went yellow at 1st but looks to be bouncing back . in fact its now thrown out a long shoot , but this shoot looks knothing like a leaf and more like a flower stalk . not even sure if they...
  10. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    Today i added double dose of ferts . No algae at the moment and only a small amount of melt.
  11. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    timer changed . looking for something to block 1 tube with
  12. plantnoob

    expectations / actions correct?

    some tank specs 1st . fluval roma 240 so 4ft 240L , lighting standard roma 2x40w t8 , soil substrate capped with sand . no pressurised co2 . planted the tank saturday and as expected leaves are starting to suffer . this i put down to the plants having to adapt from emeresed growth to submersed...
  13. plantnoob

    plants ordered for my 2nd attempt

    thanks jose . yep il be sure to post some pics saturday once ive planted it . may even start a journal
  14. plantnoob

    plants ordered for my 2nd attempt

    after a miserably failed high tech last year i packed it all in in utter dismay and disillusionment .picked up a 2nd hand roma 240 so decided to take the bull by the horns and have another go, but this time low light , no co2 , easier plants and liquid carbon with soil substrate. saturday ive...
  15. plantnoob

    Black stems

    i have just been having this very same fight for the last few weeks . as ceg says , flow / distribution is critical . even if you arew injecting plenty of co2 , if it isnt being distributed efficiently you will find some areas do well , whilst others melt away and die . a few of the things i...
  16. plantnoob

    6ft tank, acrylc manufacturers, who/where?

    acrylic is much lighter than glass ( some claim around 40%), also scratches can be polished out of it too . there is a manufacturer that advertises on aquarist classifieds . il see if i can find the link for you edit: the 1 i was thinking of start at 3000L smallest size . i did find this 1...
  17. plantnoob

    today was not a good day!

    i will try aquatica again 1 day for sure , most probably in the next tank . 1 thing i found with it , is that even though it isnt classed as particularly demanding in terms of difficulty , it does seem that to get the beauty from it everything has to be just so . clearly that wasnt the case for...
  18. plantnoob

    today was not a good day!

    the aquatica was 1 of the plants i melted/killed when i had poor co2 . i wanted to get more but could only get the sessiliflora . to me it looks quite similar to aquatica , and from the info i found it seems less demanding too . its been a frustrating few weeks , but it has taught me some...
  19. plantnoob

    today was not a good day!

    yesterday i had just added 2 pots of bacopa carolina , 2 pots of Limnophila sessiliflora , 3 pots of staurogyne repens a nice large echinodorus bleheri and 8 columbian red finned tetras . had it looking really nice , only for it to get blasted to bits :banghead: . still its all good experience...
  20. plantnoob

    today was not a good day!

    woke up this morning , looked at the tank and thought something doesnt look right . so i switched the lights on to find that the 1200lph powerhead i use to power my co2 reactor had slid down the glass , ripping the hose off , and was sat in the bottom of the tank blasting aquasoil and plants...
  21. plantnoob

    what to do next?

    plants have deffinately started growing suddenly , withthe exception of the ludwigia . loads of new growth on the Hydrocotyle leucocephala , really gained a lot of height too . same with the previously dormant rotala . probably going to replace the ludwigia over the weekend . found out that...
  22. plantnoob

    what to do next?

    it looks like im starting to win my ongoing battle with co2 . hair algae is alomost gone , no new algae and now im getting plants pearling away a couple of hours after lights on . ive wanted to get more plants in for a while , but resisted until i beat co2 and stopped melting/killing plants . at...
  23. plantnoob

    liquid carbon based tanks

    its just something im giving consideration to at the moment , as right now pressurised is doing my head in :banghead: . having eliminated everything else im sure its the root of my lacklustre plants . cranked it up yet further yesterday . still getting some hair algae , although to be fair , it...
  24. plantnoob

    liquid carbon based tanks

    giving serious consideration to selling on my reg etc and going to a liquid carbon based tank . what im trying to find is a good comprehensive list of plants for such a setup ( not sure wether its classed low tech or "mid tech" . anybody got any good links please ?
  25. plantnoob

    Congratulations Mark Evans of Tropica!

    congratulations Mark :)
  26. plantnoob

    just grabbed a reet bargain :)

    hair net and fishing line for this badboy :)
  27. plantnoob

    "a little maintainence"

    i started a journal when i 1st set the tank up mate . not updated it in a while though . must sort that out
  28. plantnoob

    just grabbed a reet bargain :)

    7 x 4 inch tub of riccia fluitans (aquatic plant) | eBay its carpeting time ;)
  29. plantnoob

