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Red spot disease in Corydoras?


New Member
22 Sep 2024
Hi all

I had 6 Julii Corydoras until four days ago, I found one dead with what appeared to be a big red wound on the side, I didn't take a photo but it looked just like this Panda Cory

So I went to Maidenhead Aquatics and they said there's nothing I can do and to expect all of my Cory's to die from red spot disease!

Refusing to do nothing I have bought this stuff from them as it said it helps with red spots

Is there anything else I can do?

I did a 25% water change when I found the first dead one, I checked the water parameters first and found the following.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate barely even registered, there was a very faint pink hue to the test
PH 7.5
Water temp 25°C

But I did it anyway as was due the weekly clean so two birds one stone.

The 2nd one I found dead when I went to do the first dose of medicine, this one had no red spots or anything on it but I assume it will be the same cause of death.

There is a third Cory that really doesn't look happy, it has been hyperventilating for a few days and it's barbels are very short. However it seems to be holding on since the medication has gone in, there are no red spots to my eye but when I took a photo it showed up quite red, weird how I can't actually see it! They're in a sandy substrate so it's not sharp gravel or anything damaging the barbels as the other three look very healthy, no hyperventilating and very long barbels. I'm trying to go near the tank as little as possible and to be very quiet around the tank as I want to remove any sort of stress I can from them.

Unfortunately I can't afford a separate hospital tank at the moment but when I can do so I will set one up.


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I forgot to say I'm new to fish keeping and the tank has been going for nearly three months without issues until now.
Does anyone know where the link is to share Julli with the information needed for the post? I looked for the sticky and cannot find it anywhere!
Does anyone know where the link is to share Julli with the information needed for the post? I looked for the sticky and cannot find it anywhere!
If you mean the one about tank information, that’s really only for algae help and plant health help, which it’s why it’s a sticky in the algae forum.
If you mean the one about tank information, that’s really only for algae help and plant health help, which it’s why it’s a sticky in the algae forum.
O, sorry, I thought there was one when people were requesting help for fish issues. My apologies. I must be going mad!
Hi @Julii - if could be septicemia, which is caused by bacteria. As a result, it's hard to treat, which may be why MA gave you the worst-case scenario.

I don't personally know of any effective medicines that treat this faster than the bacteria can kill. Perhaps others can chime in with there experience.
I'm pleased to report the poorly fish is still alive and I've just seen her (I think it's a her as she is more rounded than the others) swimming around, sifting through sand and her breathing appears to have slowed slightly so hopefully that internal anti bacterial medicine I bought has done the trick, I'm going to do the last dose tonight and fingers crossed she will make a full recovery 🤞
Wow! Great news!

The medicine is Chloromine T, which is meant to treat external issues on fish.So it must have been something external, as I can't believe it would treat internal. But great result so far!
She's still not perfect as she is still breathing heavy but I have once again spotted her sifting through the sand and hanging around with the other Cory's although she got shy when I tried to take a photo and tried to hide around the back of the tank.


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Her breathing is back to normal, she no longer has any red spots and she no longer has clamped fins and she is swimming and eating normally! Now her barbels will hopefully grow back, does this mean it wasn't septicaemia (VHS) as she would have definitely died from that? I want to replace the two that died to get their number back up to six but I don't want to put fish in if it is VHS and they're likely to catch it and go through this too.
Her breathing is back to normal, she no longer has any red spots and she no longer has clamped fins and she is swimming and eating normally! Now her barbels will hopefully grow back, does this mean it wasn't septicaemia (VHS) as she would have definitely died from that? I want to replace the two that died to get their number back up to six but I don't want to put fish in if it is VHS and they're likely to catch it and go through this too.
Great news! Well, septicaemia has a very high mortality rate so I would say the chances are that it was not. However, I am still perplexed as to what it was!