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gotta love it when you get service like this


27 Apr 2010
my bromo blue sollution has gone off in the bottle after a couple of months . looking on AE where i ordered it from it said depending on storage methods it should be good for up to 2 years . so in the ask a question bit i asked what was the best way to store it as mine had gone green quickly . no suggestion i was unhappy or hinting that i wanted something free . ( just wanted to ask before i ordered a new bottle). richard said just get in touch with the order number and he would send me a free replacement . gotta be happy with that ! 😉 its why when i want something for my tank AE is always the 1st site i look on

plus the money i saved on the bromo blue paid for some anubias to tie to my wood , so its win win all round 😉
Actually, my 100ml 4 dKH bromo blue bottle from AE in Jan 2012 has gone "mouldy" as well, first noticed with "bits" floating in the drop checker. Still changes colour on CO2 injection (I think). Then noticed a scum/film/yuk floating in the bottle. Should I contact AE as well ?
mine is next to impossible to read now . looked nice and green in the tank , but when i took the checkers out last waterchange to change the fluid , it just looked like water with a slight yellowy tinge , but almost clear .
Sounds like the same as mine. Might give them a wee email and ask. Even if I have to get some extra bromo blue to strengthen it up a bit again, it would make life easier than trying to read watery colours!
they do sell bromo blue concentrate for about 3 quid . you just add a couple of drops to the solution already in your drop checker and it apparently makes it much easier to see the colour change . but on the flipside it says it takes much longer for the drop checker to react/change .