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  1. Vardo

    IBC pond project advice?

    Does anyone have any experience setting up a pond out of a 1000l IBC? My idea is to cut the top 10-15% off and invert it and use it as a natural filtration stage that cascades into the main pond and also will hopefully house the pump under the framework that will support the filter stage...
  2. V

    Hi from S.Wales

    Slowly getting this how I want it. Just a trio to check fit today, then stain and mount some faceplates with magnets to hide the plugs and other storage space. Can figure out what to do with the small 45L tank then that's currently a dumping ground 😂. Thinking of a Betta for some reason
  3. Spartacus

    Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey

    Hello Folks, Not much to report will do a small maintenance trim tonight. Have uploaded a video to YouTube - I don’t think MD Fish Tanks has anything to worry about… Just thought it would be a change from a photo of some sand rocks and plants! Going away for a few days in around 3 weeks so...
  4. E

    Plant decay. Help please!

    Hi! I am new here so please forgive me if I have forgotten any information you’re supposed to present. The tank has been up for about a month since I added new plants and new substrate. This was after a Blackbeard algae problem. The fish seem to be doing good but the plants not so much. I...
  5. L

    High ammonia, nitrites AND nitrates during cycling

    Thread starter was doing a dark start back in 2016, maybe the name hadn't catched yet.
  6. hotmilkgt

    Bugs you might encounter in your aquarium

    I wonder where they came from. I don't have anything new in the tank. the snails are 3 months old and the betta passed away last month from a swimming bladder problem.
  7. Scaperinc

    Needle valve

    I have a strideways dual stage pro regulator with two co2 needlevalve manifolds, I have just noticed that one of the needle vales no matter how much I open, it wont change the co2 output. Anyone reckon it's fixable or need replacing?
  8. dw1305

    ViV Mini M, 36x22x28, ´A cliff from Verdon’

    Hi all, I don't <"normally comment"> on these sorts of threads, but that is some fantastic rock. cheers Darrel
  9. dw1305

    High ammonia, nitrites AND nitrates during cycling

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Would you like to tell us a bit about your planted tanks? The thread is from 2016, so I'm going to guess that the wait has been long enough. That just isn't true. I think we are quite good with our advice about tank maturity. In terms of scientific research on...
  10. G

    What am I missing?

    I have H. Siamensis in my tank for over a years or so and everytime i get pinholes similar to yours in older leaves is when i don't dose enough potassium. I do not use an active substrate so they can't get potassium from there like you. You seems to have a great plant mass aswell so you...
  11. hasan66

    What am I missing?

    How do you dose your micro fertilizer? There is a lot of potassium nitrate and phosphate in macro. Here you need to look at the micro.
  12. CooKieS

    ViV Mini M, 36x22x28, ´A cliff from Verdon’

    Hi there! New project : -Viv Mini M optiwhite tank, 36x22x28cm -Sunsun hw 602b filter -ista universal skimmer -onf flat nano -pressurized co2 (planted box reg, Dooa diffuser) Hardscape : Geo stones White sand Tropica powder soil To be continued! Cheers Thierry
  13. dw1305

    Swapping tanks

    Hi all, I always <"work on the theory"> that every, tank related, thing I could ever need is on UKAPS, it is just a <"case of finding it">. First thing to say is that if you <"understand the scientific method">, are used to using serial dilution etc, you have a much better chance of getting...
  14. P

    High ammonia, nitrites AND nitrates during cycling

    I would like to say your first enquiry is to wait and see and keep testing the water. Personally I think it is cycling perfectly as from what you say. I wouldn't do any water changes whilst cycling, it will set your cycle from the beginning. I can't believe people on this forum would give that...
  15. N

    Satisfying and Effective - share some random tips

    Forgot to add, MTS is your essential weapon against cynobacteria which occurs in anerobic areas of aquarium
  16. M

    Swapping tanks

    Thanks Darrel, I appreciate the experience and knowledge. If only I had found the forum before! I too have a bit of experience in chemical analysis, however it was a long time ago and most of my lab results were very questionable! Never used a spectrometer of any kind that looked as new or as...
  17. L