    "a little maintainence"

    got the pipe for my full length spraybar today , so decided to take the up atomiser off and get the new reactor setup plumbed in . that was 8 hours ago , and ive just sat down :crazy: being heavy handed and snapping the bit off the reactor that takes the co2 hosing didnt exactly help...
  30. plantnoob

    pearling or something else?

    happy days ! i though that was just a new leaf sprouting :)
  31. plantnoob

    pearling or something else?

    ive always known pearling to be when the leaves of plants have little oxygen bubbles all over them , but is it the same thing when plants realease big streams of bubbles ? my anubias nana does have what i know as "normal" pearling on a few leaves , but the newly forming leaf is literally going...
  32. plantnoob

    Inline CO2 Atomizer

    no worries . il take a look in the sale/swap section and see if anything tickles my fancy :) .
  33. plantnoob

    Inline CO2 Atomizer

    to the OP i am about to swap from a 12/16mm up inline atomiser to an external reactor . i have ordered the reactor etc , so if youre not in a hurry and can wait a few days , i will happily send you my atomiser as it will be no longer required .
  34. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    bits ive ordered should arrive early next week . ive got a 1200lph powerhead (adjustable flow) , a tmc aquagro 1500 co2 reactor , 5 metres of 12/16mm clear hose , 1 metre of 12mm clear acrylic tube ( spraybar) and 2 12mm elbow connectors . in the meantime , reaflectors are removed , as...
  35. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    right , reflecters removed , powerhead , reactor , clear acrylic tube , flexible hosing and elbows ordered . hopefully the combination of all these will help things along
  36. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    the co2 comes on 2 hours before lights on and gos off 1 hour before lights out . il get a test kit and take some ph readings over the day next time im going to be at home all day . as for plant movement , its best described as "patchy" ie some moving nicely , others less so . as for the lights...
  37. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    thganks ceg . going through that list 1 by 1 , light , 2x24w t5s on a 125L tank . comes out a 0.384 watts per liter . now i thought this was sensibly low ( maybe i was wrong) . feel free to correct me , but if light was the cause i would have expected the larger leaved/ slower growing...
  38. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    i am planning some amano shrimp to go with the cherries , but as a pretty addition rather than a sollution to algae control
  39. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    ive got 10 cherry shrimp in the tank , although they dont go near it . i did consider some amano shrimp , but id rather eliminate the issues in the tank than mask them with clean up crew . what do you think to the proposed reactor setup mentioned? tomh , i also have well over 10x turnover in...
  40. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    its black hair algae im suffering from on the grass . doubt very much its a nutrient defficiency , as im dosing ei , so plenty of nutrients in the tank at all times . no such thing as too much co2 as far as plants are concerned :) its fauna that will suffer there . im almost certain that its a...
  41. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    i was thinking it was the distribution ? could really use some good advice as to rectifying the situation please , as i seem to be just peeing in the wind here
  42. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    drop checkers with new liquid been in for around 3 hours now . as the colour shows , the amount of co2 isnt the problem . co2level2 by mark pettican, on Flickr co2level by mark pettican, on Flickr
  43. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    got some new 4dkh bromo blue for the drop checkers , as mine had gone off . co2 levels are good , so im thinking it must surely be a distribution/flow issue . here is the hygrophilia in question . ( new liquid in drop checker , hadnt been in long which is why its still dark green ) melting...
  44. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    hygrophila has been in almost 2 weeks . no new growth at all , just melting away . got 2 more pots of hairgrass coming , so when that arrives and i plant it i will thin the rest out into smaller bits
  45. plantnoob

    Are shrimps the new catfish?

    for me at the moment , the appeal of shrimp is that whilst ive always fancied having some , this is the 1st tank ive had where they wouldnt just be live food .
  46. plantnoob

    baffled and in need of help

    got 2 problem areas in my tank . the hairgrass in the front , whilst growing well is collecting hair algae , and the hygro corymbosa stricta rear left has started to disintigrate/melt away in the last couple of days. im leaning towards co2/flow being the problem but im seeing fantastic growth in...
  47. plantnoob

    gotta love it when you get service like this

    they do sell bromo blue concentrate for about 3 quid . you just add a couple of drops to the solution already in your drop checker and it apparently makes it much easier to see the colour change . but on the flipside it says it takes much longer for the drop checker to react/change .
  48. plantnoob

    gotta love it when you get service like this

    mine is next to impossible to read now . looked nice and green in the tank , but when i took the checkers out last waterchange to change the fluid , it just looked like water with a slight yellowy tinge , but almost clear .
  49. plantnoob

