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what to do next?


27 Apr 2010
it looks like im starting to win my ongoing battle with co2 . hair algae is alomost gone , no new algae and now im getting plants pearling away a couple of hours after lights on . ive wanted to get more plants in for a while , but resisted until i beat co2 and stopped melting/killing plants . at the moment ive got

echinodorus ozelot , had to remove most of the leaves and trim off a lot of brown/rotten roots . got 1 new leaf , and plant is pearling
Hydrocotyle leucocephala , in from the start , was doing nothing , suddenly perked up had a growth spurt , some new leaves , also pearling

rotala rotundifolia , been in a couple of weeks , did nothing really at 1st , suffered quite badly in the gloomy spell . seems to be perking up a little , no new growth though . pearling like a madman

java moss been in around a week pearling away like a madman , could use a trim . slight amount of hair algae ( only area in the tank) . will trim it at next waterchange .

anubias nana , around 3 weeks recently flowered , pearling a little bit ( no concern with this plant)

ludwigia repens "ruben" been in from the start ( around 6 weeks) went mental to start with , suffered badly after with droopy broken leaves , which i attributed to the co2 issues .trimmed it right back , losing most of it . no new growth no pearling , pretty much doing nothing really

hydrocotyle sp japan , suffered badly again . seems to be getting some new growth now though , all be it very little .

hygro corymbosa siamensis 53b , a new addition at the weekend , pearling away nicely . expecting some melt/transition though as its a new plant .

1 remaining crypt which didnt melt , been in 6 weeks done absolutley nowt . looks the same as the day i planted it

so now im wondering where to go next . will deffinately be adding some more plants very soon though . so do i just see it as a recovery in its infancy ( things only picked up in last 3 days ) , and be happy and let the tank do its thing ? do i need to be taking a "next step" whatever that may be ?
Hi mate - it may be easier to get some answers if you post a picture.

For my two-pennies-worth I'd adopt a 'go slow and let it grow' policy. See what works with the set-up you have, remove (or let them fade away) the poor performers and build your 'scape around the successful growers. Later down the line you will be able to add a new species here and there when you become more experienced with knowing what will do well and what you need to do to fine tune your tank. That's what I did... but then again I'm a lazy bugger!

plants have deffinately started growing suddenly , withthe exception of the ludwigia . loads of new growth on the Hydrocotyle leucocephala , really gained a lot of height too . same with the previously dormant rotala . probably going to replace the ludwigia over the weekend . found out that pets at home of all places have got some really good tropica pots in . got some hygrophila last week which is doing well . your moss is doing great btw 🙂