    Green spot algae question

    Really interesting. I think I might have seen that algae in rivers before. I've also read that there's a true freshwater coralline algae discovered in a river in Croatia. Freshwater coralline algae
  18. Cornelius

    Alkalinity and KH measurement

    Okay, we are many answers further and a lot has become clear to me, again. Thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge! appreciate it 🙏 Cheers Cor
  19. tacy k

    Hello from Surrey

  20. dw1305

    Swapping tanks

    Hi all, There is definitely more to that than just the sand substrate. I'm not personally a great fan of <"controlled release fertiliser root tabs">, or of <"most test kits"> for water quality. I'd really like to know what the water parameters are in my tanks, but <"I have a practical...
  21. hypnogogia

    Hello from Surrey

    Hello :wave:, welcome to UKAPS.
  22. megwattscreative

    Hello from Manchester

    Hi Steve! Woo another Manchester person :)
  23. ElleDee

    Very first tank (planted, low tech)

    Yeah, could be. Sometimes with plants "dwarf" just means slow growing (or, with shrubs and trees, tight internodes) rather than a truly smaller final size. Very misleading marketing imo, though probably less of a problem than owning a former micropig. I have no idea about peace lilies...
  24. ElleDee

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    So far so good. It's a little fiddly to get it to line up to click back on in the tank, but I suspect I just need little more practice. I have used just a regular sponge as a prefilter, but have had issues with it collapsing onto the intake tube over time. There's a perforated plastic barrier...
  25. ScareCrow

    eheim air pump low pressure

    Hi All, I've got a second hand eheim 400 air pump that to me seems to output quite low pressure. I've got two hygger piezo air pumps that came with air stones. I've tried to power the air stones using the eheim pump and nothing comes out, where as the hygger air pumps run them fine. I've taken...
  26. O

    Very first tank (planted, low tech)

    Maybe its a bit of a 'micropig' situation!
  27. Gill

    Orchids Bloom

    Planted up, and ready for the Mantid. CuC added, feeds ready etc. Found a lego led set in my spares, so set that up to sit on the lid.
  28. dw1305

    Swapping tanks

    ...This may also be useful for those who feel the need to add "nitrifying bacteria "<"Dr Timothy Hovanec's comments about Bacterial supplements">. *Urakawa, H. & Sipos, A. (2020)<"Application of the consortia of nitrifying archaea and bacteria for fish transportation may be beneficial for fish...
  29. dw1305

    Green spot algae question

    Hi all, We have a <"few threads"> where people have <"grown them accidently">. I think the common thread is probably hard water, but this suggests it isn't a pre-requisite <"Hildenbrandia rivularis">. This gorgeous, red plush, velvet cushion belongs to @EA James. cheers Darrel
  30. richardcunliffe

    Swapping tanks

    Personally, I'd keep a bunch of the soil. Add some fresh substrate, stick the old soil on top and then top it off with a bit of fresh soil too. I did that recently and everything survived with no melt at all. Loads of crypts, no problems. Also no issues with ammonia spikes. And as you say...
  31. richardcunliffe

    My distraction at work

    This is great. You've made a nice job of it too. Everyone should be allowed to have one at work
  32. Fluxtor

    Feeling Lost

    @simon_the_plant_nerd So this is where I'm at currently. I trying the dark start method so will run like this with no light for a couple of weeks then drain down and get some plants in. Excuse the image quality it's just a screenshot from a video!
  33. Wookii

    Capping Layer

    Absolute nonsense fortunately. Any grade of sand is fine, just avoid the sharper types if going for a larger grain size. The finest silver sands can be problematic as they can compact and reduce water circulation through the substrate, but that's only an issue where you have a deep substrate...
  34. Wookii

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    I've always struggled with Nurii in soft water tanks, but in harder tap water tanks it grows like a weed! Crypts I've had no issues growing softer water are Beckettii 'petchii', Spiralis tiger and red and X purpure. Some of them take a long time to get started, but are fine once they're going.
  35. Tyko_N

    Bugs you might encounter in your aquarium

    Ostracods. They feed on algae and detritus, so completely harmless and actually an indicator of good water quality.
  36. finniche