    gotta love it when you get service like this

    my bromo blue sollution has gone off in the bottle after a couple of months . looking on AE where i ordered it from it said depending on storage methods it should be good for up to 2 years . so in the ask a question bit i asked what was the best way to store it as mine had gone green quickly ...
  50. plantnoob

    need some help with my general setup

    think , touch wood i seem to have found a happy medium with the configurqation , but it just occured to me that maybe now ive dramaticly increased plant mass , do i need to up my dosing ? regime is as follows macro: 6 tsp potassium nitrate , 6 tsp magnesium sulphate and 2 tsp potassium...
  51. plantnoob

    need some help with my general setup

    the problem getting good even flow/distribution . starting to get hair algae creeping back in . blyxa seems to be suffering/melting . im trying different configurations and i seem to be ending up with plants blasted all over the place some areas , little to no movement in others . or fairly...
  52. plantnoob

    thank you ukaps members

    yep thats right its 1 of those sycophantic " you lot are so great " posts :) seriously though , i just wanted to thank you all for the great advice and help i have received with setting up my 1st planted tank . much appreciated folks .
  53. plantnoob

    tying moss

    cheers ady/iain . probably looking at plain ol' java moss .
  54. plantnoob

    tying moss

    thats what i was worried about
  55. plantnoob

    tying moss

    if i wanted a branch of redmoor to be completely covered 360 degrees in moss do i need to tie it to the underside as well or just the top ?
  56. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    yep the plants from AE are simply fantastic , ordered thursday night , received them saturday morning . half the price , twice the ammount . stronger , healthier , better packaged and imho better value . sure they may not have quite the range that tgm have , but from now on they will be my " go...
  57. plantnoob

    fine brown dust on plant leaves

    yep , did a big waterchange once id finished . touch wood i havent seen any hair algae since . the dust on some of the leaves is still there , but its massively reduced . im wondering if it was crap from the filter pipes though , as it is all concentrated on the plants where the spraybar is ...
  58. plantnoob

    fine brown dust on plant leaves

    well i just had my 1st planted tank eye opener . thought id do 2 things . 1st check the co2 system for leaks etc and 2ndly experement with spraybar/powerhead configuration . 1st thing i noticed was the bubble counter . bubbles were very sporadic/irregular . figured id do the spraybar etc 1st...
  59. plantnoob

    fine brown dust on plant leaves

    tank has been planted 2 or 3 weeks . i only say that i dont think its diatoms , as its exactly the same colour as the ada amazonia , and i would expect diatoms to be on the glass / heater too . more worrying though is i have started to notice what i think is hair algae , leading me to think my...
  60. plantnoob

    fine brown dust on plant leaves

    im getting this annoying fine brown dust on my leaves . looks like its coming from the aquasoil as its the same colour . ive got a combined flow/turnover of 2190LPH . plenty of movement in the plants , yet i clean it off and a few hours later its back . oddly , the ozelot at the rear right...
  61. plantnoob

    right move or schoolboy error ?

    cheers george , glad to know i hadnt gone too mad :) things seem to be growing pretty well , so im sure it will reward me in time
  62. plantnoob

    right move or schoolboy error ?

    came home from work this evening , and figured i needed to do some maintainence on the tank , ie some trimming . the Gymnocoronis spilanthoides was near the surface , but very skinny looking . not unhealthy , but needs to bush out ( all the leaves/growth nerer the tops ) . with this i removed...
  63. plantnoob

    Paint advice

    blackboard paint works quite well .
  64. plantnoob

    when its time to lengthen photoperiod

    at the moment ive got my drop checkers just on the yellowish side of green . how does this sound for a plan ? wait until its had its 1st trim and grown back in again , then increase by say 30 mins a week
  65. plantnoob

    when its time to lengthen photoperiod

    it was always the intention to let it grow in and mature 1st , i just wasnt sure if it should just be bumped straight up to 8 or wether it should be done bit by bit
  66. plantnoob

    when its time to lengthen photoperiod

    i figured that seeing as my light is quite low , 2x24w t5 over a 125L tank , that i could safely go to 8 hours ? i guess i could rig something with a single low wattage tube either side of the main lights being on .
  67. plantnoob

    when its time to lengthen photoperiod

    if im totally honest , simply to get more "viewing time "
  68. plantnoob

    when its time to lengthen photoperiod

    at the moment with the tank being freshly planted , im running lights for 6 hours . this will increase to 8 hours . when and how is it best to do this ? should i let the plants grow in then gradually increase it over a few weeks ?
  69. plantnoob

    pearling already?

