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today was not a good day!


27 Apr 2010
woke up this morning , looked at the tank and thought something doesnt look right . so i switched the lights on to find that the 1200lph powerhead i use to power my co2 reactor had slid down the glass , ripping the hose off , and was sat in the bottom of the tank blasting aquasoil and plants everywhere . water like gravy , bent or broken stems everywhere , thick coating of aquasoil dust on all the plants , a big hole blasted in the substrate . the moss and anubias of the wood were actually brown with dust instead of green . had to spend a few hours draining the tank down , taking out the plants cleaning them , re-planting and re-filling . not what you need , especially having been out on the town the night before and feeling somewhat worse for wear :banghead: . i had just added lots more plants and got the tank looking reasonably good too . planted tank is turning out to be a difficult journey for me !
yesterday i had just added 2 pots of bacopa carolina , 2 pots of Limnophila sessiliflora , 3 pots of staurogyne repens a nice large echinodorus bleheri and 8 columbian red finned tetras . had it looking really nice , only for it to get blasted to bits :banghead: . still its all good experience for the next tank i suppose 😉
My condolances, mate :arghh:
- But at least, you now have the experience to get it all started right, this time........... Lim. aquatica and all.
Get up on the horse again.............
the aquatica was 1 of the plants i melted/killed when i had poor co2 . i wanted to get more but could only get the sessiliflora . to me it looks quite similar to aquatica , and from the info i found it seems less demanding too . its been a frustrating few weeks , but it has taught me some useful lessons . not least of all to trust the reaction of your plants to co2 over the colour of your drop checkers .
He he - it's called "learningby doing (mistakes)"...............but the point is still learning. Any mistakes gives possibility to learn 😉
The Lim. sess. is definitely easier than tbe Lim. aqua............but it'll never beat it in beauty🙂
- and believing in what your plants say is allways right - they never lie - but you need to remember that they sometimes do speak a language that recuires capability to undrstand it...............and we all misinterpret sometimes (some more often, than others) depending on knowledge.
i will try aquatica again 1 day for sure , most probably in the next tank . 1 thing i found with it , is that even though it isnt classed as particularly demanding in terms of difficulty , it does seem that to get the beauty from it everything has to be just so . clearly that wasnt the case for me 🙂

but then i had expected to encounter problems in the start . this tank was always intended as a learning tank , with a view to a 100cm optiwhite in the new year . in the meantime , i need to get my growing and trimming thechniques perfect , as i want to do a dutch scape in the new tank . for me so much more beautiful than a nature aquarium .