    60P Variations

    Thanks. Yes, that has been my own experience also on previous occasions. I have found it a good practice not to divide the plants to too little portions at the start. But I have also read about other people’s experiences of complete melting of in-vitro pinnatifida on the first days of a new scape.
  37. M

    Jungle in a glass box

    For a stand that needs to be living room approved, I’ve found that veneered plywood with a nice wipe on poly finish looks very nice and is easy to do for an amateur like me. I’ve built a couple stands and personally I didn’t find marine plywood to be necessary. Assuming that the plywood needs...
  38. bazz

    Hello from Manchester

    Welcome! :wave:
  39. M

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    What is the substrate you are using? I also notice that it seems like you are using the eheim pre filters. How do you like those? Are they easy to detach and clean? I’ve considered getting some myself. Sorry I don’t have any great advice beyond what you’re doing. I had similar issues using...
  40. hotmilkgt

    Bugs you might encounter in your aquarium

    I just noticed something similar in my tank today. Freaking out at the moment since it looks like my snails are battling with them.
  41. FrozenShivers

    Jungle in a glass box

    Couple deliveries arrived today, ADA Vuppa II skimmer, and two 5m fastening straps for when I collect the tank, still to order transit blankets for the trip too….the joy.
  42. bazz


    Welcome! :wave:
  43. bazz

    Mike from West Cork, ROI

    Welcome! :wave:
  44. Conort2

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Good luck with the Lineata, had to be one of the best fish I’ve kept. The male was stunning.
  45. bazz

    My distraction at work

    At least he can't complain about the price of electric.
  46. Bradders

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    A 4ft tank opens up a lot of options @ElleDee !
  47. TAJ-Coral

    Best under sand substrate mix?

    Thank you for saying it's fine! I'll see how far a mix of the two will get me in filling the bags. I did order the cat litter too, I'm already a bit of a crazy cat person anyway 😛
  48. ElleDee

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Report back to us how they do!
  49. L

    Green spot algae question

    I wonder what water conditions are required for freshwater coralline algae. I'd love to have that on some of my rocks.
  50. ElleDee

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    Yeah, getting more and larger fish was my main motivation for scaling up. I'm thinking either congo tetra or Bolivian rams as the big fish depending on the exact direction I take the tank, but I've got to get through the start up period before I start buying fish. I got to get a journal going...
  51. bazz

    Best under sand substrate mix?

    I would have no problem mixing the two together in the bags and then cover them with whatever is pleasing to the eye or affordable, I know a good few people over the years have successfully utilised cat litter but I don't think I could live the associated stigma. 🙂
  52. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    So I located the following blackwater plants and will try them in my next 29 (which is being setup for true a. lineta): c. willisii c. undulatus (red) c. ferruginea sekaduensis (not sure i will like this one) c. yujii - Unfortunately this going to cause a naming problem since my Blutkehl...
  53. bazz

    What am I missing?

    Nothing to do with your problem but rather than sporadically adding a lot all in one go just add 1 or 1/2 or 1/4 depending on the contents and brand in different areas each week after the water change, plants love stability and will not be adapted to take in a sudden massive influx of nutrients...
  54. dw1305

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    Hi all, Electronics and aquaculture apparently. https://atlas-scientific.com/ Cheers Darrel
  55. sparkyweasel

    Mike from West Cork, ROI

    Welcome! :)
  56. sparkyweasel

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    "And they claim to be <"experts">." in what? :)
  57. Iain Sutherland

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    Great natural feel to this one, love it.
  58. S

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    It’s over twice what I’ve got at the moment. I had a reef tank slightly narrower than that many years ago. You’ve got a good size there. Big enough for some really nice plants and lots of swimming space for some larger fish.
  59. ElleDee

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    It's got 120P proportions - 120x50x50cm, 300L. It's a huge increase in size in size for me from anything I've kept before.
  60. S

    Feeling Lost

    @Fluxtor How’s this going?
  61. I

    Hello from Surrey

    Hi all, joining the forum today as I currently have 2 small planted tanks (lo-tech) and a third in planning and progress. Tank 1 - 35cm cube, planted with spiderwood, lots of moss, some stems and floaters. It's shockingly well balanced and home to Ember Tetras, Endler males, some Amanos and...
  62. S

