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something i just realised i need to ask


27 Apr 2010
with my plants coming on thursday , i will be planting when i get home from work , around 4pm ish . my intended photo period will have lights start at 2pm . should i be plugging the lights and co2 into the timers tomorrow night so all is running when its planted ( i will be draining tank to plant ) thus immediately giving the plants some "food" or should i just plant it up then set up the timers , so the lights and co2 start the following day ?
They'll be fine waiting till the next day for co2. You can put your lights on if you like once you're done planting and have filled it up, but the plants will have had unlimited access to co2 while they've been in the post emmersed, so no need to get that going right away.
thanks claire . just logged into my TGM account and have comfirmation that the plants were shipped today on priority service , so tomorrow all being well i can plant it up then have the lights on for a bit to stare at it and il set the timers to kick on from friday .