    its nice to see pearling , although tbh il settle for not dying :)
  70. plantnoob

    pearling already?

    and here was me thinking i had the magic touch :)
  71. plantnoob

    pearling already?

    my ludwigia repens "ruben" has been in the tank all of 5 hours and already there are bubbles coming from some of the leaves . could it really be pearling so soon , or is there another explenation ?
  72. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    AE is where the other plants are coming from . ordered them last night so should have them soon .
  73. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    ive got another couple of stem plants coming next week to fill in a big gap at the left rear of the tank , and then il resurect the journal with the 1st planted photo so i can keep a visual record of the tanks progress . compared to yesterday i am really enjoying the tank now . as the saying gos...
  74. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    to be fair to TGM the ozelot they sent me that was missing is a beauty . loads of it in the pot , very decent size and healthy , the replacement corymbosa also was much much better . edit: i actually got 2 lovely ozelots from the 1 pot once all the rockwool was removed . i have also removed...
  75. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    im sure from what people have said that things will look better in a week or so . but i still dont feel that what i got was worth £101 . but then i guess this is all part of the learning curve .
  76. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    thanks ady . some real encouragement in those tanks . some amazing transformations .
  77. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    thanks for the reassurance everybody . il give em plenty of co2 and see how they go .
  78. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    nope no snails . maybe i'm being a bist hasty to express disapointment , but with this being my 1st ever proper plant order i was expecting to look at the tank and go " yep that looks nice" . perhaps my lack of experience/knowledge showing .
  79. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    i have emailed them george . this is why i didnt name them in the thread , i didnt want the thing to become some kind of witch hunt .
  80. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    judge for yourselves . i shouldnt of planted them . should of just sent them back 383205_366598873450240_1086965829_n(1) by mark pettican, on Flickr 298053_366600170116777_1264379833_n by mark pettican, on Flickr
  81. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    wont be shopping there again . £101 worth of plants my backside . i want to send them back for a refund , but i doubt i can now they are out of the pots :banghead:
  82. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    i think its the limnophila aquatica , and the linderina rotundifolia i need to re-do . they were a pig to seperate so i just kinda planted them in big bunches
  83. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    thanks . its all planted , but tbh i dont think ive done a very good job . i think i need to seperate the stems out better and try again
  84. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    thats good to know . hopefully a few days of co2 and ferts and things will look better
  85. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    really not happy with how things look . i can see myself taking it all out and comnpletely replanting tomorrow when the new plants come
  86. plantnoob

    so far 1 massive dissapointment . happier now

    plants arrived today , the polysperma wasnt great , the leaves looked a bit battered , the corymbosa was almost non existant , virtually nothing in the pot , 3 tiny little stems . the ozelot , well i cant comment on that because it was missing . didnt even effin get it :twisted: they are...
  87. plantnoob

    easiest planted setup for rio 125?

    i would deffinately say she fell into the "just wanting something pretty" category claire .
  88. plantnoob

    something i just realised i need to ask

    thanks claire . just logged into my TGM account and have comfirmation that the plants were shipped today on priority service , so tomorrow all being well i can plant it up then have the lights on for a bit to stare at it and il set the timers to kick on from friday .
  89. plantnoob

    something i just realised i need to ask

    with my plants coming on thursday , i will be planting when i get home from work , around 4pm ish . my intended photo period will have lights start at 2pm . should i be plugging the lights and co2 into the timers tomorrow night so all is running when its planted ( i will be draining tank to...
  90. plantnoob

    easiest planted setup for rio 125?

    ive reccomended the liquid carbon to her ,also to try and improve her flow/circulation . aquasoil wont really be an option though , as she already has fish , and i can say with total certainty that she will not be willing to let them go then restock later . maybe some root tabs or similar could...
  91. plantnoob

    easiest planted setup for rio 125?

    im trying to get some advice for my missus' friend who wants a planted tank . she got the tank 2nd hand with some plants already in it , along with a serious algae infestation . i did ask in the algae section and got some advice to help her bring it around , but she has said she wants to start...
  92. plantnoob

    hope im ready . been doing last minute checks

    i am now ive been and bought a spray bottle for misting plants whilst planting :D
  93. plantnoob

    step by step aquascape videos

    ive just watched the ones on TGM's youtube chanel and loved them . both interesting and really informitive and helpful. anybody know of good sites with videos in a similar vein ?
  94. plantnoob

    finally ordered my plants!

    i cant wait ! seems like forever since i got the tank .
  95. plantnoob

    finally ordered my plants!

    exactly that ady . normal service is royal mail 1st class , priority is next day so if they ship wednesday i receive them thursday .