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    How big is that tank? Looks like a nice size.
  63. Spartacus

    Capping Layer

    Hello Steve, I was thinking that if I had everything in mesh bags and no matter how hard the Corydoras dug into the sand they couldn’t take up soil or gravel. I wanted it to just be sand and not sand with aqua soil bits on top as I find that to be messy. I watched a Josh Sim workshop and...
  64. castle

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    Thank you 😊
  65. M

    Swapping tanks

    Hi Rich, Definitely not an expert here, but I swapped one of my 30l tanks in a bit of an emergency earlier in the year. I did a change from a sand / dirt combo and went to a pure sand with root capsules for the plants I swapped the plants fish, filter, ceramic rings and most of the water as...
  66. A

    Planted to perfection in progress

    This absolutely amazing 6m long aquarium has just been installed in a fusion restaurant in Southport, JT Ashaya, which opened last week. Will update this post with progression photos as more plants are added. All the wood you see in the tank are handpicked pieces from a Royal estate in Wales...
  67. Bradders

    Red spot disease in Corydoras?

    Wow! Great news! The medicine is Chloromine T, which is meant to treat external issues on fish.So it must have been something external, as I can't believe it would treat internal. But great result so far!
  68. J

    Red spot disease in Corydoras?

    I'm pleased to report the poorly fish is still alive and I've just seen her (I think it's a her as she is more rounded than the others) swimming around, sifting through sand and her breathing appears to have slowed slightly so hopefully that internal anti bacterial medicine I bought has done the...
  69. DeadFish

    60P Variations

    Love it. The H. Pinna should come back with a vengeance - I wouldn't worry much.
  70. D

    Capping Layer

    Murray, what was the purpose of capping the lava sand with the Tropica aqua soil? As both were in mesh bags, I take that the capping sand, as well as being decorative, was used to anchor the plants until the roots penetrated the bags. Regards Steve
  71. dw1305

    Green spot algae question

    Hi all, I also have soft water and very little / no <"Green Spot Algae"> (GSA). cheers Darrel
  72. dw1305

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    ...x 1000 = 10,000,000 litres (kg) of water in the pond. Then we have 350 mg O2 used per kg and a 1000 kg in a tonne, so the tonne of fish use 350 * 10000 mg O2 per hour = 350,000 mg O2 per hour. Then you just need to sort of the "figures of ten" (350,000 / 10,000,000) to 0.035 and 0.035 * 24...
  73. ElleDee

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    So I started a second filter with the new filter material last night. It did not magically clear the water (alas!), but the problem is much better since I first posted. Top: perfectly clear immediately after flooding (9/9), Middle: the peak of the cloudiness prompting me to make the original...
  74. mattyc

    Real Flow of Filter / Recommendations for a Replacement Filter?

    I don't have a way to test the current draw of the filter. I did however replace all the pipework, clean the inflow and outflow pipes and the filter. The flow rate is much better but the filter still has a fault where it's stick in it's purge mode. I think I need to look at a replacement.
  75. Rich Jackson

    Red Sea reefer 170 Freshwater scape.

    This is it currently
  76. Rich Jackson

    Red Sea reefer 170 Freshwater scape.

    It is at the moment . I’ll shut it down when new one is ready as plants and fish will be transferring over .
  77. dw1305

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    Hi all, That is it really. @Happi posted how they got around the issue of replication in <"My thoughts so far">. I know that we all tend to have <"faith positions">, usually based on our experiences, but they aren't always optimal, or we might not understand why something <"new to us"> works...
  78. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    I did find loads of research on fish DO consumption, all as confusing as one another due to variables. One piece said the below, but I cannot determine how they got to the 0.84mg/l per 24-hour mark!
  79. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Pufferfish are spawning. Males have been chasing the females for a few days heavily. Just seen them in the guppy grass corner, one of the males headbutting a female in the side. And then spawning amongst the grass. Not that anything will hatch as the shrimp live there. And will consume any eggs.
  80. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    This is very interesting, and I think you should post on the blog to see what thier response is. My experiment does seem to heavily suggest that a good build-up of DO during the photoperiod provides good levels for non-photoperiod. That being said, I dont have any fish in that aquarium...
  81. DeadFish

    The 120 Peninsula

    Awesome scape. Any fears with running a single in/out?
  82. L

    Green spot algae question

    Same here. Mine is borderline too soft. I think there's definitely a connection.
  83. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    This has been a fascinating journey @dw1305. I like it when things click into place between experience, research and some good old fashion testing!
  84. L

    My thoughts so far

    Another question popped up for me. You compare the dosing of K and Mg. But often people add X ppm of K based on the total tank volume, and Y ppm of Mg based on the water changed, considering one to be a fertilization and the other to be a remineralization. For a 50% water change regime, one has...
  85. dw1305

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    ...Produce Oxygen For Fish In Aquariums? | Atlas Scientific"> And they claim to be <"experts">. I'll try posting on their blog and see what happens*. I should say that I also like <"some water movement">. I see a <"large gas exchange surface to volume ratio"> as an unalloyed god thing. *This...
  86. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    It's only been running for 8 days, so slightly nervous about pushing it up at the moment! Thoughts? Indeed Darrel. And this (very) rudimentary testing shows that for real. I was amazed at such healthy fish in a planted aquarium with almost a flat surface. I was also amazed at healthy fish (like...
  87. dw1305

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    Hi all, Try it again at 40% intensity? That is the point I've always tried to put over to the unconvinced, that plants are <"massively net oxygen producers">. When I started on this journey I had expected that this would be the <"consensus amongst serious aquarists">, but I met a lot of...
  88. N

    CO2 situation

    I also had situation when I been on vacation and CO2 runs out for a week. No major changes, everything will be good, fire it up and good luck
  89. Gill

    Josh Sim workshop at Horizon Aquatics

    Arghhh Same day as 'Book Club' and Craft Fair at the Cathedral. Already got Evils for even suggesting not going.

    Green spot algae question

    I very rarely have green spot algae, my water is soft ,maybe helps ?
  91. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    Again, this is a first pass and a rudimentary level of testing. Yesterday, the dissolved oxygen went to 7.25mg/l just before the photoperiod ended at 20:00. (NOTE: photoperiod is still only 6 hours at 25% lighting). This morning at 08:00, the DO remained at 6.10mg/l - which is safe and healthy...

    Hello from Manchester

    Welcome to UKAPS Steve,you have soft water fom upland sources which aquatic planted aquariums will really benefit from
  93. dw1305

    Anubias Rot

    Hi all, As long as the <"rhizome is still hard and green">? The plant should re-leaf. If the entire rhizome goes yellow, or is mushy, the plant is dead. cheers Darrel
  94. M

    Anubias Rot

    Is there a point with either anubias (or buce for that matter) where you accept that it has melted too far? I separated an anubias nana into three sections for planting. I thought I divided the rhizome fairly equally but two melted away back to the rhizome whilst one settled in immediately and...
  95. Q

    CO2 situation

    Thanks everyone I appreciate it. I didn’t turn the light on today as I was at work till late but will turn it on very low tomorrow just to get them by till Thursday. I don’t plan on adding much else other than buce and the cyperus helferi I already have. Maybe some moss on the driftwood...
  96. Andy Pierce

    Green spot algae question

    I do 7 ppm PO4 per week, as three every-other-day doses following this scheme: Estimative index - Fireplace aquarium
  97. L

    Cladophora algae struggles

    I think Cladophora responds pretty well to blackouts. If I were you I'd try a 48 hour blackout. I've been pretty lucky and not had major algae issues for a few years but when I did have some problems a very strict blackout worked well. It helps to have some big amano shrimp to hoover up the...
  98. L

    Online fish suppliers

    I used pier aquatics recently for some fish and they were very helpful and the fish arrived quickly and in perfect health. I thought the way they had packed the fish was odd but maybe they know something I don't. I would use them again for sure.
  99. L

    Green spot algae question

    Green spot is one algae I've never seen in any of my tanks ever. I almost wish I did because I actually love the way it looks on rocks.